Anons.. I believe this topic is an extremely important topic and should discussed exhaustively.
Continuation of ..
Modern SOCIETY - Why is depression so rampant
90% of your serotonin is being synthesized in your gut --> stop barbecuing you pancreas with HUGE AMOUNTS of CARBS
google "link between inflammation and depression" --> reduce most vegetable oils to a minimum (lots of omega 6) + reduce fatty meats from farms that feed mostly grains (lots of omega 6) + reduce soy (lots of omega 6 too)
(If someone is interested in more or has questions hit me up: [email protected])
fuck off with your lifecoach bullshit you dumb self absorbed nigger
Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.
Don't you mean SOY-CIETY?
Soy + Xenostrogens = SoiBois
Industrial Society And Its Future should be required reading
Weak men create bad times, while strong men create good times.
ok then
Lack of male only groups to assist men in male self improvement so that they don't feel inferior to their competition.
Men need to be healthy, disciplined and intelligent in order to attract women, whilst women only need to be tolerable and attractive. Men therefore need more effort spent on them to make them feel successful and not want to murder their competition as a quick fix.
To an extent, boredom
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Are you on crack?
I was looking for this post. Thanks user
i am a man that has : 0 empathy, got born with unlimited money in the best country on this planet, basically coasted through life because i can see right through the act of all people since i put up an act myself 24/7 because my real personality if lived out would get me in jail in less tahn 10 minutes
any further questions my diabetic muttoid friend?
Back before De Niro was a complete nigger, eh??
Im going to read through all posts. I lift an run regularly. But I'm super interested in learning more about how to improve myself with diet and vitamins etc. you have a lot of knowledge - its a shame you dont share it outside of here.. if you were on twitter id follow. thats really the only social media I use.
i held your country in high regards, you just seem to be a mutt substrate now
yea some random guy on Sup Forums is going to giev you some super secret knowledge to fix your life which you fucked up for the past 123124124514 years
stop posting you dumb mutts
Don't worry geys im back
You seem mad, take this ivanka to calm you down
So a person makes a thread about it, thus it must be true? Really now?
i see better women regularly and you can say she was an ugly child
Swiss who is literally a mutt of french/Italian/germans calling anyone ales a mutt?
Smoking meth before making abhorrent posts. Good job med pack
Being disenfranchised will do that to you.
I can't talk to regular people about anything resembling reality anymore, everyone is only interested in stupid pop culture bullshit and being politically correct in return for social brownie points.
Why so mad user, I dont know if you was posting in other threads with the same rage becouse amerimutts
Also is right about this:
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
No she wasn’t ugly, you just beloved the one photoshopped image like a dumb subhuman brainlet you are.
Snopesposting is worse than baneposting.
Postmodernism and far leftist ideals. Next question.
People don't exercise as much, exercise helps your mind, not just your body.
Good old german homeopathy.
i don't do drugs, why would i, my life is pretty good and throwing it all away for a short temporary high
is just dumb , i know you mutts don't think ahead because you are genetically retarded
don't tag me again you subhuman
she looks insecure , i know rich women, and they look much more confident than her
she looks like somebody bullied her hard when she was younger, maybe she was raped by her father
now that's what i call mutt approved quality
Loneliness and isolation.
Plus, the lack of access to pussy.
dude thats fucking great. will make that title of next thread.
>i need pussy to exist
> without others i'm nothing
> i'm nothing
oh you are a leaf, so that chain of thought wasn't needed to b egin with
excuse me
You might actually be psychotic.
Yeah man its just smartphones and carbs. Violent shitskins and their jew masters have nothing to do with it. Wtf I love degenerate social collapse now!
i could make jokes about buying your family, dumping some free food on your country and ruining your livelihood and so on but the truth is i don't even care
you are more or less on leaf tier just that i respected you a bit more since you faec more hardship but you behave just like mutts so i'm going to treat you like one
For you.
it doesn't matter, all these classifications are just arbitrary, the only thing that matters is what you do , that's the only thing in life that has an effect
you can masturbate your little mutt brains all day long , it won't change anything in the real world
Take your meds before posting Achmed
Do them, I dont care sweety
Truth hurts.
> actual belong to swiss patrician family
> get called achmed by a certified mutt
heres a pic of you if you were situated in england my mutto
Because the Jews gave it a name, and gave us unrealistic expectations about life. It's called the human condition. there is no reason whatsoever anybody should walk around happy all day, everyday - that is unnatural.
Read the fucking thread.
