


lol I keep seeing shit like this. As I recall, Ethiopia was never conquered. Why do they not celebrate a real country in Africa that was free from white colonization?

>there are people in this world that unironically think western colonialism was harmful to shitholes

Italians conquered it briefly during the 30s.

just post the Wikipedia page for Ethiopia on each and every one of these articles

The audacity is actually astounding. The only even sort of successful African countries are the ones that have basically retained the entire British infrastructure and economic organization.

Europeans lifted Africa out of the stone age into the 20th century, and then it degenerated in mere decades when they left.

>the Scourge of White Colonialism

>and then it degenerated in mere decades when they left.
Easier to go down than up.

Yes but they never had a permanent colonization there. Thus Ethiopia did not experience the "perils of colonization".

And a mountain full of a magical metal that has a million different properties like being indestructible, making the vegetation give superpowers to people, etc*

meanwhile, this is what untouched black people look like

What I can't wrap my head around is that you have Black activists and Black proponents that blame the White man and colonialism for Africa's failures.

But wouldn't that prove case in point that White/Western civilization is superior to that of the Blacks if they were the ones that were easily conquered and enslaved? Wouldn't that prove that the Whites were better than Blacks?

What argument do they have?

Hong Kong would also like to have a word desu

theyre people silly enough to claim whites don't season their food but euros were crossing oceans looking for spices while darkies never even built ships. they have nothing. they were the lesser people every single time they encountered a different race

This movie was so fucking bad. I went and saw it hoping it was at least entertaining, it was complete shit. I love marvel and actually was fine with a heavily black movie, they should be allowed to have africa be black and do shit about africa but this movie was just painfully bad.

At least even the hardcore Chinese nationalists appreciate how the Brits helped Hong Kong with their legal system.

What I can't wrap my head around is how many people throughout history have obseverved Africa and seen how many uncivilized idiots were living there. Not being able to do anything rational. And why not 1 leader, emperor, king, whatever decided to say fuck it and put it out of its misery and completely genocide the whole continent.

Was it because of moral values? Was it because they needed them as slaves? I keep wondering.

are there asians in this movie, and if not WHY?

There is a south korea portion

>i love marvel
just fucking die

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