>barely investigated Cruz
>ignored a tip from someone who knew him and said he was going to shoot up a school
How come no one is discussing the FBI fucking up this massively?
>barely investigated Cruz
>ignored a tip from someone who knew him and said he was going to shoot up a school
How come no one is discussing the FBI fucking up this massively?
Because the left needs the FBI for Russian collusion right now.
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Team of 2-3 shooters (Mossad Agents) go into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
More points:
>Scott Israel quoted the Talmud in press conference for shooting
>MSM made sure to report the shooting interrupted "Holocaust classes"
>Several victims were Jewish (blood passover/sacrifice ritual)
>Cruz was an Elsagate MKUltra victim / Youtube pedo
Because Trump said FBI sucks
So people who hate Trump goes:
"Wtf i love the FBI now!"
florida shooting was done by nikolas cruz, a 19 year old you stupid fuck
Dems are on the side of the FBI right now. If they call out the FBI, Trump will win.
Nope. He didn't do it.
nikolas "white supremacist paramilitary group member" cruz*
Because they know that the school shooting was an Israeli false flag. Again. They didn't fuck up. Keep perpetuating the narrative though.
prove it
wow consider my almonds jimmied, wtf that is 911 tier kikery if true.
But it's the FBI's job to stop foreign interference in domestic affairs.
How many shootings/bombings has the (((FBI))) "accidentally" overlooked or let go?"
The FBI is a political organ of the Democratic party. With that context, They have done a stellar job in handling this particular situation.
>the FBI is incompetent
>the FBI wanted it to happen
The FBI had a chance to prove the great Trump Russian collusion conspiracy and came up with 13 Russian hackers.
Get your popcorn ready!
>fbi conducts a false flag to make itself seem completely retarded
they were warned about many of these mass shootings and never did anything
they either get so many calls that they can't possibly follow up on them, or (if you like conspiracies) they don't do anything on purpose bc they want them to happen so our gun laws change.
>implying there wasn't a happening at the NSA the same day that looked like inter-agency hijinks
The alphabets are at war and different agencies have different tools at their disposal. Feds aren't omniscient.
according to the shill, this is done intentionally to make themselves out of the public eye to get away with jewish tricks. again, this is completely bullshit and that poster is just a schizophrenic that has been off his lithium for the past week
user, the FBI is completely retarded. Are you a millenial?
great post user
this is exactly what happened
too busy playing politics, anybody appointed by Obama needs to go immediately, they are DNC operatives first and anything else a distant second
So they're all completely incompetent, a waste of money, and should all be fired? Sounds good to me.
I often get my paycheck via DARPA. Feel free to defund them some more as well.
Psych drugs + hypnotic suggestion
Regular kike stuff
They bout to get BTFO and they are crying out in pain as they strike
Typical kike stuff
I've noticed a pattern with these shootings and whatnots in the west that every country's 'secret' police always knew something. Someone shoot up a school, muzzie gets a truck and run people over or just pull up an AK. Every time these offenders were under some kind of surveillance and might've even been questioned before the attack.
FBI should have been dissolved after their inability to stop 9/11, anything afterwards is moot.
x-files just another patsy
>anything afterwards is moot.
It's already been proven that the FBI runs most of the domestic terrorist attacks. They just pretend the ones they screwed up were (((pure coincidence)))
because it turns out that the government actually does its job, and it turns out we are more free than you would like to think, considering he was not being followed obviously
Why did you have to make Nikolaus (totally not some weird Russian spelling or whatever) in color and look so hot like the latest numale fashions?
It's almost like you didn't want to splatter his eyes all over the media!
Or they're just outgunned. Doesn't mean they're incompetent.
I didn’t make it and I’m not gonna post it again. Too many inaccuracies
We're all being followed. Just today NPR was hyping up how ICE wants all the databases from Alphabet et al to get the license plates so it can deport child rapists and woman beaters (which apparently is a terrible thing).
FBI has been compromised for a while now.
>someone calls them up saying so and so is going to do a massacre
>they do nothing
If they don't check it out quickly, being as it's a time sensitive tip, then yes, they're incompetent.
>tft NPR had some whiny Jew on the other morning yelling about how our schools need to be more like prison camps
The absolute state of Jews these days.
>political agnostic easily painted as Trumper.
>FBI hates Trump, lays back and watches shit unfold.
A mid-level drone drops the ball and forgets to pass on info to higher-ups, and winds up getting transferred to Anchorage, Alaska. And so it goes.
two scoops two many
>two tips to FBI
>comments from Cruz saying he was going to be a professional school shooter
>comments from Cruz saying he wanted to kill police
>flayed small animals/reptiles alive on instagram
>FBI didn't even inform NICS or the US Dept of Personnel (that would have ensured he couldn't pass a background check)
>FBI didn't inform local authorities
>fattie posts a a joke on snapchat about "FL round 2"
>is arrested the next day because the FBI informed the local authorities
Something isn't adding up here....
