Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Saturday that Jews were also responsible for perpetrating the Holocaust and that Jews should question themselves and not Poles about it.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Saturday that Jews were also responsible for perpetrating the Holocaust and that Jews should question themselves and not Poles about it.
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bump for glory.
what controversial holocaust law is he talking about?
based plumber
Truly /ourguy/
zionist perpetrated the holocaust. It will all come to light.
We live in the best timeline
I hope Mati will make it a tradition to come hard on jews every shabbos
Fucking Poland just keeps on giving lately.
Truly Sup Forums's country kek
and so it begins, the rise of the bog cleaner
>white identity is rising
>Jews are being called out in the mainstream every dya
One day a bog cleaner, onto greater things later. Only by experiencing the shit can the glory be appreciated. (((They))) have got fat & weak through their ways, their destruction is inevitable.
A law passed this week that criminalizes any mention of Poles being responsible or complicit in crimes allegedly committed by the Third German Reich. It also prohibits refering to Nazi-era concentration camps such as Auschwitz as “Polish death camps"
Interesting, because he looks like a jew.
heh, nice
>Be Poland
>Stand stonk in the face of great pressure and resist Rapefugee quotas
>Continue to reject EU demands, even when massive financial penalties are threatened
>Vote for a (((Jew))) PM
(((They))) got Poland despite the resistance, they are now going all out to Swedenize Poland, they are changing the narrative that the concentration were German to they were Polish, they will lay on the guilt and in 25 years or so Poland will be Sweden 2.0
Dont be mad you lost your job, now that a lot of hard working poles are buying up investment property in the uk and gaining better jobs, you can go back to your old job as a cleaner.
Based Poles saving Europe once again.
It's certainly true that they're aware it's to their advantage to keep the Holocaust alive in the public consciousness as much as they can. There was that one influential Jew who inflated the numbers from the well established 6 million to something like 11 million, a number American presidents had gone on to cite. He had other Jews who told him it was a bad idea but he still did it and look how easy it was.
Weak bantz, not an Aussie flag - checked
It's true. George Soros 60 mins interview: youtu.be
fair enuf, looking forward to ((((()))))) ovened
He's still a bog cleaner. Just clearing away the jewish bullshit from the pipes that lead to European glory.
That never happened. They have stuck to the six million number for a long time now. The 11 million refers to Jews and non Jews combined that were allegedly killed in concentration camps.
top quality english banter
I dont think poles give a fuck senpai
No wonder Poland gets gangraped every century.
They keep it too real
they can fucking have it mate , mugs, might as well buy somalia
pipe cleaner too boot, valuable addition to lek polenska's CV , now if they could just learn to eat with their mouths closed
>Implying British underclass is any more cultured.
At least they don't groom and rape your daughter and see to it that you get arrested for trying to stop them.
fuck polebrahs, better watch the fuck out now, the kikes are now going to get revenge on you all.
Might aswell go 14/88 right now lads.
So you are never hear about Judenrat and Jewish Ghetto Police huh?
You are the ones who will do the fighting. Why would they send their own, when they can send you.
>tfw legendary
Based Poland
>We dindu nuffin
>But you did
That's pretty disgusting pathetic tbqh
Don't tell me. Jewish Kapos in the internment camps stole from, raped, and exploited their own people before gassing them.