Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
Goddamnit Iceland
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I've head enough of Jewish tricks... just let me off this ride.
The only ride that stops, is the train when it reaches Auschwitz.
That was fast.
the jewish fire rises
>Jewish tricks: speedrun edition
Iceland is going to collapse withim the next decade. Kikes are parasites, once infected, downfall is imminent if not treated immediately.
Remember, it's never too late for a real holocaust.
I have read a few times on here that Icelanders would be even more cucked than Swedes, but they're safe because of the ocean and not being in the EU. Is this true or just Swedish propaganda?
We should send all refugees to Israel.
I like this.
> Iceland gets its first Jew
> The Jew wants to immediately destroy the country
Perfect, definitive proof that Jews support the Muslim invasion. There was plenty of other examples, but this one really shows that Jews are cancer.
no its true
Would a Jewish Blitz be called a Schlitz?
It's time
Hey Iceland anons
there is one man in Iceland who is your enemy incarnate
if you have a spine...
take action
for humanity
Few years ago they were pushing skirts as the fashion for men in Iceland.
Iceland is a nation of degenerate heathens.
sigh... what to do....what to do
This foundation is a cult called Chabad-Lubavitch. They are the closest thing to an international Jewish conspiracy. A lot of normal Jews don't want anything to do with them. Some in the Orthodox world do not even them to be Jewish. Chabad harasses and backstabs mainstream Jews and steals synagogues. Iceland can look forward to Israeli citizen spies (sayanim) and drugs smuggled in, with a friendly smile by this so-called rabbi.
Jewish groups have strongly criticised a move by five different groups in the Icelandic parliament parliament to ban circumcision.
They have warned the proposed ban would make Iceland one of the only countries in the world 'to ban one of the most central, if not the most central rite in the Jewish tradition in modern times'.
Punishment for those convicted of performing the religious practice would be six years in prison, media reports say.
Do you two know each other?
jesus christ we got one of those centers.
One question for you: Who the fuck cares?
nice try schlomo
You're more likely than any of us an Asian yourself.
>Asian Canadians Total population
(17% of the Canadian population)
>Iceland accepts its first Rabbi
>Rabbi immediately demands Iceland accept refugees
If Icelanders knew what was best they would gas that kike immediately. For those who do not know this is why we hate kikes and want every single last one of them eradicated.
Oh god, the jew has found out about iceland. It was supposed to be kept as irrelevant as possible so they wouldn't find out.
Fucking hell, and it's only one fucktard and he's already ruining everything? Iceland anons, find this fucker and beat his shit
Maybe. Maybe not.
annnnnnd ten years from now Reykjavik looks like Malmo.
Fuck off m8...
Iceland gas this kike right fucking now!!!!
It REALLY is hardwired into their DNA, isn't it?
Holy fucking shit. I've been just a normie watching the discussions on Sup Forums, rarely getting involved in the conversations. I've been rejecting the JQ, I didn't think less than 1% of the population was responsible for most of the world's ills and are actively trying to undermine the gentiles but holy shit, that picture just fucking redpilled me. (((They))) are definitely responsible for a lot of the current "problems" in the West and the middle east. Now, i still don't believe they are literally responsible for "everything" but now I know not to trust them. I've also read about the Spanish Inquisition and how it was started because the Jews have essentially created a nation within a nation in Spain. The goyim know, oh yes they do.
>A lot of normal Jews don't want anything to do with them.
call them, fuckers
call them in public
isolate them
the same way we denounce the nutjobs at westboro
Kikes have to do everything in their power to undermine their host nation while they kick out the black Africans from Israel and turn it into a Jewish fortress.
yeah, every goddamn time
if you can watch all of this. damn son... this is the ultimate redpill on jews
looks like the went after the wrong 1% LOL
Good thing J*ws will never establish a synagogue here.
Iceland fucked up somewhere along the way and now it's a bunch of liberal pussies.
and how would that be?
I'll watch it!
Toss him into eyjafjallajokull
>mfw the shillgorithm's post is a bit too obvious
Despite being redpilled on the JQ for over a year, this just blew my mind, and made me really fucking angry - you have been warned
Oh shit. I see it's in 'restricted mode'. Censorship usually means that truth is being told and certain people don't want you to hear it.
they ignored the kikes and now they will share our fate.
