And people actually liked this crap?
And people actually liked this crap?
Hell yeah I did.
MC was relatable :^)
>tfw no yandere gf to bait her into marrying me than keeping her locked in the basement so she never leaves
I liked it a lot actually
I don't even know what it is
Only ironically.
Mirai Nikki
Oh, fuck. Don't know why I didn't recognize that.
>do i fit in yet guys?
it was ight. good enough to finish
Why the fuck were so many people completely fine with killing teenagers?
Why were a quarter of the diary holders minors?
The true horror wasn't the yandere parts, it was the fact that the god of that universe was a sadistic sociopath.
It was fun
Back when the Mirai Nikki manga was still running we had pretty good threads on Sup Forums every time a new chapter came out. When the manga chapter of OP's image came out the threads reached maximum amounts of hype because everyone thought he was going full Batman. It was after that point where the manga went downhill fast and the threads started to die.
people have to understand that you can like bad shows. watching/liking a bad show doesn't tarnish your anime reputation or anything, lmao.
I watched it twice.
So many great faces from this show.
nuh uh if you like something bad your taste is shit lmao
It bothers me we were supposed to sympathize or root for the MCs relationship with the yandere. It was retarded as fuck
Get the fuck out.
Well I wouldn't exactly call autistic third-world teenagers "people"
As long as you know it's shit it's okay to like it.
I was rewatching it recently.
It literally becomes trash a little around E17. It becomes irredeemable after they're the last two left though.
Go back to your social media shithole, faggot.
stopped trusting anime reviews after this
I don't remember much of the series. Was is really almost like the Batman series at some point?
Computer hackers seem to like this anime. Wasn't one malware named after this anime show?
>Why the fuck were so many people completely fine with killing teenagers?
If it is a condition to literally become god I think most people would kill some children they don't know without much thought
It proves stemfags are actually retarded.
Those were the days. Based Hox. Half the board had a yandere fetish for a while. I still do.
Is this bait? Yuki is just another Shinji Ikari clone that isn't in the right setting.
>t.Sakae Esuno
Nice attempt at shilling this garbage anime like you did with me. Mirai Nikki is garbage and literally plagiarizes Eva characters for easy money.
A hacker is someone who enjoys playful cleverness—not necessarily with computers. The programmers in the old MIT free software community of the 60s and 70s referred to themselves as hackers. Around 1980, journalists who discovered the hacker community mistakenly took the term to mean “security breaker.” Please don't spread this mistake. People who break security are “crackers.”
Why did you reply to me?
Are you saying it's too much or too little? I'd say it's too little, considering at least half the people who write diaries aren't adults.
I'm saying that it's really fucking weird that so many adults were cool with murdering two teenagers.
Hell, it's weird that nobody said anything when God told them to kill 11 complete strangers.