Made in Abyss

In Australian Abyss, dad assembles you from a cartridge.

Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely glorious

Reminder: Maruruk is for lewd

Reminder, the bunny smells good!

Reminder, Natt and Shiggy are the best couple


It barely used any more time than showing them acting threatening and making noises would have. How much further could it have gotten if they had shaved a few seconds off that scene? An episode can't just end at any random spot. They were never "just sitting there and staring" so the anime was more faithful than your headcannon.


>if they had shaved a few seconds off that scene
How hard is it to understand that EVERY scene is dragged out there. With maybe a couple exception during the bird fight. Shave second off of all of them and you get several extra minutes. Get several extra minutes from every released episode, and you get another episode.


No, you don't. There's only certain scenes that you can end an episode on. A few extra minutes is worthless because the only way to get past those points is with another episode.

Not an issue with better planning.

>There's only certain scenes that you can end an episode on
This is not a very good argument, user. There is not just one possible way to end an episode.
For example, the fourth episode could have easily been made to include the birds, and then it would have ended on pic related. Which I would argue would have been better than the Ozen cliffhanger.

>Australia even has the penis fish from the manga

>when a fish is bigger than you

>nobody will ever give you a flat hamster

>people complain about the manga being rushed
>people complain about the anime being slow
There is no middle ground for anyone it seems

Professionals already went over this and storyboarded different possibilities to see how things could actually work while having to cut or add as little as possible. Ending one episode at a point that you would personally prefer would mean that a later one would be forced to end at an awkward place unless significant changes were made to the story.

Besides, this show isn't about action, it's about atmosphere. Pacing is something to complain about in a long-running WSJ show.

No. The current storyboard was approved simply due to the lack of funds to adapt the Bondrewd arc, as it would require a lot of expensive animation.
And even now, the way they are saving money in a great many places is pretty obvious to anyone who is willing to pay attention.

No faithful adaptation could have made it through the Bondrewd arc in one cours. If they had tried, the anime would be an unwatchably rushed mess to anyone who hasn't already read the manga. Without everything that sets it up, the later stuff would just look like Elfen Lied-tier grimdark for the sake of being grimdark crap, instead of something that feels organic in the setting.


>lets random dudes fondle his ass
Maruruk a slut


Reminder that this is all lies and slander. SHE is canonically female, and does not let people do bad things to her. She does not enjoy being hung naked. She helps her friends and keeps Ozen in check, not out of obligation but because she does not like other's to suffer. A truly admirable young woman.

stick your dick in it user and make it yours

Which character's abyss would you delve?

>Pic related

>not even 30 posts in and the thread is already beyond redemption
Anime was a fucking mistake

Eat Riko's diarrhea.

Come post in my thread

Tfw your 60 year old mother will never make you and your 32 year old brother Regu cookies.


>tfw you won't draw navel abuse and pretend you're 12 years old on twitter while your mother prepares a shirt for you to wear during the interview
that's not scientific

You mean this is thread is IRREDEEMABLE

shut up reg, your ears don't make sense

But Maruruk is a canon male

An extra episode won't help with this show. There are only two natural endpoints. Chapter 26 or 38.
Once you decide on that in pre-production, everything else will follow from that initial decision. Your pacing follows this, not the other way around.

I'm still waiting for you to deliver you dirty Nat poster!!!!!
wheres my fic

how smart is that lady, those cookie cutters looked 3d printed

I can't wait to see all the animeonlyfags calling him cute/waifu after the next episode

This proves nothing. To me, she will always be a cute girl. GIRL!

But Maruruk is cute, despite being a boy.

Now if they call him waifu it'll be hilarious.

Did he promise you one?

that page is inconclusive
trapfags are d e l u s i o n a l

girl (male)

>They'll never change him to a girl

Maruruk is my waifu (male)

I'm pretty sure they ARE 3D printed.

the proof is in the nipples. No way that's a dude

Boys can have girly nipples

Some time I think we've gone too far and other time I think we've gone backward.

maybe if they're drawn by a pervert, but tsukushi is no such thing.

What is this pedo shit


That's scientific triumph

Judging by this thread. It has gone well beyond typical jap deviancy to full blown degeneracy.

These threads are peak autism


Who will voice Bondrewd?

How far do you think the anime will get?

Nobuhiko Okamoto would be good

Takehito Koyasu, and I think it will end at their arrival at the idofront.

How does Tsukushi make such delicious shota's?
I mean each new one that gets introduced just get better and better from Natt to Regu to Maruruk.
I believe when the next shota is introduced he may just break these threads!

>Maruruk better than Reg

Delusional trapfags

Look how perfect he is.

What secrets could be hiding in his headbags

Why do MiA fans always make shit that cracks me up

With this level of despair, humor is our only defense.

>What secrets could be hiding in his headbags

Why is this little boy melting?

>boy is born with natural blue/violet hair
>puts on a dress
>tries his hardest to make his voice sound like a girl
>turns bright red and becomes madly aroused if you mention his shenanigans
how is this not best boy in your book? Look at his bangs.

I forgot to mention he's totally into voyeur, bondage, and humiliation.

w-what is running down his thigh

Hes peeing himself, he gets strung up for hours, when else would he go?

I feel like this would be funny if it was ten years ago.

it's just wholesome crotch sweat
get your mind outta the gutter user



What does 'Nnaaa' even sounds like?

Think of sigh but with an n

Fuck off.

Tell me user, what other way would you describe "The Capital of the Unreturned"?

Wait a few weeks and you'll find out


good, nice job

why is your stuff so smallllll
I want to admire it but muh resolution

Nanachi was saying “Nnaa” before the bunny transformation, what a weird hobo

Was jirou safe ?

Thanks to the radio show we have an idea of how Nanachi will sound, it could sound a little more high pitched in the anime but the general idea should be the same

just noticed he's sweating in the last panel. Drunk Ozen is probably pretty scary

admire small abysses

I tried search by image, I've gone through all of the MiA chapters I can find on a couple of different manga sites, but I can't figure out what this page is from. Did Leader get some side chapters or something? Where can i find this?

Side chapter 3.
Alternatively, Volume 6.

24.5, its on potato

Jiruo is fucking SWOLE carrying this huge bag like it's nothing.

It's pretty funny when you realize that whole bag is packed with snacks for Ozen.

Tell me anons, why does he wear the mask?

I want Ozen to finger my asshole with the power of thousand men

Ozen has such a pretty face.

It's not a mask, the abyss turned him into a bird

This is probably my favorite fanart of her. Gorgeous expression.

I'm glad we are on the same page

I should add the one thing that really bugs me about it is her right eye looks like a lazy eye, I should fix that.

Why she have a cat mouth?