Leftist Media Aiming for Race War

> Gaines was shot dead by police on August 1, 2016 after she pointed her gun at an officer and said, 'If you don't leave, I'm going to kill you,' investigators said


Other urls found in this thread:


If she was is a gang, then the police would have complied

>attorney wearing a Kaepernick jersey
Fucking kek


We are so blatantly in a race war and only one side is aware of it.

MDfag here, please repopulate Maryland white folks, great fishing, jobs......pleeeeease fucking gentrify us

white people need to just entirely abandon Baltimore and Detroit. It's illegal to fight back against them so the only option is to leave

>J. Wyndal Gordon, the family attorney who wore the Kaepernick jersey, said he was 'filled with pride' over the verdict.
>'Royce Ruby was nobody’s hero. He wasn’t a hero to his comrades or fellow officers. He wasn’t a hero to the community. He was a coward,' Gordon said.

...holy shit. This is insanity.

Its incredible the way that's titled so it looks like her family was killed.

>threaten police
>get shot
>get gibs

We need to start a gofund me or whatever for this guy. Fuck these subhumans

Fuck to the no


Rights are only for whites!

If you try to give rights to any subhuman their ability to process the responsibility to applied rights flies out the window because of their savage tribal nature. As a result white civilization is going to fall back 300 years if action is not taken soon.


They're on the news so it won't last long... you're kidding yourself.

Good, fuck the bootlickers. They killed her over a friggin traffic ticket.

Those nogs will burn thru the money
in five years and be stone broke again.
Looks like the monkey in photo was
trying to look white.

>it's okay to threaten someone's life because you won't pay a ticket

Found the nigger.

>White Civilization is going to fall back 300 years

You're acting like this is a bad thing

Ah yes, the nigger lottery. Niggers keep fighting police because they know their families will get paid.

She was defending herself and her family against intruders, which is what guns are for, you fucking bootlicking cocksucker.

Should be a good reminder that we're in a war right now.

sort of. a few are in actual denial as in delusional, maybe lots of indoctrinated since birth, but I'd say the bulk is probably the know it's true but denying by lying camp, and can't forget the any variation of above but White guilt/christcuck self loathing "we deserve it" camp.

how can you tell

who said kids aren't an investment?! Raise the shithead, arm that shithead and fill their head with cop hate, get that shithead killed => PROFIT!

rather be poor with dignity than an honorless nigger

they'll be broke within a year

Baltimore is broke and falling apart.

Where is the money going to come from?

thats the ghetto lottery. i seriously believe a good amount of these black mothers pump out as many trayvons as they can in hopes that they can better their odds on one of them getting shot so they can collect the reperations

They identified themselves as police and her response was to point a shotgun at them. What idiot dies over not paying a traffic ticket?

From the tiny minority of Baltimore whites, i.e. the taxpayers.

Your state is legitimately a contender for worst in the country. Let all of the rich faggot liberals get overran and we'll talk after that.

Take the money out of welfare and ebt to pay for it. Knock $200 off of every gubmint check and make sure the nogs know it.

You think this is bad, just wait till (((they))) gear up to handle the bullshit Gun Tace Taskforce. Over 100 convictions were over turned, and Baltimore tried to say they aren't on the hook.

more kanglets = more ghetto lottery tickets


According to Mueller's most recent indictment, Russian trolls were using isolated incidents of police violence against unarmed blacks to inflame racial tensions, discourage blacks from voting for Clinton and encouraging blacks to vote for Trump...but the election is over, comrade. Why are you still doing this?

baltimore is a shithole

Did the Russians make Hillary label them super predators ? Muh russia