Dana Perino called out /pol yesterday. How will /pol respsond


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I feel like she reads this board and internalizes almost all of it but is pretty good actress and so she keeps a nice, straight neocunt friendly face for the cameras. Hi Dana

(((Fox News)))



420 but she never mentions Sup Forums or pol and OP is a queer

Her eyes are way too wide apart for me to care.

meanwhile they are LARPing as a catholic media outlet

She has seductive eyes

you post the whole fucking show

give us a timestamp or fuck off


she's a dogfucker

yeah, I'll watch a 35:00 Video of some kike tv-show just because some random memeflagfag Post thinks it's important?


Trump forever.

OP is a colossal faggot

OP is a faggot

This stupid whore is a RINO. She plugs hillary's books and acts like trump said russian meddling was a hoax when he talking about collusion. She mind fucks the elderly for a living, Put her on a list to go ass to ass with Megyn Kelly.

fuck off bitch nobody cares

If you homoqueersicles like taking it in the ass from Perino fine by me queers

>posts 35:00 vid
>no time stamp
>she doesn't even mention us

She was the spokesman for the group that did 9/11

Someone is picking up what Im putting dow

Time is embeded you dumb cunt jew

Already posted Craigslist ad for the husband asking gay butt sex.

Two oh two, five four seven, eight five oh two..

Another fake ass rino. Fuck her. And her dog.

Fuck that Bush administration whore. Tell her to take her ass to Iraq and keep looking for the WMDs her boss and the IC lied about. Let the goat fucking Muslims put her ass in a spider hole.

i really want to fuck her

dana is smarter than she seems but shes still a traitor to the west

No, they're still shadow boxing against made up phantasms.

Rules 1&2 existed for a reason. To protect wider society as much as to protect user from ourselves.
Today I saw an article in my country's newspaper of record about Jordan Peterson, cultural marxism, and Camille Paglia, on pages being read over coffee by the most normie of normies. Ordinary people are being placed on click from "Clean Your Room" memes.
This place is oozing out into my reality and it's terrifying.


Its the only way, user.

I bet her vagina smells like flowers


Been co-opted for years. They been leading conservatives around by the nose and leaving them in the dark.

>This place is oozing out into my reality and it's beautiful
ftfy brethren

Good fucking word!