It's getting good reviews

>It's getting good reviews

Sup Forums BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

Any sensible person on her knew it was going to be good. It was the knee jerk faggots that didn't.

Not Sup Forums related. Fuck off.

>It's getting good reviews

So was TFA. Fuck off.

Tfa was a good movie

>Not Sup Forums related
Bait. Fuck off.

What is.
Who gives a fuck about 3D shit.

>Movie fulfills the multicultural agenda
>Gets good reviews

I know you're baiting but come on, that's what always happens. Reviews mean shit this day.

Fuck off.

>multicultural agenda


>a loose adaptation made by netshit is somehow Sup Forums related
>IMG_4464.jpg - literally a phoneposting crossposter
Not Sup Forums related.

we wuz detectivez n shiiieeet

on the expense of a brit, no less

just read the mango if you watched that 6+ years ago, at least your memeries will stay forever nice and intact


So, Sup Forums, where do you land on the political spectrum?

>The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.
Fuck off retard

Just how new are you?

If I weren't lazy I'd post the MGS2 picture.

Please answer the question


Making Light an evil angsty white kid and L a brother.

Fuck off Sup Forums your medium is absolutely trash

and then compared to an actually good movie

I literally don't care. It's not Sup Forums related so I don't care.

shit bait that shouldn't be bumped

posting a mangafag doesn't help

But is it ghostbusters good?

>That ending


Sure thinng, brainlet.

I went to #kemonofriends on rizon and found it was nothing but talk about how trump should round up and kill all pedos and trans people.
What gives?

>still watching movies

Come on
Tired of your new meme already?

I wouldn't mind the interracial shit that much if at least it were good. Fuck this movie. I pirated it and still feel robbed.

>Only seen Gatchaman and Shiki on this list
>Enjoyed both of them
>Opposite sides of the spectrum
Well which is it then?

>rеddit spacing
Come on.

My compass is an indicator on the show's viewpoint, not its audience. Kemono Friends is clearly an utopic left-libertarian society.

>actually good movie
Pick one. Honestly, Interstellar had its moments but ultimately created one of the most cringeworthy and non-scientific ending possible

>The leads are shit, the tone is all over the place and it's too condensed.
>However it has Willem Dafoe so 7/10.

>like multiple shows across the board
What do?

A show's political ideology is not an indicator of its quality. Both are good shows, they just have different beliefs. Shiki's are also somewhat hidden, as it's an allegory.

lol buttblasted conservitard. Keep complaining it makes me moist.

>meme arrows
>any year
yare yare

Which hero do you identify most strongly with?

>distinctly rooted in anime
This thread, and all previous threads, have been nothing but crossposter central, with crossposter discourse and crossposter memes. The OP is a phoneposter. Not Sup Forums related.


Shut the fuck up moron.

>Death Note
>not distinctly rooted in, or based off an anime or manga
Fuck off retard

Im sure am happy that Sup Forums retards and normalfags 3DPD lovers are allowed on Sup Forums.

Hey, dipshit. Go spam somewhere else

There was nothing wrong with the ending and it made sense. The biggest complaint from brainlet "critics" is that its too complicated to understand or wasn't entertaining like muh marvel superhero copy and past movies. It wasn't perfect but nonetheless, you know something is fucked if Get Out got a literally perfect score.


Epic buzzwords.

Wait, people think that Sup Forums isn't the worst board?

Epic thread that is totally Sup Forums related right. Now lets get back on topic about how black people are ruining my life.

Buttbalsted RWBYfags detected.
Didn't the mods blow out you fags enough?

Anyone who uses the term brainlet is retarded and probably a crossboarder from Sup Forums. Thanks for proving my point.

Please answer the question:

Thank you for proving my point, crossboarder.

Why would I? It's against the rules and not fucking Sup Forums related.

Perfect for this thread

>good reviews
SJW reviews try to flood the first few opinions.

What's a nu-male?

I guess I'll have to watch top left but the MC looks like a fag.

Is this true?

Lurk more, dumb newfag.

This is its real mc

Pretty much, now leave

Nah not really interested in lurking your shit board.

>everyone I don't like is from Sup Forums
Random hostility is a sign of autism you know.

>being on Sup Forums
>not knowing what is nu-male
You're clearly new as fuck.
Lurk more.


Let's make this thread more Sup Forums related.

>t. 2016 election newfag

Nothing is more libertarian than Spice and Wolf.


List of GOOD live action Death Note adaptions: The first two japanese movies, the musical

List of SHIT live action Death Note adaptions:
The tv drama, the netflix movie, all the movies spun off the first two jap ones


Considering I only ever hear the term 'brainlet' from crossboarders is a dead giveaway. Again, no one fucking cares. No one gives a shit about what real life movies did better than others. Did you miss the part where this is an ANIME board? Take your Sup Forums bullshit back where it belongs.

If you're going to shitpost, at least post something decent. Pathetic

Sound like you don't know either and is just saying the word because haha meme.

Just like the word ''cuck'' you dumbasses love to throw around even though you have no idea what it mean.

Spice and Wolf is pretty libertarian, but OP's foundational moral system is Freedom Above All.

Communism tends to be kind of edgy. It's not as edgy as Leninism, though.

Yup I'll be right there as soon as Hiro make the board.

Sorry that you're a normalfag who don't like loli.

Where do you land on the spectrum autist?


I'm more mad at how the trailer implied Light somewhat wanted to use the Death Note to save the world just to impress his girlfriend, than the racial change.

>Maybe if I keep saying the same thing over and over again people won't realize I have nothing more intelligent to say

I'll tell you if you answer the question

Who said I didn't like loli? Can you even read properly?

>Considering I only ever hear the term 'brainlet' from crossboarders is a dead giveaway
What? The hot meme in PriPri threads is to call people a brainlet when they ask a dumb question about the show.




Good one. You got me. I'm so burned right now.

Oh god they've been infected too? Christ. Whelp, avoiding those threads now.

There's nothing edgy about communism, capitalism is edgy with its "invisible hand".


Every communist country has begun with a violent revolution. Revolution is a foundational part of the ideology. That's pretty edgy.

If you were ever in them, you would know it's been a thing since the show began.

Now you're just spouting bullshit. Again, you can leave any time.

>communist country
Stopped reading there, no reason to keep discussing with you.