Remind me

Ok boys, memes aside
why do we fight each other?

We don't, the MSM is making you think we do.


you're alright ruskie


We don't, I don't *like* Putin imo, but I don't mind ruskies and wish we could play nicer

Residual mistrust dating back to the Cold War. As an American I wish we were closer, because your country provided us some pivotal but subtle support in the American Revolution and during our Civil War.

Unless you're a Communist and you're asking why we fight you, in which case it's because you're an incomplete human being.

We seem to have a lot more in common with Russia and Europe than any others. Shame that propaganda keeps the hate high and shows people where to point their fingers. If all 3 continents ever joined forces it would be a scary thing for everyone else to behold.

MSM and Jews don't like white unity

Because we're very different people with inherently divergent strategic interests.

Commies need to talk to us more honestly. We have the same goal until our respected end games ending (((capitalists))).
>h-horse shoe

I don't hate Russia.

because the international jewry wants to keep russia away from europe, maybe even start a war

us are just their main tool. the fact that when trump election managed to shake the deep state invulnerability, and raise a (((system))) wide panic, their first and main preoccupation was to prevent warming up us-russian relations, and then to demonize russia to the point where us government is behaving like north korea. that says whatever is planned related to russia is of absolute essence to their long term goals.

Are you talking about the decades the usa fought communism or just why shills keep blaming you for giving trump his victory?

>Two worlds collide, rival nations
>It's a primitive clash
>Venting years of frustrations
>Bravely we hope against all hope
>There is so much at stake
>Seems our freedom's up against the ropes

Because there's only space for big swinging dick around here.


Anything which is not constantly tested, either through hardship or adversity will grow weak.

This is a problem with the left, they desire no fighting or arguments. Which makes them easily offended.


No more brother wars

competition for markets in the developing world

commitments to allies in the developing world

for sustenance of the mil/industrial complex in both nations

to maintain vlad's legitimacy with an external threat

Because people on both sides can't mind their own fucking business and keep to themselves.

When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer

Russia was our last worthy adversary