This girl just BTFO of every gunfag's argument. The second amendment is finished

This girl just BTFO of every gunfag's argument. The second amendment is finished.

Other urls found in this thread:

how do dumb as dindu liberals not know how the Constitutional Convention works???

>>kids repeat things they see on tv.
>>Cable news decides to use this to further their agenda

>looks like a dyke rat
Opinion discarded.

What’s her stance on international Jewry?

>most guns
>more deaths
>fewer people
>fewer people to shoot guns
>fewer massacre
>fewer deaths

Prove me wrong...
>you cunt

Why should any one listen some dyke teen.

But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong. But she didn't take my guns so you're wrong.


This is what a fifth column looks like.

This Q-ball dyke has zero power over me.
It has zero power over you, too.

but more guns = less deaths according to UN data.

>monkey see - monkey do
>chimp TV full of WWE and Kadashians
>politics proudly corrupt kakitocracy
>society a degenerated cesspit of tribal in-fighting effluence and sperger's bilge

Ipso fact™

Oh... shit. Well that sucks. Where do I turn my guns in?

Its amazing to me how CNN isn't self aware enough to see that pushing this is cringey and make them look like simpletons

Except galvanizing an entire generation to vote for him control.


Their audience is simpletons. Anybody who didn't realize CNN is tabloid tier fake news several years ago is already a lost cause.

its an emotional appeal, and thats all leftists care about

Jun>moar = moar
>fat goes in => fat pokes out
>Amerimuttania is a First World superpower and beacon of democracy -> Dumbf squats over the Shite House of the most stark caste society since the Pharaohs

Do you see the pattern yet, goy...?

I don't care about your life or the lives of your children. Shit happens and people die. Deal with it.
Try to take my guns and I can guarantee that way more people will die than necessary. In fact, I'd feel it necessary to make makeshift junk guns and leave them out in public places loaded just to spite you.
If you want to try to make me a serf then I will do everything I can to make things worse for you. I cannot condone these mass shootings right now but if you start restricting gun rights then they'll look a lot more justified to me.


Armed society is polite society.
Gun grabbing faggots will only look at gun crimes but never look at overall crime. No other crimes matter to them because guns are loud and scary and are made to kill things.
Go be a serf in Europe. America is for freemen.

most of these gun control advocates arent even white

they literally want to disarm whites so that they can fucking outbreed and murder us all

I'm tired of arguing in "good faith" or pretending to care. If you want them try and take them.

I'd reply, but I can't even tell what the fuck you are trying to say.

I think you misunderstood me.

I am absolutely 100% pro gun.

They don't care about the Constitution or its rules. Haven't you noticed that by now?

Do it. Please. I want to see the 2nd get removed. And then I'll sit back and watch as every Democrat politician, every anti-gun celebrity and speaker gets dragged into the streets with their families and shot in the back of the head.

And it wouldn't be Cleetus doing it. It'd be Sgt. Smith from the local National Guard unit. It'd 1st Lt. Black from the Reserves unit just five miles out of town. It'd be Officer Williams from your local police department.

Because they'd rather go out and murder the fuck out of the people who passed that law than go out an enforce it. Guaran-fucking-tee it.

Stop replying to shills your absolute retard.


Perhaps she could fuck off to Mexico where they have gun control.

If that's how you feel, why should i pay taxes to the military to protect us from Muslims and Mexicans? It's not my problem.

Bullshit. Cops care more about their pension and their paycheck than they do about us and our rights.

Probably Cuban, but can I see the carfax on her immigration status?

Seriously. Cops are not constitutionalists. They'll jump at the thought of making every John q. Public a bootlicker.

I just don't understand how Hawaii can have legal gun ownership AND people with mental health problems, but no monthly massacres like Florida.

It surely can't be easy access to firearms. But what could it be? I wonder...

Boomer cops are based, younger ones are more likely to go on power trips.

The problem isn't guns the problem is young men being raised by shitty parents and having nobody to emotionally help them as they grow up through highschool, which is brutal for most. Defanging masculinity won't lead to anything either since they will still become emotional wrecks and lash out.


>Except galvanizing an entire generation to vote for him control.
Holy shit, hyperbole much?
She isn't going to do a goddamn thing.
Watch. Screenshot this, write it down, do whatever the fuck you want to document this.
NOTHING is going to happen as a result of this.

Anti 2A thread 16


state your sauce.


Doesn't that happen in every first world country though? Yet somehow Canada isn't dealing with monthly massacres.

>not posting the video

>appeal to emotion
not an argument.

Canada still has remnants of familial values. Hell most here in Florida don't even have a father.



Try to take my guns and you'll find yourself on the wrong end of it... plain and simple.

>listening to political statements from literal emotional children who just had some of their friends die

>>Trump is a dangerous authoritarian fascist dictator who wants to round up gays put them into prision camps or something and will take away the rights of "anyone who doesn't look like him", unless we resist him by any means necessary I'm literally shaking.

>>Trump should disarm the citizenry.

