Brit/pol/ - America first edition

No link, Britain is dead while America proposers.

Other urls found in this thread:

What really pisses me off about the British empire is that all your wars arent fought due to national pride, freedom, and integrity like us Americans, but rather by greed, Judaism, and wealth.

For starters, Brits never wanted to set the Indians in North America and South Asia free, they just wanted to exploit them and use them for cheap labor.

Also, it's common knowledge that America just wanted her freedom from an oppressive government during the Revolutionary War and 1812, while the king simply wanted to destroy freedom and liberty.

At least when America goes to war, we want the best for the invading countries' people. Not like the Brits, who's mouths water at the sight of enslaving people.

Every time I see a Brit/pol/ thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

You severely damaged losers are literally the Bronies of Sup Forums. You know, that sub-group of Sup Forums kids who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic losers are far too busy fapping to Nigel Farage and wishing that Britain was relevant. Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

At first, I figured it was one lonely kid making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over Britain. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

Is that the thrill you kids get from these threads? Is it the fact that they can only take a back seat to America and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your sick nationalism? If not, then

I'm speaking for Sup Forums as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you want to spend you life gawking over a dead nation.

Just stop already. Quit with the silly threads. OP, delete this thread. Kids, clear your browser history and delete all the files you have of shitty PMs.

Brit/pol/ is for dumb northerners (niggers of Britain) who can't comprehend nations with more than 4 nationalities or 4 states each with laws of their own. Not a single one of you retarded Brits would last more than 2 days in America.




Yes yes! Faggot pregnant y*nk bitch butchered by niggers *fap fap fap*






stop being a cunt you don't need to tell the bongs about the troubles of their nation. plus their demographics are actually better than ours when you look at a map of where the shitskins are designated. be nice. bongs are fren.



get fucked


Alright sunshine

>Eddie the indoor years

>all your wars arent fought due to national pride, freedom, and integrity like us Americans, but rather by greed, Judaism, and wealth.

this has got to be bait

Is this country really that bad lads?

La luz extinguido...

It depends where you live.

What did he mean by this?
You would be facing a wall if you turned around.
Maybe he means you have to turn 360 degrees?

No, it's actually quite good.

Smash through the wall?


Still better than 190 other countries.

Poor Eddie. His cheese-string addiction hasn't treated him well

>It's an Americans pretend they understand other countries thread
These are just embarrassing, lad. I've stayed clear of brit/pol/ because I could sense the autism a mile away but there's nothing more pathetic than the Amerimutt who is deluded enough to misunderstand the histories of other countries but then decides they know enough to lecture them as if they come from some imagined position of superiority.

I love America and Americans but it's just clear how badly they've suffered since leaving their European homeland.

why isnt tanzania included in there?

I would freaking hope so






Eddie looks better than usual in that pic desu. Good for him.



Wurkin class

No but you folks are particularly blackpilled. Other than London and a few other big cities the UK is basically fucking heaven


Exactly. We don’t live in a dystopia like some people pretend (yet).


Has anyone brought up the fact Bolton has gone and UKIP are having yet another leadership election to elect it's next 4 month leader.

B I N. T H A T. P A S T O R ' S. W I F E
D I N D U. N U F F I N
Oh God, the shadenfreude is orgasmic. Cute little YANK family pulverised by Africans. Oh yes. She was pregnant too! Fucking lovely.

>it's not patriotic to fund israel

Look what the cat dragged in: white trash.

>yet another l
Who will they pick this time?
Bolton seemed like a safe pair of hands, but the whole business with that racist slag was concerning. Do you think she was sent to undermine UKIP? So many of these alt-right characters are very suspicious.

>Oh no, not the poor chillens.

Lmao Imagine living on a cold, damp island and being a fucking ancap

At this point I'm surprised UKIP still exist

forgot about that
let's switch it back to the usual


Funny, considering he hid in a cupboard when the economy got fucked at one point when he was PM.

>At least when America goes to war, we want the best for the invading countries' people. Not like the Brits, who's mouths water at the sight of enslaving people.

There really won't be much point to them once Brexit is done.