>the government is looking out for me and keeping tabs on people who might hurt me
Nobody gives a fuck anymore. If it isn't going to score them an increase on their year end bonus it's not worth bothering with.
>Government will protect us, we don't need weapons
>Government can't monitor basket case that has been visited 39 times
because the FBI is having the barrel pointed in their direction, so they wanted another shooting to spark up the gun control debate.
Right now we are in a race, where one side is now trying to push an invasion while disarming the other side. We can't lose this time.
Its because the FBI is a massive fucking joke.
Think about what the fbi has done in just 5 months
>cant find a motive for the DEADLIEST MASS SHOOTING OF ALL TIME (542 DEAD) in las vegas.
>spent two (2) YEARS investigating the trump team and could only indict 10 russian civilians for saying #Trump4Pres
>failed to prevent the deadliest school shooting in the last decade (17 dead) despite knowing the shooter personally
I SERIOUSLY HOPE one of you lunatics here sees all this and knows you can get away with anything.
Because thats all theyve shown now.
what the fuck are you talking about? is called "freedom of speech" are they supposed to go after every person that comments something PC culture finds offensive?
If it were only the FBI then 16 other intelligence agencies would stop on in.
Try again. And it's not just the 17 intelligence agencies.
No shit, its the self proclaimed lords of today and they are facing an armed peasants revolt.
seeThey have no excuse. This is close to criminal negligence on the part of the FBI. And Trump has the authority to clean house or disband the FBI entirely. Upon Trump's re-election the gloves will come off and you'll see layoffs and corruption arrests on the scale of Russian purges.
>be FBI
>get tip
>check tip out, seems legit
>agree to move on tip
>move to get authorization to move on tip
>denied by kiked obama plants because muh redtape
Takes all but a second to think of just one plausible reason as to why they didn't act the way people believe they should have. For all you know, they did move on it and that's what the little snafu over at the NSA on the same day was about.
This whole thing stinks.
Bitches don't know bout my Stephen Couglin
>alphabets know everything you do
>even mind reading/controlling technology is a piece of cake for them
>there is no privacy at all anywhere
>as soon as a kid raises one red flag they get on a watch list and their file keeps expanding year by year
>a complex complete to the date profile is automatically created on user
but they accidentemally forget to watch the kid who was so creepy the school was afraid to let him in with a backpack.
they want everyone to think they are just stupid old guys out of touch with modern technology so everyone lets their guard down even more.
people who have raised fewer red flags and fit less of the criteria than this kid are constantly surveilled. why wouldn't he be?
CNN Money Shutterstock....what?
It's all just a (((coincidence))) that the FBI has failed to stop these massacres even though they had information on the perpetrators.
the FBI will be bankrupt once the civil cases start rolling in.
Everyone look at this guy and laugh. He actually believes the FBI and other government organizations are filled with people who care about doing what's right and looking out for the best interests of their country. Sorry to break the bad news but we aren't living in the 1980's where the FBI was staffed by competent White males who were selected based on merit instead of diversity quotas and weren't career obsessed psychopaths whose sole concerns are about how the outcome of an investigation is going to affect me, myself, and I. Proactive police work is dead, the fame and glory is made busting the big fish terror cells and drug smuggling rings they themselves created, there's no prospects in sitting around playing internet babysitter and keeping tabs on every angsty teen in the country.
I didn't even read five words of your post.
You read the whole post, likely more than once because the first part of it bruised your fragile ego enough that you had to fully assess the post and retaliate.
Stay mad, leaf.
theyre just guys sitting around a table going welp...
dude, we've all been red-pilled on FBI corruption for a long time...they literally let 9/11 happen, at the very least, to help bring in a NWO security state...they're evil....like always.
The FBI was purged subsequently through the years, especially after 9/11 when Israeli went full 20lbs of pussy and ass on this country.
Obama purged the worst though. You've got a lot of activist Reality Winner (fucking deranged dyke) types getting bumped into positions they should not be in.
It's in their interest to ignore it and use it as another excuse to disarm Americans. This is a cultural problem not a firearm problem. Ultra violence is glorified everywhere in media and entertainment while we are poisoned by our water, food and medicine.
You could mail order a machine gun in recent history without repercussion. Communities were closer knit without the need for face book and cell phones. Life was simpler and people worked harder among their peers. Modern America is the forced and failed melting pot where narcissism reigns supreme and society has begun to eat itself.
These shooters are the result of cultural and moral decay.
