Seriously Why Do They Come Here?

Why don't Muslims/Arabs go to south America or to central America? How are they all of the sudden use to the cold.

They'd be better off in south America... Shit makes no sense.

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Fuck you.


S/C America is poor and under control of drug cartels. A bit of snow is vastly preferable.

They don't need to come here period.

Lol stay classy

because a muzzie raping a kid in central america will get stabbed to death while we might not even jail the guy

Why would they go from one third world country to another?

>How are they all of the sudden use to the cold.

They aren't, however because whites have adapted to live in the cold and made it easy to enable, the browns just follow their lead.

So like, whites have heated homes, made special clothing, helpful food and drinks, etc... all these things which make it so they can live in the cold. Browns, all they have to do is follow the examples; wear the same clothes, eat/drink the same stuff, and they get given free housing by the government. I suppose you could call it cultural appropriation, but without it they'd drop like flies when the cold comes.

They wouldn't know the difference.

Why would they go from the shithole they made to a shithole made by other people when they can go to countries with rapeable females and handouts?

Because it is secular and capitalists. Arabs and Middle East Muslims love going to secular countries despite not supporting secularism at home.

They also love to make money and business in general. What Saudis, Iranians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Jews, Turks, etc... have in common is that they love to make money.

Fuck, no.
We have alot of problems, I don't to get bombed by achmed, or being rapped by Muhammad al-DerkaDerkaJihad

The government already fucks me everyday like a passive bitch.

kys nigger

I'm fairly white thank you very much.

Latin countries (other than Colombia) do not tollerate immigration unless it’s gringo immigration

>pic related

Fuck off. We already have enough problems

cuz crackers need sum of dat arab dick


>kys nigger
>brazoolian bonobo

i'm sorry, are you high on som of dat favela shit?

You realize, your country is the only country in the world who gives Brazilian identity to Muslims who are stateless

You act like Brazil is Nigeria or something.

Some parts of the Middle East and Muslim world are colder and have more snow than Southern Europe.

>Why don't Muslims/Arabs go to south America or to central America?

Because we would fucking kill them and cut them to pieces for doing the kind of shit they get away with in the good goy nations.

brazil is more fucked up than the Middle East, I'd rather spend my entire life living with arabs than with one minute with brazoolians

stabbed by the panamanian who wants to rape the kid himself you mean

This is the Dominican Republic . This happens ever day to Haitian migrants lol

Seriously, Arabs would love south America, they have cheap drugs that are easily accessible and same goes for guns. We need to start a campaign to send them south.

Don`t you dare talk to me again you faggot.
And keep your towel heads.

Please verify info I said about Haitians

You have highest black population outside Africa, what are you on about, nigger? You think you some aryan faggot? lmao wtf

They don't fight battles they can't win. Latin countries would have zero tolerance for their bullshit. Plus a lot of Christian lebs are in some of those countries and they have a massive muzzy hate.

>brazil is more fucked up than the Middle East

Now you're just exaggerating, sweetie.

looks comfy

Because South America is one huge shithole, why leave the middle east to live there? I'd rather kill myself

>Why don't Muslims/Arabs go to south America or to central America?

They know they wouldn't last a day in the South American Deus Vult Crusades


It's not like Rio di Nigrero has more deaths than the entire middle east.

Actually, that’s what happened to this woman’s brother

>Syrian refugee in Brazil (maybe Christian or Muslim dunno because his parents belonged to different religions)
>Brazil gives him refugee status
>within 6 months a Brazilian kills him for his wallet

What info?


Now I have to agree with you, that fuckin' state is a shame.
Nigguhs are literally killing themselves all day long just for coke.

>How are they all of the sudden use to the cold.
They're not

They put their little sandniggers in full snow suits when I'm in a light hoodie. One hard winter with no heat and 95% of them would fuck off back home.

And you will just about never see them living some place where they might have to shovel a driveway

lmao, but I'm not surprised, that shit is the worst place on this planet, we should def nuke the shit out of them and then we will have global fucking peace.

This And

You mean you are killing yourselves

Because we re not stupid, shithead.

Why would we trade a poor country for another even more shitty south american country. The maghreb is much more safe than these drug riddled "countries"


I'm not from Rio.
I hate that fuckin' state.


Pretty much this.

We love foreigners but hate each other.

Can confirm, have never taken part myself but have seen it done multiple times.

Haitians are at the very bottom of society here, absolutely nobody gives a fuck about protecting them in any way.

>Implying Muslims in North America aren't successful academics and professionals and on average more successful than line working white trash

>Why don't Muslims/Arabs go to south America or to central America?
That's where we brought Christopher Columbus, how did you end up this far north?

Which city do you live ?

Hi, based spic here. I have a bachelor of science, 5th generation American, adopted white values, cultures and traditions, etc. Before you say "go back to Mexico, Paco, I just want to say that I have been in love with white culture since an early age. This has led me to be outcasted by my own peer-group of dumb spics, but let me say, I am more than willing to be the token minority no matter where I go. I am the showcase of what brownie can become in America. I really apologize for my backwards people. They're PRIDEFUL in their ways, and that is what has led to their downfall. I've also dated a red heard. They've the best lovers desu. Also, I'm drunk af. Drunk Mexican-American AMA

How do you fucking say that shit? the middle east have been a war-zone since it's existence. You don't know the meaning of "safe".