Myleene is crazy bitch and has form.
It's not the first time she's got carried away with over eager fans.

I'll 'ave a nice SOSIJ ROLL while Membe blacks ye sistas

>Bolton seemed like a safe pair of hands
Too safe. Could you really picture them getting anywhere substantial with him at the helm? He wasn't exactly oozing with charisma or charm was he? My thinking was that if UKIP wanted to remain relevant post-referendum, they would need someone fairly radical. Not radical in a daftie sense like AMW but radical enough that they do meaningfully challenge the status quo in a variety of issues, not just as a Brexit pressure group. We know you can't go full BNP level, that's proven itself a failed model (then again how much does it have to do with incompetence as opposed to the public not receiving their ideas well?) One things for sure, the last thing the party needed was some former lib-dem literal who, coming out of nowhere and having affairs and whatnot.


>Lmao Imagine living on a cold, damp island and being a fucking ancap
this desu, liberturdianism and ancrap are antithetical to britain

Apologies drunk. This girl said divorce statistics in the uk dont favor women, is she right or have i been misled by pol. Also i love trump no bully.

>getting anywhere substantial
Not even clear where they go from here. You're right, they need a USP.

Keep it non-dafty.

>Talking shit to one of our best allies
Fuck off.


Reminds me

>one of our best allies

He's a Brit/pol/ regular. He took one of our lads out shooting when he was on holiday in the US. Some of his pastas are funny.

Was he telling you Bolton would get to stay?

Not their greatest ally, obviously.

Pretty nice here. Comfy, low enough crime that a bit of fisty cuffs is enough to make the local paper, 99.5% white, but no young people (aside from those of us who stay due to family obligations) or jobs. Give and take, like all things in life.


He was telling me that Trump would support Bolton and that UKIP would BTFO the NEC and reform the party under Bolton. Where is he now? Predictably silent.

>99.5% white
Try 86% as of 2011.

in hiding



lol stupid british.

>the level of cooperation between them in economic activity, trade and commerce, military planning, execution of military operations, nuclear weapons technology, and intelligence sharing has been described as "unparalleled" among major powers.[1]
We've been your bitch since 1945. Of course we're forced to give away everything.

Your country despised the empire historically and once it finally collapsed you became the sole global superpower and exported your sick culture worldwide. We still LARP as a global power by going with you on utterly pointless escapades in various deserts on the other side of the planet.

You have cities that are literal war zones fuck off.

My local area mate, not the nation as a whole, as the cities majorly slant nationwide figures.

>99.5% white,

What does Ecuador have against us?

Northumberland by any chance?

Look at me Bongs.
We are Brit/pol/ now.

It's not our fault the krauts bombed the shit out of you, and we were an ocean away. Would you rather we have gone back to being isolationist and just let Stalin run rampant over Europe.

Also, we developed nukes first, so if anyone was giving away stuff there it was us, and we're giving you guys trade deal priority if the EU tries to fuck you when you actually get around to leaving.

Yeah but the thing is, when the non-white's come in .. you will sit there and do nothing.

This is the meme, it's the fact that cowards like you gloat on the internet that "muh 90% shithole underfunded white county" or whatever, but when the darkies come knocking, you'll do nothing but bitch online, and we all know it.

>Revolutionary War and 1812
This is your best pasta yet.

>It is there for all to see. Here it is…
>There is a man who controls our President.
>And his name is not Vladimir Putin.

You tried to screw us over on the Manhattan project. Nuclear weapons were probably your worst mistake. You could've been a modern colonial power, now there's M.A.D and you're forced to bully Vietnamese farmers and Afghan opium growers.

Men and women don't even have equal rights when it comes to children. Women are a legally privileged class. Your friend is colossally ignorant.

Like every white nation it entirely depends on where you live. There are /comfy/ places in the UK just like there are /comfy/ places in the US. You need to get rid of those hate speech laws though, that's some 1984 shit.

>my little armpit within an armpit of Great Britain is 80% white ..

>I never see any darkies in my area when I pop to the shop to buy my daily Rockstar energy ..