>Obama purged the worst
>implying he didn't simply replace the worst with his own team's worst
At this point I think it is fair to say that the FBI as a whole is at least incompetent and at the worst wholly corrupt. They have Anthony Weiner's computer and refused to assist the NYPD (one of THE most corrupt PDs on earth) in progressing the pedo investigation.
I mean, how do you justify this?
They were too busy using all their resources to investigate Trump I guess?
Who the fuck knows. News flash: people are not perfect, they make mistakes, and they can be inept at their jobs.
Seems like it was a systemic chain of failures that resulted in no action being taken, based on what I gathered from the "news".
-your friendly cia nigger
It is FBI protocol to inform NICS and US Dept Of Personnel when they receive tips regarding potential deadly threats. That way the Background Check for a gun purchase can be denied or at the very least delayed for 30 days. They informed neither agency nor did they inform the local authorities.
But they somehow managed to inform the local authorities and have a random kid arrested over a prank post 2 days later. That doesn't add up.
At least this many.
>542 DEAD
>But they somehow managed to inform the local authorities and have a random kid arrested over a prank post 2 days later.
That's just classic overcompensation, because now there's a spotlight
It kinda does. As you said, they failed to perform their duties with Cruz. Now that they are on notice, they don't want to fuck up again, hence their prompt response on the new threat.
It's just too bad that that it even got to this point.
The real fuckups here is the school district that failed to safeguard the children in their care.
How many more muat die before the schools supply armed guards as a defense?
They receive over 1300 tips a day on average, almost none of them lead to anything substantial. Things are easily missed or looked over. Though when something does happen they are always overvigilant in the search for copycats. Just like remember when they arrested some random guy with no intentions of wrong doing for google searching about pressure cookers and bombs after the Boston Marathon.
>having jurisdiction over this
lol no.
We should be blaming the retarded that called the feds over someone violating a city ordinance before we blame the feds following procedure correctly.
Oh piss off. Nobody wants a proactive FBI. It would be worse than a thousand school shootings.
Funny you say that. A certain student in my school got picked up just the other day for forwarding fiction to his professor.
The school locked down the roofs for two days, which explains all the weird LEOs looking me up and down, and even some straight up military guys trying to blend in as grant-related guys.
kid was a competitive shooter, had many trophies from events won. There's no guarantee armed guard wins the gun fight.
The next day while I was sitting around in a sitting around area, I got to listen to two girls in his class gossiping about him. Fun stuff. One of them went to school not too far away from Sandy Hook.
>The next day while I was sitting around in a sitting around area
I think the reaction to these shootings since Columbine has been at least in part responsible for their increasing popularity.
It's like when you watch a fight and the guy takes a hit and you see he's hurt, the guy who punched him sees he got hurt, you know he's going to get hit there again and again.
This kind of panic shows the outsider how to hit the man where it hurts and the blows are just going to keep coming.
They put a high priority in "sitting around" areas or, as the administration likes to call it, "huddle zones." If you don't call it a "huddle zone" then you're not part of the team and you don't know the score.
FBI in action, if you protest in support of the constitution they do this to you.
LaVoy Assassination forensic PROOF released!
Well of course they react hard. The former president of the university at which I work shat his pants left and right that the university shrink had provided SSRIs like candy to one of my friends who went on to shoot himself in the head.
Said Kohanim president refused to look me in the eye any time we passed in the hall after that, but he has his name on one of the buildings.
>If you don't call it a "huddle zone" then you're not part of the team and you don't know the score
I don't even know what game we're playing
they didn't FAIL...they are unindicted co-conspirators
William [Bill] Cooper, author of conspiracy best-seller Behold a Pale Horse, predicted that there would be an agenda to ban guns in America via staged school shootings. Bill Cooper predicted this long before anybody else in 1991, in chapter twelve of the book.
In the book William Milton Cooper says that governments will manufacture and use any catastrophic event in order to further the global agenda in destroying America’s sovereignty, by confiscating guns owned by citizens.
He further states that there will be a definite rise in school shootings, which will be used to justify stricter gun control laws, saying:
“The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly
William [Bill] Cooper, author of conspiracy best-seller Behold a Pale Horse, predicted that there would be an agenda to ban guns in America via staged school shootings. Bill Cooper predicted this long before anybody else in 1991, in chapter twelve of the book.
In the book William Milton Cooper says that governments will manufacture and use any catastrophic event in order to further the global agenda in destroying America’s sovereignty, by confiscating guns owned by citizens.
He further states that there will be a definite rise in school shootings, which will be used to justify stricter gun control laws, saying:
“The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly
Stopping back in to post this:
Tell me again about how it wasn't a false flag. Please.