End of volume one. There are 2 pages of after word from the artist, and one more from COOL himself. I'll do them sometime.
List of chapters: Vol. 1: CH.1: CH.2: CH.3: CH.4: CH.5: CH.6: CH.7: CH.8: CH.9: Vol. 2: CH.13: CH.14: CH.16: CH.17:
Colton Mitchell
Levi Barnes
David Powell
Adam Foster
William Young
James Thompson
Brody Moore
Sebastian Myers
Ethan Mitchell
Sebastian Morgan
Connor Mitchell
Ethan Walker
Through the Dragon lord, Amen!
Austin Mitchell
Josiah Campbell
Thanks as always, user.
Evan Diaz
you are pretty consisted
Michael King
Was Kanna seeing the "first errand chapter" from IS?
Angel Baker
well OP I just got back from the doctor. turns out I have diabetes. Hope you'll take responsibility
Xavier Edwards
Would you take a minute to talk about diabeetus?
Logan Perez
You're the hero we never deserved, tr/a/nslator-kun.
Connor Kelly
>Tohru and Kobayashi behaving more and more like a cozy couple of doting parents >Kanna with an actual personality, and she's promiscuous, pouty yet still rooted in high-fantasy dragonhood My body can't take all of this, but I can't help but want more.