You have bi polar and you should take your meds
i produce meds, i don't take them, as i'm not a pathetic loser that depends on external validation for 50 years and never gets it due to being a failure at everything
I did and the guy makes stupid arguments that rely on linear thinking. It was posted by a fucking leaf for Christ's sake.
every post i make is basically an e-insulin shot for you mutts LMFAO
not sliding my own thread here but you goys gotta check this shit out. haha.
Lol shitty dealer.Have another line faggot.Your bantz is funny.
I think you actually have bipolar
so you working for big pharma then?
Sebastian Junger explains it in his book Tribe- basically we are designed to live in society's designed of 40-50 nomadic tribes and not meant for modern society.
Here he is on Joe Rogan Experience.
Cool story, tell me more.
/lit/ here, I don't like you guys too much but either way I ended up here.
A simple surface answer would be a lack of strong community, ease and endless comfort along with dopamine with porn and supplements but the problem lays deeper in the soul. The modern man's soul is completely corrupted both morally in the spiritual realm but in his physicality too. You are in your simplicity and individuality a spirit with a limited body. A human consists of many things but his most important one is spirit but for it to reach its personal perfection it needs a perfect body, characteristics and wisdom which connects with the humans ethnicity, family, nation, continent, culture, history and people for the wisdom it will bring is true and raw organized life.
To truly live one must realize that there is no happy ending nor is there a self, the only thing that could be understood as a self is spirit but many have bore it before you and many will after you so it is connected with many just like what you are. Essentially people are looking for their individual perfection when they should be looking for their collective one for that is what they are.
A basic thought experiment for you is to think about who you would be if you would have been born without anything that I've mentioned before, you would be nothing except for a spirit with potential before your death as an infant.
You were raised by people, are connected with your ancestors both physically, spiritually and through cosmic traversable time which is truly infinite. Realize that something infinite has no ending or beginning, it is and always will be.
What you are is a vessel for ideas of your people and a very limited number of your own. You should both progress and conserve them, that is everyone's meaning in life.
>modern SOCIETY - Why is depression so rampant.
Better diagnosing and a loss of economic power. A lot of mental illness comes from the fact that people can work as hard as they can at low paying jobs all their lives and lose everything the first time a major medical bill comes their way. The 1% greed is so rapacious and so endemic, it's pointless.
Saw this article awhile back and I think it's pretty interesting. Apparently the human brain has trouble processing city environments.
>Humans may be hard-wired to feel at peace in the countryside and confused in cities – even if they were born and raised in an urban area.
>According to preliminary results of a study by scientists at Exeter University, an area of the brain associated with being in a calm, meditative state lit up when people were shown pictures of rural settings.
>"When looking at urban environments the brain is doing a lot of processing because it doesn’t know what this environment is."
They hypothesize:
>urban dwellers could be suffering in the same way as animals kept in captivity. He said the move to the cities had been accompanied by an “incredible rise in depression and behavioural abnormalities”.
> implying you need others to survive
all these shitty disorders don't really exist lmfao
i supply them with small parts , luckily for you it's not something you can swallow
Part of it is atomization due to living our lives on the internet. Young people spend more time interacting with people online and over their phones than they do face-to-face, and thus they don't bother to go out and meet up or do things. It used to be normal for teens to hang out at malls, but these days more just sit in their room.
It goes almost without saying that this leads to younger people having a lot less sex than previous generations. Instead, they satisfy their urges with free internet porn, which promotes unrealistic standards of beauty and dangerous or unhealthy fetishes.
Social media also contributes, as it allows the regular people to see the lives of those who still are socially active constantly, and become jealous and feel as though they are missing out.
This Atlantic article goes into it:
I can give you my twitter, its only about crypto stuff now but I can dm you as soon as I post about health related topics too
i'm highly interested, how would you go about showing these mutts how to kill themselves in the most efficient manner?
willing to invest all my shit coins in your blog tbqh
first guess was financial sector with your zero sympathy talk, but yeah pharma sector works too
Thanks user
A second problem, related to this, is the decline in social trust. High population density is detrimental to social trust. Social trust produces social capital and volunteerism, which is how communities function without distant authoritarian government to care for them.
user's post:
is of a similar vein; humans simply are not meant to live in cities, and they have always been dens of vice.