Why is Icelandic media so eager to get cucked?
you need some Hitler power washes
kinda in the same boat bro
We got pussies too. Maybe they're not pushing for a synagogue, but they will push for a mosque or two. You watch.
yup, the good ole (((ADL)))
"Every. Fucking. Time." isn't just a meme, user.
It's a hard pill to swallow, but once it's down the hatch, fucking EVERYTHING begins to make sense. The REALLY fun part, though, only comes when you apply this newfound knowledge to the last 75-100 of world history...
We've already got some Jews, and the Christians are all cucked to the kikes and will serve them in literally ANY way they can.
yeah, that's the big upside - shit starts to make sense
>less than a week
Christ above what an awful species
That is why you never give kikes a single inch or they will take a mile.
>communists take over
>welcome the jews
time to bring in the refugees!
They should have gone after the 43% within the 1%
(Spoiler Alert: 43% of the 1% is Jewish)
Funny because Iceland for some reason thinks they also need to get on the (((progressive))) bandwagon like sweden but I've been there and I didn't see a single dindu or "refugee". Of course they're not gonna ship niggers to their island because it's too far away but I found that pretty interesting. Also there's a shit ton of chinese tourists there and in some areas you could think you're in china, but the landscapes are nice.
Everyone should print these and start to put them everywhere.
Can just write "Coincidence?" at the bottom
You're here forever.
reality is literally a satire.
You know what's really retarded? Having an irrational fear of Jews. They've been oppressed for thousands of years. They don't control the World.
Then you have the muslims. They sacked Constantinople, they took other major Christian cities in Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. They conquered the entire Mediterranean coast from Turkey to Morocco. They invaded Europe. They fuck children. They produce no science or technology. They have nothing of value to give to anyone except oil.
They come to your country, they rape your women, they mow you down with trucks, they blow you up, they live off your paychecks. And you're just a bunch of pussies who bend over and take it.
>Hey gais, Reykjavik just got a Rabbi. We're fucked amirite?
You are the definition of a retard and a cuckold. Please kys
Hey Faroe bro, how does your country take to White Christian immigrants? I'm interested in visiting after University.
Jews use niggers to create and destroy art and cultures, and come in for the final strike.
>Based nip
Exactly. Niggers are the Jews personal army of "diversity". Keeping in mind that diversification is destruction of the status quo.
Wow this dude is live an Israeli SEAL.
The US will continue to breed violence and apathy:
-As long as teens today are groomed to be narcissistic sociopaths, taking selfies and idolizing superficial and temporary vanity.
-As long as the elder people in the US continue to push their own conservative and liberal agendas, over practical sustainability.
-As long as teens ostracize each other and relentlessly target and harass intended victims, both through technology and at school.
-As long as US society looks down at skilled and physical labor, demeaning entire populations as worthless, and mocking hard work.
-As long as Americans continue to look the other way when they see something wrong, either because they are benefiting from the scam or are too lazy or feckless to speak up.
>Those stares of horror from parents at the 1 50 mark.
Go back to /d/ and jerk off to trap animes you stupid idiot.
Go back to Ribbit if the truth bothers you this much.
So basically its gonna be NZ 2.0.
seems like i either triggered a jew or tommy robinson
kek, they are not subtle anymore.
Icelanders, you have a rare opportunity to preserve your country and nip this cancer in the bud. An unfortunate accident or vaguely intentional removal can send a loud message.
kill him its just one guy, throw him in a vulcano or something.
How do you even come up with retarded shit like that? Who the fuck told you that Jews are behind ISIS? Explain that.
Walk me through your reasoning. Can't wait to read what dumb shit you have to say.
kek, this.
Always starts with one and then he brings in his refugee pals and before you know it there are too many to do anything about it.
I know gated communities and everything. we have enough of these orthodox types here in Antwerp.
Newfags fresh off the boat from Ribbit are a curious lot...
Iceland was a degenerate shithole before it got any jews anyway
Took him a whole 7 days to start the whole "fellow whites we need to let in millions of third world mud-hutters".
This is why we have the 2 year lurk period
Actually the fun part is when you apply it to the last few thousand years and realize the jews have been sucking nordic people dry since babylon and it will all end soon because there is no fresh stock of white blood and the asians arent going for their shit.
We're pretty positive about Christians. White? Even better.
w...w.wwhat are you implying?
>25 rules of Disinformation
I see you leading with #2, good, skipping down to #17 and #20, #23 and closing with #5