Is this really natural?
Is this really natural?
it's called an electra complex dumbass
yes, kill yourself
yes, it forces your daughter to behave properly because she couldn't kiss her father after doing something improper with her mouth, even once
americans are fucking creepy
It's normal like fucking Russian hookers in Moscow
Lol keep believing that
only in America
your daughter is probably just ugly.
you heartless heathen
never have kid
Just think about her life, its all because of her father.
what kind of ungrateful piece of shit would his daughter have to be not to love and kiss him
I can understand why your kids don't love you because you are a failure at life.
Nietzsche wrote that betas have a different moral than alphas. The beta has to be careful with his actions. The mighty alpha takes what he wants as his bad actions are offset by his status and contributions. The beta also lives on the verge of not reproducing while the alpha has already succeed
the republican party literally supports incest, mass murder, pedophilia, and rape.
Have you never hugged and kissed anyone you loved in a non-sexual way before? Are you... dare I say... retarded?
NVM, flag is Finnish. Pic related
You’d fuck your daughter too if she looked like that
Of course
>nietzsche wrote that
kill yourself edgy teen
Look at Ivanka:
>baby making machine
Now look at any woman who didn't get enough affection from dady - they're usually filthy dried up slutty wraiths - like Paris Hilton.
Yes, Trump raised his daughter the right way, they need their father to tell them that they are beautiful and desirable, it helps them blossom into fully developed women.
last one - wtf?
anyone got a full version?
it must be exhausting having to carry around all those extra chromosomes all the time
Having sex with children is considered an "eccentric quirk" in wealthy oligarch circles. The average person would be imprisoned for this.
It's not just Trump, it's everybody. See the Hollywood scandal. See Joe Biden literally molesting children on live TV.
Can someone explain how Joe Biden mysteriously and very suddenly went from Creepy Uncle Joe to BASED BIDEN BRO? I swear he did a complete 180 in like 1 day in places like r*dd*t
No these tits are 100% fake my dude
He just loves his daughter a lot, fucks wrong with that? kys degen
Name one single reason why you would be against fucking your hot little daughter
If Ivanka was not attractive, none of this would look awkward. Its genuine affection towards a child. It actually speaks to Trumps character that his kids were not shipped off and only brought out like decorations on Christmas.
nietzsche was a beta. he was mad at alpha wagner his entire life.
>be chad
>compose epic heroic symphonies that adolf hitler loved
>be beta neetzsche
>write books no one cares about and then go insane
>no dad, not here! wait till we get home
The bigger question, is this really natural?
The Left's memory lasts about four hours and then resets.
When you aren't a sexual pervert totally corrupted by years of internet porn, that kind of contact with your daughter is totally non-sexual. You are actually able to physically interact with females you know and not have any sexual thought or association with it.
Except it isn't Trump
And before you call me a sycophant, they literally had to chase a made up Sup Forums greentext about Russian hookers and piss because they had no dirt on him, whereas everyone else is completely controlled by pedo blackmail
>write books no one cares about and then go insane
How do I get to that point as a child of the internet age desu
liberals are just mad because they hate their fater
Put down the niggernet, user.
Is what natural? Use words to describe your position on something. I bet it's not political and you shouldn't be posting here. Prove me wrong.
I see alot of vidyas on pornhub with this type of stuff all the time.
HAHAHAAHA shills dont have a reply to this image
too late for us, but i'll monitor my kid's usage pretty closely if i have one, so he doesn't grow up as fucked up as me.
You know when you're watching something and pause it, and the expression on the persons face and what not can look really silly at that exact moment?
That's what you faggots are doing here. That's what you've been reduced to.
Stupid kike.
Dat clitoris is HUGE!
fuck no. putting the fact only zionist right wing bibi puts refugees anywhere, which ideology sounds like it would make a better or more agreeable future? one with less degeneracy? one on the left that hates bibi and is all around a nice guy and good with money. is not caught to be pedos unlike the right. and is against nationalist globalism. or. on the right? a bunch of ann coulter race mixing jew tranny dyke assholes who lie and obsess with divide and conquer and sniffing their own farts while they claim they hate Dugin and bibi and communism and brownies and fags and women and kikes and weakness and "they knew what they signed up for". and being inbred sodomites. and pussy worshipping kike masons. and frog whore degenerates? hrm? even the bible says globalism is coming. if you think jewnald is against womany kikes or the georgia guidestones. think again. this jew nigger has been running for 30 years and is nothing but jew college and talmud o vision. enjoy the upcoming global currency for kikes and lazy stupid welfare cases like milton friedjews and ayn rand. inventors and owners of bailouts. guranteed welfare. and social security hypocrisy. boomers are shit because they were right wing. dont fall right into the traps of these degenerate whore Christ killer fake asses
why is peterson a tranny. why is anderson a kike satanist? didnt hear much about epstein style problems with obama now did you
>places like r*dd*t
They want to put the p in the poofter alphabet.
Paris is pretty based these days - u take that back
moore. tory smith. putin. epstein. weinstein. remember when kikes complained about trump being anti jew in any way? i dont. but i remember their tasty tears with obama. trannies came from one place. no homo. balls arent touching. and feminine penis. from your autogynephili. the establishment is not your friend. and many "heteros" are pedos. who cares about biden. when you focus on that with a pedo enabler in there right now all you sound of is distractions. get your hands off your own daughter's tongue and asshole. it's simple. and everything you think you know, is wrong. keep blowing your cunt out though. it amuses me. hopefully the golden dawn haavara pink swastika shekels will have been worth it. drunken thieving emu cuck
it's the only way to make sure the white race is both pure and purely stupid.
Drugs are bad. You are now breathing manually.
It's insane how the media from Democrats party are projecting in Trump everything who Bill Clinton, Binden, Hillary Clinton and their corrupt establshment are! It's disgusting the manipulation of Democrats
It's not funny how the repulsive vermins from DNC tried to make this with Trump while they have Bill Clinton, the other batantly pedophile
who have things really attacking different girls, while with Trump is some bullshit garbage from DNC
The only way to kill Democrats establshment, is remove their money, destroy their corporations, stop their race baiting, don't let democrats promote flame, destroy every celerbrity who lick the shtihole of their DNC owner to have their carer promoted, but better, only stop the DNC lobby to the celebrities don't try to lick them to be promoted, destroy every partisan
>hurrr if I pause the video in these frames out of hundreds of hours of footage they look quite silly indeed!
masterful work you dumb cunt