Santo Domingo, lived here all my life.

$60K is white trash? o.O

>A geographical region has been at war zone since existence even though there weren't any people there in the beginning
The power of American education

Also Morocco is fucking safer than even the United States when it comes to homicide rates. Christian Shitholes in South America like El Salvador and Guatemala are the worst of the worst offenders.

Where the fuck did you see Haitian niggers lynched in Santo Domingo lol. I used to live in Gazcue. All I saw was Haitians pushing strollers around everywhere loaded with chips and cigarettes

Almost everyone I know who ever emigrated to the US came here because the country is rich and has big salaries. People outside the US have no deeper understanding of freedom and individualism. Some of them are visiting and fell in love and end up being here by accident. Muslims/Arabs come to US for the same reasons plus being at home often means being subjected to some level of tyranny. Iranian revolution as an example.

If it's not so bad then why are millions of Arabs emigrating to Europe and beyond???

It's really simple, let me spell it out for you. There is a global group of people (Illuminati) that operate from Israel (Illuminati HQ) calling themselves the Jews. Truthfully they are not actual Jews, but the contemporary Jew is indistinguishable and irreversibly connected to them factionally. These people are of the lineage of Hyksos, the Amun priesthood and their followers, expelled ideologically from Egypt for betraying the Pharaohs and Ra in favor of Saturn/Baal/Moloch/Cube, Satanic material-worship. They have been doing this for 1000's of years and want to enslave humanity under communism (New World Order). White people, unfortunately for them, do not make good slaves and therefor are purposefully worked against on all fronts: their birthrates are lowered with water fluoridation and numerous other methods such as radiation exposure from power lines, pervasive chemical poisoning, etc. It is claimed that their countries need 3rd world immigrants for economic purposes (Hegelian dialectic) to bring the national IQs down and have more "left" voters for more welfare while causing political unrest and violence, in return applying even more authoritarian laws and enabling draconian crackdown on the only global racial group who would have stood against these machinations.

This isn't hard to figure out if you are capable of thinking about more than one moving piece at a time. Everything in this world is orchestrated, nothing happens by accident and you all need to wake up fast because you are targeted for extermination by Satanic psychopaths and Vegas, now Florida are only the beginning. There are a massive number of JIDF/Illuminati shills whose job it is to troll online 24/7 using the below protocol to silence dissent and truthseeking:

>Deflect with sardonic humor, mockery
>Deny evidence and attack sources of proven fact
>Counter with Jewish propaganda from approved sources

Economic oppurtunity you brainlet. The West is industrialised and has plenty of jobs for mechanics, electricians, CNC operators, technicians, programmers etc. If you haven't notices, gulf Arabs from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain etc. are not emmigrating (i.e. leaving their country) at all, that's because their own countries offer them a high enough standard of living. It all has to do with socioeconomics.

Not enough gov handouts

I don’t know why you Pakistani retards come on Sup Forums
Fuck Muhammad, he was a faggot pedofile

No shit not going to happen in Gazcue.

Villa Mella, Los Alcarrizos and even Los Jardines once.

then move to gulf Arabs from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain etc... stop blowing shit up here and in EU

I thought Villa Mella was like 100% Haitian

You go to Shots loko



You should worry about your Christian niggers and "disenfranchised" Christian young white men shooting up people on a daily basis in the USA. Also stop bombing our nations and destabilizing the region by supporting Israel and maybe Muslims won't have to leave their fucking countries.

Always funny to see Mutts like you squirm like little bitches because you have no logical arguments, nor anything reasonable to say. Are you triggered that a paki BTFOed your silly 3rd rate retarded logic and disrupted your racist hug box, faggot?

Villa Mella is full of scum but not all Haitian.


>They'd be better off in south America... Shit makes no sense.
Are you that stupid? South America is a poor shithole while North America is the most economic developed place on earth.

>Fuck Muhammad, he was a faggot pedofile
How do you know? Did he stick his weewee in your bumbum

You sound like a bad troll.

And you not only sound like a retard but are retarded. How much of a fucking brainlet do you have to be to not know the fact that 80% of the population of gulf countries like UAE and Qatar are fucking immigrants?

>durrrrrrrr Y do dey no go to brown country in gulf UHHHHHHH

Go back to school retard. Oh wait, you're American, never mind, school isn't going to do shit. Just kill yourself.

Who would emigrate to those shitholes???

We should move all Muslim immigrants to Virginia.... right around Langley.

Indians, Pakis, Bengalis, Filipinos, Nigerians, etc. People go where the money takes them, the gulf maybe a shithole to you but to many those countries represent employment oppurtunities in various sectors from construction to service (generated by oil wealth) not available to them in their own country.

the only reason they leave is b/c they want to make money, so why would they go to poor shitholes?

Your country is a shithole and is much more dangerous than most MidEast shitholes, even Syria. They won't be coming any time near you soon, don't worry about it.

drop off all the Muslim immigrants in Washington D.C. for the lulz

free shit