Other urls found in this thread:
rev up the creepy Biden videos lads
>running after a single term election instead of two terms
>doing this when the economy is still pretty excellent or at least projected to recover
>not being educated in finance enough to tell when the economy is showing signs of "healthy correction" vs "recession-level crash"
Why are these "leaders" so goddamn short-sighted? I hate Biden, but if he wanted to run, he'd be an idiot to run in 2020 instead of 2024, unless he was so old that this would not be possible for him.
What the fuck is wrong with this fucker?
Can't wait to destroy him.
>Russia did not hack election this is a pizzagate coverup.
>Predicted it 4 years ago.
>Coming along right to plan.
>Russia has nothing to do with it.
>DNC is in damage control mode.
>Trump won fairly as people as sick of filthy liberal nonsense.
The narrative liberals are trying to spread is Russia planted illegal kid shit on the US computers - blablah - they hacked the election and so on.
Don't fall for the liberal agenda, Hillary and Podesta still need to be put in prison!
There is a child sex ring spanning Haiti to Washington - and Hillary is getting away with it.
Fuck that shit. Wake up!
>Biden has zero rape cases
>trump plays creepy vids of joe at a rally
>millions of people who haven't seen that before see it
>msm forced to explain to America
>trump landslide
>democrat party utterly destroyed
Feels good
the Democrats need Obama-tier turnout from blacks to win
they're not going to get with with creepy Joe
Trump won beause the rust belt felt jilted by Obama era policies, Biden has no chance. He'll rile up all the hard blue areas and still lose despite an even higher popular vote margin than Hillary.
No more twitter shitposts, no more flying toupee, no more daughter jewing nepotism, no more juden cabinet, no more Bald Eagle.
>Diddlin' Joe Biden
Yeah okay
yeah...that'll work
LOL hes literally getting memed into presidency by the left. Obama's best friend!!! their friendship is so wholesome omg im going to vote for him!!! BIDEN IS A REAL NIGGA
He's too cool and too old to run.
GENTLEMAN and ladies ofc, grab your creepy Biden memes and board them; creepy Biden gonna get the same treatment Trump got
Biden is the worst possible candidate besides Hillary. It's almost like they're trying to influence the vote by stacking the deck -- again
>Video of Trump in his prime
>Video of Biden being a pedo
Might as well hand Trump the 4 years now
Hide your children NOW.....
Biden is pretty based desu. Would blow the fuck out of dumb fuck trump in the debates.
Hate to say it.. there’s no way trump is winning 2020, especially with the new gen z / millennials. Baby boomers btfo.
>implying you wouldn't
Biden would crush Trump precisely because those Midwest voters would ditch Trump in a heartbeat if Biden came along.
Hard for the victims to talk when they're flown in from a foreign country, have a few sessions then the kids take a bath in the acid barrel before sliding out like water running into a sewage drain.
When you are for the establishment, they'll back you up no matter what as you further their agenda and have a known face and history.
Know why his wife and daughter died? Mommy found out about Bidens special daughter time.
You'll have connections coming if he decides to run, people always have shoeboxes of secrets for both sides
weak bait
Is that Anthony Bordain?
>People are sick of liberal nonsense
>More Americans are liberal now than in decades
Believe the fantasy, it will make the chock all the more delightful to watch.
Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.
>this is considered creepy
So you are comparing a picture of Trump being alpha and getting an adult woman to sit on his lap vs Joe whispering things into 10 year olds ears with a grin on his face?
What's the first thing pushed through if creepy uncle joe gets up?
I'll give you one guess.....
The P in the poofter alphabet will be signed, sealed and delivered.
not going on that link
It is Jeff Epstein
To me it looks like she's on somebody elses lap. Right under her leg, the pants are white. Trumps pants look black.
So what you're saying is Trump will win 2020.
lol so basically Trump wins a slightly wider margin in 2020
The Democratic party is swinging hard left and they don't want these old white neolibs anymore. Masses of them won't vote.
wow what a waste of time
He is the embodiment of 'Pedoelite'. He needs to be ripped apart by wolves.
Biden is 75. He could be dead by 2024
Nigger, try to run Biden. See what we fucking do to him. Dude's breath smells like pizza. We're going to destroy him.
I don't agree with him but the girl on his lap is his oldest daughter, in case you weren't aware
We need all of these
Holy shit what an easy win. #MAGA #TRUMP2020
this, i really hope this is true we can absolutely kill Bidens chances
He is part of the elites pedo ring.
Biden has the blessing of Soros and the deep state. Don't count him out. I don't like him one bit. But don't be too overconfident
Let the Zionist trash run in honor of his dead son.
bad idea for dems.
good idea for us.
he represents the obama admin, and that's not going to be very popular.
Please be true. It will be so much fun
Yeah, right... There is no way in hell they are this stupid.
this is the worst one
His campaign is doomed before it began.
Let me explain. The Democrats know that they can't win, but they can't just not run someone. They pay Biden to put on a show and lose.
There is nothing creepy about a daughter sitting on daddy's lap. You've been watching too many pornos you sick fuck.
we'll have to track these kids down and ask them how they felt about getting groped by creepy biden
He's just fine. Just don't leave your kids in same room with him.
Biden will want to run just to stymie the FBI/DOJ because it would look too political to prosecute him. One of the reasons Hillary wanted to run.
Just one year of Trump's Presidency has redpilled too many complacent normies on how bad things really were under Obama. Biden wouldn't even get through the DNC primaries. If somehow he did, Trump would literally crush him based solely on economy numbers. Then Trump would bring out all the "creepy Biden" memes of him molesting little girls because Trump literally gives no fucks.
>literally crush him
Not what "literally" means
>150 IQ vs The village idiot
dis gone be gud
fuck off
She was always going to run and the fbi was always going to let her off. Comey was nothing but a political fixer to keep the heat off the higher ups. Had Hillary won, she works have left Comey in place, scolded and humiliated him, to send a message to the rest of her pawns
What is Trump's name for him?
"Creepy Joe"?
None of these photos would look awkward if ivanka was not attractive.
this is too perfect
When Trump will easily glide through 2020
What he actually said to her during this exchange is creepy enough.
Something about “I’ll see you later”
Pedo Joe
This man needs to be tried and hanged on the steps of congress. Draw and quarter his corpse.
>You'll have connections coming if he decides to run
The U.S. Navy loves Biden.
They fucking hate Trump's fat ass.
>1 post by this ID
Yeah that's totally the same thing. Media Matters shills are all going to be indicted like Russian trolls.
[cackles zionistically]
easiest smear ever, kid diddlin biden
I’m still leaning toward supporting Kamala Harris in the primary if she runs. It’s her turn.
Harris/Kennedy 2020
at least it wasn't a nigger amirite?
I would love to see Trump smack pedo-Joe down live in prime time. Hillary was fed the questions and had plants in the audience and Trump held his own and won with little one on one political debate experience.
And god hates faggots so what’s you’d point
A half nigger, half poo, and married to a Jew loud mouth bitch.
Please Dems be so stupid as to run this mutt.
We should be chill about this until the time gets closer and or pose as liberals who support this
>Media Matters shills
>hurr durr durrr
You think there aren't photos of Trump doing worse?
Nigger it is way too late for that. We do not hide from these faggots. We are going to be the liberals who support this faggot just like we did Sanders and Hillary. We are going to twist them around themselves from now on. Fuck these faggots straight to Hell.
>god hates faggots
Mommy spanked you if you didnt got to church, huh cuckboy?