Boomer cops and firefighters are the most based men in America

What's wrong with all your rallies, faggots, there was a time a rally was a car race through the wilderness.
Keep your fucking fucking theaters on the broadway and don't fucking wank yourself in the public when you see an open mic somewhere.
You're a nation of retarded bitches and faggots.

>The second amendment is finished.

Someone doesn't understand how the second amendment works. It's not over till you pry my rifle from my cold dead hands.

>>>alt right repeat things they see on Sup Forums
>>>breitbart news decides to use this to further their agenda

So this happened like three days ago and this chick is already booked for an antigun rally and ready to speak publically? These shootings get more and more ridiculous every time.

Why is it that we can't even talk about this topic without people flipping the fuck out?

>I'll kill you if you take my guns away!
>Just TRY and take them!

Don't get me wrong, we absolutely need the 2nd amendment and I'll fight to the death to defend it. I just don't understand why we can't have productive conversations about gun control without the extremes of "QQ guns are bad" and "NOT MY GUNS!"

And I don't mean on Sup Forums, because nothing constructive gets done here; I mean in society as a whole. There's not going to be a one solution to this, but why can't we all just talk about it?

Anyone else just never care about this?

My family are all republican voters our whole life, but we never owned guns.

I am a conservative and have only and will only vote republican but I just really don't care.

I only care because I knew Jews view this as a way to control southern and mid-west Christian Whites whom they both hate and fear, this causes me to support gun rights.. but just barely.

>Don't get me wrong, we absolutely need the 2nd amendment and I'll fight to the death to defend it. I just don't understand why we can't have productive conversations about gun control without the extremes of "QQ guns are bad" and "NOT MY GUNS!"
You can't defend the 2nd Amendment and entertain thoughts on further gun control, as it is the 2nd is close to being entirely neutered. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to make citizens dangerous. So that you rethink the idea of trying to offend their other rights, and then they have the option and opportunity to kill you if you still go through with it.

>be french
>have gun control
>have a bunch of Muslims out do any American shooter ever with over 130 kills
>no comments from shitlibs other than thoughts, prayers and virtue signaling #notallmuzzies
>some autist kills a handful of people
>ban all guns NOW

>implying Sup Forums is mainstream
>implying breitbart is mainstream
theres a difference here that I don't think you comprehend

One of the best things that could happen for Republicans is that the Democrats start campaigning on outright banning guns.

There's a reason Obama didn't touch this during his eight years, it's a really hot fucking potato in all the red counties that went for Trump.

>You can't defend the 2nd Amendment and entertain thoughts on further gun control

Maybe gun control is the wrong word. I'm thinking more ways to prevent idiots going around and just shooting up places. Like having armed guards that can take them down to minimize casualties; or some kind of sensor out of science fiction that can detect guns and is able to neutralize them.

All I'm saying is, why can't we just talk about what can be done? Because if all the left does is cry about guns being around and all the right does is cry about guns being taken away, we will hear about another shooting on this level in a month. And, I'd hope we can all agree that these incidents were never the intention of the 2nd amendment.

>Don't get me wrong, we absolutely need the 2nd amendment and I'll fight to the death to defend it. I just don't understand why we can't have productive conversations about gun control without the extremes of "QQ guns are bad" and "NOT MY GUNS!"
>productive conversations about gun control
Jew speak for more gun control. Any time libshits want to "compromise" they simply want to take more and more away from what should be one of our most important rights. Keep your fucking mitts off what is mine.

You're just proving my point. I'm not talking about taking your guns away idiot.

Did you not know how representation in your Viceroyalty worked before rioting?

My point is I have a gun and I am willing to use it to prevent it being taken from me. That is the end of the argument.

The shootings are staged, user. Even if they were exactly what we think they are, mass shootings are statistically insignificant and shouldn't scare people as much as they do. They're a great excuse for creating more forms of control like you just described though.

And my point is why can't we even have a discussion about means to prevent more of these from happening? Even if the solution has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment, no one is willing to talk about it because it's a sensitive topic or it's "not the right time to talk about it".

See, at least YOU are willing to give me an answer and talk about this. So how do we stop staged events like this from happening? Do we respond with our own?

>entire point of 2nd Amendment is because governments being untrustworthy, tyrannical, and genocidal is an absolute 100% given
>crooked child sacrificing politicians are aware that a large chunk of the US is well-armed, and that rightly terrifies them
>they're getting more scared and more desperate to get something passed, because they know critical mass is coming soon and they don't want to be shot in the streets
>but hey guys, let's "have the conversation" because "surely we can have productive conversations about gun control

Holy fucking shit ShareBlue, get a new playbook. You CANNOT say that we "need the 2nd amendment" and that you'll "fight to the death to defend it" and then also say that we can have a productive conversation about gun control.

There is one, and only one, conversation to be had here. And that is fuck you. Gun control has one purpose, and one purpose only: for a government to consolidate its power and attempt to impose a monopoly on violence so that it can do whatever the fuck it feels like without worrying about its cattle-serfs being able to fight back.

