>this is what passes as legitimate in today's mainstream news outlets
Where did we go so wrong?
>this is what passes as legitimate in today's mainstream news outlets
Where did we go so wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
>23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
>25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
>26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
emojis are cancer. they added multiple skin colors to the fucking vampire emoji, just in case you are a nigger vampire
Next step: get rid of the white ones.
Magnus Approves.
give me more ayy emojis before we get a pregnant dude
(((American Communist cell)))
Little-known fact that he was the founder of "gender theory" and his institute being shut down was done to stop the kind of shit they're pushing in the media and everywhere now.
>The Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee, WhK) was founded in Berlin on 14 or 15 May 1897 [by Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish-German physician, sexologist and outspoken advocate for gender and sexual minorities], to campaign for social recognition of gay, bisexual and transgender men and women, and against their legal persecution. It was the first LGBT rights organization in history.
>The Committee was based in the Institute for Sexual Sciences in Berlin, until 1933 when it was destroyed by the Nazis, from which it took a great deal of scientific theories on human sexuality – such as the idea of a third sex between a man and a woman.
This is how lust became stronger among goym.
How did IT managed to grow a beard? Or is it a fake one
I don’t even know why I’m mad at this I just am, but I can’t articulate my anger. Why is this bad? Am I just angry at delusion?
I want this for shitposting purposes.
Hormones. It grows.
Women have facial hair anyway, it's just thin.
It's easy for a woman to pass as a man by merely stapling on Glenn Danzig side burns and getting fat whereas a FTM tranny has to spend a bunch of money on facial surgery and makeup.
You probably instinctively see how unnatural and bad for kids it is.
Or maybe you correctly realize that cultural standards have been so eroded that Jews are just fucking with you now. They get away with pushing the most absurd, disgusting shit in the media while barely getting called out for it and rubbing it in your face.
You realize that the slippery slope is real after all and they won't rest until everything natural, good and normal gets destroyed.
The fact that you're even wondering why you should be mad, and not why not everyone isn't mad about it is indicative of how bad things are. They could never get away with this shit just a few decades ago, but this whole tranny acceptance & "gender identity" movement has opened to door to this and much worse.
>not everyone isn't mad
not everyone is mad*
>some shit obviously written up by some paranoid Bircher
Communists wouldn't write like this tard. Do you have any sources for any of those quotes
>You realize that the slippery slope is real after all and they won't rest until everything natural, good and normal gets destroyed.
That’s why, thank you.
Did you even read the link?
It's from the book "The Naked Communist" by ex-FBI agent Cleon Skousen. The quote is in the book, and if you've ever read up on communist plans it's really not that unusual.
They want to destroy everything traditional and natural (family, gender roles, community, religion, etc.) so nothing stands between you and the state, and make life unbearable so people will accept dictatorship to save themselves.
How can you justify this kind of propaganda pushed in the media every day otherwise?
All I see is "Flesh" from SoC
>mfw I need its eye
The Frankfurt school literally don't have any of those plans. There's plenty to dislike about Marcuse, say, and some of Adorno and Horkheimer from a conservative perspective, but attributing stuff like
>Control and dumbing down of media
to them is wildly inaccurate and completely antithetical to their entire philosophical output.
>The undermning of schools' and teachers' authority
Makes little sense either, considering they were all academics - Adorno was critical of the behaviour of the '68 students.
Some of these are more or less uniquely Anglophone problems that wouldn't make much sense to be originated in Continental philosophy.
The FBI agent used John Birch Society magazines as sources. Just cause some faggot is in the FBI doesn't make everything he writes credible.
Weimerica was such a true and effective meme they had to make that pro Weimar Republic show on netflix
open borders for Israel
Are these people on testoterone while breastfeeding and pregnancy? is that safe?
>mfw I need its eye
Its not worth the medpacks and 3 antirads.
>laugh at ridiculous title, click on link expecting it to be some retarded American essjaywubbleyou site
>amusement turns to rage when I find out its my tax dollars that are funding this crap
Hitler failed.
I’ll use it to express when I have eaten a lot of food, soooo fuck it
I hope they do this
It will be my main emoji
this ride must end
>not pic related
Come on user. Everyone brought that up with it first came up.
>the man who wrote the Authoritarian Personality & the created the F-scale, in which he claims being conservative/traditional in any way makes you a crypto-fascist that must be rooted out from society
Okay mate.
Your point about teachers and media can be explained simply by the fact that it was a one-way street. They didn't like the media because it made people too passive for a "revolution", but they were just waiting to get control of the media so they could use it for their own purposes. They wanted to attack teachers' autority because at the time most teachers weren't as left-wing or Marxist as them, and it was a way to get students to rebel for their "revolution". It's like the "free speech movement" or Marcuse's paper "Repressive Tolerance". Again they wanted free speech for entryism until they got in power, and then they would censor their opposition, as Marcuse admitted.
And most the Franks were Germans and inspired by the French, so it's not unique to the Anglosphere.
The Birch Society probably cited the FBI & their research a lot, and the FBI used any magazines at their disposition for research.