A lack of religiosity and spirituality is also and obvious factor, as our atheistic society gives you the option of being either a progressive zealot or to check out and be a nihilist. These are obviously conducive to depression.
medium is free so no need of any investment but thanks
A stagnant existence leads to depression and outbursts of anger, such as mass-shootings. Struggle is required, if nothing else as a stimulant or pressure-release valve. Peaceful societies are incompatible with human nature which requires occasional conflict as an outlet. This is why bloodsports are popular, from the gladitorial games to MMA and boxing. This is why stupid fights break out in bars because someone touched some other asshole's shirt. People need to be able to release aggression, and if they don't, the instinct to prove one's position in the social strata will turn inward and become destructive.
You might be intersted on pic related
i completely forgot people like you run on the grattitude of pathetic worms like those 3 mutts and that 1 leaf
>High population density is detrimental to social trust.
Population density isn't the problem with social trust. "Diversity" is the problem with social trust. Actual studies have been conducted where the more "diverse" a city is, the more distrust exists in the community. The great mixing of races that the Jews are perpetrating is not for our benefit, but theirs. Humans instinctively want to be with their own kind, not surrounded by aliens.
ah yes, so jamal the nigger is responsible for you being a social failure
that makes total sense you mutt
I got restricted for 9 minutes for posting porn? Cmaaan
what is wrong with you. You obviously have some mental issue. Bipolar?
>The intelligent, nihilistic white boy with a wicked sense of humor trilogy
how can human beings become so fucking pathetic and not be ashamed of it? i would haev killed myself half way through being such a worm like creature that needs anonymous life tips from some 12 year old "life coach"
but since you mutts have no dignity whatsoever i guess that is not an option for you
You replied to the wrong post
Society has always had this level of depression. 1000 years ago most of our ancestors were either slaves or 1 step above slavery and living in a time and place were starvation was a real thing to deal with. it didn't matter if you were white black jew asian 99% of human population lived in this manner. we just are beginning to understand this.
don't tag me again unless your BMI is below 23 you mutt
I just what’s wrong with you. You’re acting like a freak
this. a life coach is fucking pathetic. If you can't figure out for yourself what you need to be fulfilled and successful, and you need to pay some faggot to tell you to workout, stop eating mcfats 4 times a day and to stop being a shit eating beta cuckold you should just do the world a favor and off yourself.
I hadn't gotten to that yet, but both population density and diversity have serious negative effects on social trust.
The thing is that this doesn't explain why ultra- homogenous places like Denmark suffer from the same issues we face, with the highest use of anti-depressants in the world.
But yeahs, the Putnam thesis is a knock-out punch against people pushing for immigration.
>e] [Auto] 1 new post
no i'm the medicine that you lacked all your lief and which caused you to become the failure you are today
with my targetted bullying practises i could have made you into a more succesful , high achieving version of yourself
it's easy to fall into depression as a white guy these days... the pressures of modern society, being all alone without a group identity (it's forbidden) and frequently with nu-male and minority friends of dubious quality, frequently verbally/physically attacked by minorities while being bombarded with message that we're the aggressors, stress of knowing it'll only get worse as trend lines are followed, no positive "strong white male" role models in movies only goofs, queers, and evil-doers now, lack of attention from liberal white females as minority males devote 100% of their efforts to attracting, negative vibes/mean mugs from like 90% of the people they encounter each day- to include all minorities and about 50% of whites (correlates strongly with "Democrats"), hopeless feeling from knowing full well the deck is legally stacked against you, etc etc
This guy is a million times more useful than you.
Bmi: 22 iq:125 minimum requirement
yea i'm sure, until you realize that nothing he types works beacuse only you yourself can solve your own problems and nobody else
and shortcuts don't exist and will never work
you fucking retarded mutt
Coordinated cultural demoralization efforts pushed by the MSM designed to break goyim's spirit.
Disenfranchisement and no longer feeling like they have any actual control of how the criminal elites run this country
The Big Pharmaceuticals industry which profits off having their shills diagnose everyone as crazy so they can get everyone hooked on their products. Happy Pills for all, for the low low price of $100 a bottle!
The future used to look bright; now the future looks like an impoverished shithole thanks to ((free trade)) and ((open borders)) of the ((Globalized World)) which has allowed the fortunes of guys like Soros and Bloomberg to skyrocket into the billions, how much longer until we have a Trillionaire? (not counting the Rothschilds who own all the money on the planet already)
Social media isolation instead of social interaction which normalfaggots can't handle so it makes them feel sad or something. Misanthropes handle it perfectly well but Stacy and Chad start to feel sad ;_;
You need to work on your English
You’re not bullying anyone. You’re acting like a maladjusted freak. A weirdo. A flailing repetitive piece of curious entertainment
because women were allowed to vote and sent out into male dominated workforce, also due to rampant immigration.