..And her boyfriend, Kaworu!
The very best pairing.
Best girl
>Shitting on the thread already
Behead yourself
Can you really get past a loli's AT field by offering them candy?
no no no this is all wrong
my waifu is bigger than yours
Just report it.
What a baby.
>Mega Rei giant tits
I wonder what lilith tits taste like.
LCL obviously
Salty LCL and bags of AT field
Eternal reminder that rei is stuck with kaworu.
Stop pushing Mr autismo to asuka.
what the fuck i thought i was the only one who shipped this
Kaworu belongs to Asuka
There are more than 300 hits on pixiv for the カヲアス (KawoAsu) tag. Not hugely popular, but it seems to have a following.
It has some really good doujins too
Sadly crackpairing do happen. Its usually a terminal condition and only euthanasia can help those who suffer from it.
Less chance of arrest than using a certain Lance on them.
>all these kaworufags
>all these asukafags
Post the rest user
That sure as shit better be Kaworu with a black dye job.
Yeah, sure.
Shame LAK-kun showed up, last night there was a thread that went on for like 150 posts,he thankfully never showed up and it was comfy
>thinking it's not flase-flagging like it always is
EVA threads with discussion that lasts for 2 to 3 days are the most comfy threads.
Ironically msot of the start with falseflag OPs though.
I need someone to answer the most difficult question about EVA for me. One that I've never been close to getting an answer to:
How do the EVA's get to the surface from Central Dogma if the space between it and the the GeoFront and to Tokyo 3 is just empty space?
How do they get up there so fast if there is no actual railing or chutes connecting to Tokyo three from the GeoFront? Think about it.
You can't.
That is super easy and obvious.
So, the evas are going up super fast, right?
When they leave the NERV underground and hit the "empty" space, they go off rails and keep going up with the speed, till they hit the second half of the rails and get pulled the last few meters.
That is a top grade doujin.
How did it become a thing? There's NOTHING in the series indicating it could be a thing even vaguely
My theory is that it's kind of the logical conclusion of shipping Shinji with Rei. They push Kaworu and Asuka together in order not to fuck up SxR
what is this?
Cute as fuck, is what it is
Sweet jesus how many are there?!
>The kiss in the end
There is PenPen x Misato stuff too, the fact that both characters exist is enough reason for some people to go out and do stuff like that.
The difference is that kaworu and asuka never even fucking met.
Meanwhile pen² is much smarter than normally possible for a penguin. The nigga fucking reads. He knows full well what he was doing with his face in misato's tits.
never thought I see viper here.
>Red eyes
The artist probably wanted a minimalistic palette. Her hair, eyes and the wood on the background are the same palette
She's a big girl.
Any waifu that can't do this sucks.
Lilith rei is one scary fucker.
That doujin is top tier. I wish someone translated the sequel.
All Reis but 2 are terror.
The fact that shinji indulges her, the fact that just about every sexually suggestive or relationship thing involves them both.
Also they're teens. She's probably going theough massive hormonal changes with a side of PTSD which doesn't help. She's shown care for him if only a little bit.
Also on another topic; but does the entire scene with Shinji choking out Asuka and the scene before it ring as domestic abuse to anyone else? There's like a fuckton of liquor bottles in the background and it always made me wonder.
He also drinks beer, and can opperate doors and a shower/bath, and has shown contenpt for Shinji.
user they translated that doujin
I was talking about Kaworu X Asuka. I was replying to a post
>triple seven
I must have misread it then
Just watched the rebuilds.The fuck was that action shlock shit? 2.0 also had fucking harem shit in it.
I hate 2.22, what did you think of this scene? I hated what they did with Asuka.
They did the same thing to Shinji too in 1.0 tho
btw, did you watch the original series?
>They did the same thing to Shinji too in 1.0 tho
true, however they never did that with Asuka in NGE, or (pic related)
Im the same guy as fromin general do you fell that asuka's character had the same presence as Rei did in 1.0?
I have nothing against blatant fanservice.
I do am against blatant fanservice that pretends to be anything other than fanservice, and the rebuilds are guilty of that.
Sure, asuka is now a more balanced sane person, but she is so boring now also.
Go back to your containment thread on /c/, fireposter.
>now a more balanced sane person, but she is so boring now also.
I agree, what made her unique is lost in rebuilds, along with other characters.
Crack shippers need to be gutted
There is nothing in the rules that say you can't have pictures triggering waifufags.
I don't ship it but I love seeing you waifufags be so mad, your tears quench my thirst.
>harem shit
Eva always did. The original concept even summarized episodes as romantic comedy.
I forgot they did it in episode 2 as well as 1.0, I don't have a problem with a role reversal gag in 2.0.
I haven't watched all of 2.0 yet, I keep getting half an hour in and something comes up that keeps me from finishing it. Probably should try to do that tonight.
>everyone is fireposter
cool it LAK-kun
The way you talk is of fireposter, seeing the usual edgy talk and getting defensive about your shitty waifu that would probably NTR you for kaji.
>everyone is fireposter again
quote all the posts you think are him then.
wait, where did you stop at in the movie?
The raging asukafag telling them to off themself, he does this every thread and gets himself banned for a day. I'm surprised the mods haven't perma banned fireposter for breaking global 6 every time.
During the Sahaquiel battle.
>During the Sahaquiel battle.
user, If you think its harem schlock at that point of the film, just wait; you haven't seen nothing yet
>Why did you left me alone
You know damn well that comfort in Eva is set up for a fall.
he's right you know
I guess that everyone thinks about Rei II because she is the most prominent in series, but every other incarnation besides II makes even asuka and shinji look like saints.
She is fucking nuts.
You're the jerk that was staring at my panties!
Rei 1 had mad bantz though. Must have been cloned in Australia.
Can't show that next page on a christian imageboard
2.0 would have been fine without Mari.
This would all have been better without Mari. But she unfortunatly exists.
They also changed her hair to be less red and more brown, which I hate. They also changed her middle or last name to be more japanese to include 'nami' into it apparently as a reference to Jap WWII ships.
What the fuck is up with all the Adams on the beach?
No seriously, I need to know.
>They also changed her middle or last name to be more japanese to include 'nami' into it apparently as a reference to Jap WWII ships.
Was already refferences for Soryu, Langley was a US carrier,Soryu was a japanese carrier, Zepplin was a German carrier. Shikinami was a japanese destroyer.
Either the go around the geofront or an extending railing system is used.
>Can't show that next page on a christian imageboard
*pages user
But they get they launch that shit directly vertical at a super fast speed, and there's tons of launch doors going directly up.
And during the first launch in the show and even in the first movie, they show the same little graph of it changing chutes. but still moving upwards.
It's also worth mentioning that this is a fucking railgun elevator.
Why are shinji's eyes brown
The question I really want to fuckin know is how the fuck is tokyo 3 even standing. I know they show all the huge locking bolts and all, but the size of it is 1.5km long, all with absolutely not supports under it. Nevermind all the retracting fucking buildings.
I already did. They get catapulted between rails.
Future technology.
Also probably a large grid based support that has lots of other anchors outside the actual city.
A move interesting question is why the whole thing doesn't collapse inward when an Angel does an explosion and wipes out a city block, which it has.
No meme answers, senpai
Seriously, either the rail gun speed them up so quickly they just fly over the dome, or there is some massive retractile rail that goes up when they go.
OR: Its one of the most significant plot holes of the series, which still pretty minor.
idk they turn pink later on.