Cleon also wrote The Naked Capitalist, might be more to your liking.
At some point you'll have to wonder what's the endgame of all this.
How is that show anyway? Still haven't watched it.
You still don't have it as bad as us or most of Europe, if that's any consolation.
Lol wtf
Why did they post a dark souls boss?
Nice reading comprehension, I didn't call Adorno a conservative, I said there's stuff to dislike about him from a conservative perspective. I can see how my phrasing would be confusing though. Skousen didn't really represent a cogent FBI or anti-communist perspective, he got criticism from others in this area (yeah yeah I guess you could say they're cucks or whatever). But regardless, he was basically a lone wolf Mormon/Bircher with, to a lot of people's minds, very conspiratorial unsophisticated analysis.
FBI using any magazines at their disposition for research doesn't really make sense. Of course you would look through them, maybe, but to cite them for evidence is another matter. You'd probably want to look at the magazine's own referenced sources for that, if they had any.
No. It's not. But these batshit insane transfreaks are all given a platform by the elites to help to destroy society that much more faster. makes me fucking sick
My fucking god. We need to pull a Russia and have these sickos arrested
>Dark Souls boss
>Silent Hill monster
>"Flesh" from SoC
>the bad guy from Nightmare Before Christmas.
>a prop from an 80s horror film
Take your pick, they want you to see this as normal, healthy, and beautiful.
>Skousen didn't really represent a cogent FBI or anti-communist perspective
That's just, like, your opinion, man. Are you just repeating what rationalwiki says or did you ever actually read anything he wrote? Lots of FBI officials talked about the same things including J. Edgar Hoover which I gave you an interview of. All intelligence agencies and investigative bodies deal in "conspiracies".
>The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
- J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine (August 1956).
And as far as him citing magazines that were popular in far-right circles, they weren't the only ones he cited (can you actually prove that they were his main source?), they were just supplementary, and it was just like today. The mainstream media that spreads that kind of garbage in the OP was mostly left-wing, so they took the magazines that did report on this stuff. And everything he talks about was later confirmed by KGB defectors like Yuri Bezmenov.
I wish i could get pregnant.
hey Australia
what's going on big guy
Aussie shitposters finally getting their comeuppance.
>Transgender athlete crushes female competition in Australian weightlifting event
Are there any studies on the effects of hormones these "guys" go true on their babies?
Well, I guess the kid is already fucked for being raised by mentally ill people.
I haven't seen it yet since it's such a recent phenomenon. Thefreaks in that article are an outlier of an outlier which is why they even dedicated an article to it.
Which is sad enough; that they go through with it before there has been enough research for it to be considered viable.
But there's a lot of research of effects of transgenderism, and the impact of family units on kids.
>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.
>There are 12 such studies in all, and they all came to the very same conclusion: The majority of kids cease to feel transgender when they get older.
>Study finds 40% of transgender people have attempted suicide
>I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse
>all coloured folk are sikh
>there are sikhs that aren't punjab
They know they're full of shit.
I say let them. Don't fight this, its just going to be used to show that you're very full, or even better: that you're going to take a big fat shit.
Imagine their cries to remove it if it becomes the Im gonna take a shit emoogi
>implying they won't just use it to normalize this bullshit like they did with everthing else
I was thinking about how ridiculous it is. Still, the average man in the street sees these things with disgust and eventually he gets tired of people saying that its normal and healthy. We all know it. So sooner or later the pendulum swings back. Isn't that what you want?
Inb4, "fucking shitskin Muslims" can you guys once admit that we Muslims get it right when it comes to any sort of Jews degeneracy?
>children are emotionally mature enough to consent to gender reassignment and hormone blockers
How is King Terry doing?
>Isn't that what you want?
Yeah but at the same time I'm sure people used to think in the 60s.
>look at how insane those liberals & hippies are with their push for faggots, feminism and mass immigration... this will get the pendulum to swing back
And if it did it was only momentary, because for example the US still went from 90% European to 60% in 50 years, feminism and SJWs just became more and more insane, gay marriage was normalized, Islamization, tranny shit still being pushed everywhere with some people unironically supporting it, which would've been unthinkable 50 years ago...
I'm not that confident in the "accelerationist meme" because most people just follow along as long and don't care as it doesn't impact their personal life too much. Maybe if they see this article, it will get them to reconsider things, but adding it discretely to the emoji list, they probably wouldn't give a shit after a week.
Sharia Law and burqas shouldn't be the only alternative to castrated pregnant men being cucked by genderfluid dragonkins.
Tranny named himself Biff lol.
Fuck off dude, you're not funny. Just makes you look like a moron
another day...
Will there be black, and asian pregnant males?
Only once the whites are gone.
They're next.
The longer I stare at that emoji the funnier it gets
Will they make a movie about pregnant male emoji?
I dont know but I know im going to have a nightmare about it tonight. Hes going to me floating around, following me while rubbing his belly and saying
>“user, I’m hungry. Rememeber.. I’m eating for two now. Why dont you hop on my back and I’ll float us down to Applebee’s”
A pregnant 'man' is just a woman with a beard. Men can't get pregnant.