2/10 bait made me reply

Did she really

Because that is called holding businesses, schools, and anti-gun areas responsible for the safety of everyone they are endangering by taking away their ability to protect themselves.

If a school wants to be a gun free zone they should have to have metal detectors at the entrances, secure doors, armed security.

Not bait and you're absolutely proving my point further by ignoring what I said and responding with "Govment took my guns; gunna kill yous!"


If people get a ban going on automatic weapons (ARs, Machine Pistols, Automatic shotguns etc). Then the next shooting is going to be done with semi automatic weapons (semi auto ARs, Handguns, semi auto Shotguns). Then the next shooting is going to be done with manual action weapons (Revolvers, lever rifles, pump shotguns). It won't stop and it won't end until all guns are banned and that is a big no no.

>My point is I have a gun and I am willing to use it to prevent it being taken from me. That is the end of the argument.

You and 100 million other patriots.

I’m a LEO. If orders come through the dept to come confiscate guns I am pretty sure that:

A). Most of us won’t do it because we swore oaths to defend and uphold the constitution

B) I don’t want to start knocking on doors where every visit is a potential ambush.

I’ll just let the Fudds in the Fed agencies handle this one.

she did noting, nothing at all. Stop shilling you stupid fucking faggot.

If they want to have anti gun zones they absolutely should be held responsible.
How do people with guns and gun permits go on planes? Do you check them in and they go with the baggage or can you carry it onboard if everything checks out?

>guns are banned
>I hate everyone
>what to do?
>pull fire alarm
>everyone gathers into clustered groups on the grass
>head out to $15.00 an hour HomeDepot truck

no one is willing to talk about it because it's become an issue where the pro-gun side holds all the facts but the anti-gun side holds all the propaganda power and emotional persuasiveness. The Anti-gun side also tends to be vicious and soulless enough to capitalize on these already largely manufactured incidents and aim for maximum trauma programming. They know that people are more suggestible after a traumatic event and they leverage it. They are evil.

There's no discussion with evil. There's no arguing with brainwashed acolytes. It's less productive than digging in and standing your ground because you end up giving things away in one-sided "compromises."

We don't. We can work to expose them for the bullshit that they are and try to wake up what few normies that are intelligent and critical enough to see through the mindwashing, but the majority of people (some of whom are even pretty smart) are too mindwashed by mainstream propaganda to be able to truly consider that what they're being fed is absolute manufactured bullshit. You're underestimating just how powerful and refined the propaganda machine has become over the last century.

There ARE solutions to stopping mass shootings. Nearly every one of those solutions runs counter to everything that the Left believes in, and because of that it is utterly impossible to bring into being.

I bet she was one of the roasties who bullied him. These people are fucking clueless and shameless.

Throw acid in her face inshallah


I'm okay with the idea of limiting magazine size, but if we can be realistic. That isn't going to appease liberals, cause it doesn't do anything to stop or prevent shootings.

Sorry bitch, no fucks left to give, I ran out of fucks last November. If you want I'll see if I can order you some.

See user, this is what I'm looking for. We gotta boil this down to find the root of this issue and rip it out so it doesn't grow back. Thank you.

> The second amendment is finished.
Yea some half breed Mexican high school girl is going to end the second amendment.
The delusions of liberals never end.
Why do they exaggerate everything and lie so much? It's old.

repeal and replace all beaners with white people

That's the only valid response user. Look what happened in China, Russia, and Cambodia. Look what's currently happening in Venezuela.

Governments should never be fully trusted. That's ultimately the lesson human history teaches us. I mean, hell, if you believe the official story of this last shooting, the FBI completely dropped the ball and could've stopped it from happening, but they didn't. Why should we trust them with all the guns when they can't do their jobs right?

Shit, look how fucked up and shitty California has become. Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that Cali's super corrupt and unconstitutional push for rapid gun control isn't because politicians are scared?

This may be true for some, but definitely not all.

Fuck her and her stupid hair and her stupid tears.

i'd like to know the dick size of half the mongoloid guncucks in this thread.


That's all I need to hear. That whole state needs to be nuked and any survivors need to be culled.

No, we just need to massacre them and resettle the land.

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition,Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition,Repetition,
Has been the modus operandi of the left for the last century.

>How do people with guns and gun permits go on planes? Do you check them in and they go with the baggage or can you carry it onboard if everything checks out?
See this is exactly how you out yourself shillblue. You don't even have the most basic knowledge of firearms or how they are already controlled but you want us to "talk about gun control". Anyone who isn't a complete idiot or owns a gun knows you check your firearm in with the airline in a secure locked box.

But I'm sure you believe in the 2nd Amendment and would die defending it, right?

We'll, if they secede from the US the first order of business better be invade and conquer it. Those flower pushing hippies won't stand a chance.

>kid sees misleading or just plain wrong information on CNN/MSNBC/ABC
>during a press conference the kid repeats it, teary eyed
>CNN posts the video and pretends that the misleading information or lie is true

They are their own propaganda creator and pusher