Are you this Scandinavian?
Other urls found in this thread:
>One percent Ashkenasi
>"Kike!" "Merchant!" "Jew spotted!"
>One percent Scandi
"You're still just a [demographic]!"
Le 1% Scandinavian face
>One percent Ashkenasi
>"Kike!" "Merchant!" "Jew spotted!"
Because they act like a full blooded Ashkenazi subversive agent.
80% dumb ass
She's proud to be white and you knuckle dragging, penis breathed mongrels will never know the feeling
Her body mass constitutes 1% of shit in her belly so with her logic she's full of shit.
Seems right to me.
Are you this much of a faggot?
>1% face
Does that make this woman black?
>almost completely italian
>can trace almost complete ancestry tree up 7 generations
>ancestry never comes up
I'm glad my ancestry is this fucking boring desu
This bitch makes white traps look like women.
>i am i am
>le 1% face
>La luz extinguido
Holy shit rarely have I seen memes more real.
Both my parents are Turkish, but I am Faroese.
Everyone make those clickbait titles it's just how youtube works you 56% retard
There's no such thing as one percent jew.
Le 100% nigger
sauce for that vid
>white person has 1% black in them
>”you’re black”
>black persons has 1% white
>”you’re not white”
You’re lucky desu
>1 bad apple
throw out the whole bunch
>one good apple
throw out the whole bunch
That doesn’t make sense
Wonder how she will react once she finds out she shares what? 98% genes with chimpansees.
What the fuck
You've demonstrated that you do, indeed, understand how this thing works; so what point are you trying to make?
>bowl of cornflakes has 1% shit in it
>it's shit
>bowl of shit has 1% cornflakes in it
That’s completely non-sequitor
Black Africans consider African Americans vile for being part white
It makes no sense
All humans share 99% of their DNA with apes, brainlet.
This is why I don't like Black people.
I don't like Black people.
she even updated her comment to say "ayo iss mah video so I can say whateva I want"
and we can call you a fucking retard for it
>Are you this Scandinavian?
No. I'm white.
You got her good Chang
operation ongoing
wh... where's the ...
... where's the missing 1%?
she is just applying the racist one drop rule
>using the one drop rule to prove you are white
Where am I?
99% Human.