lets get a humour thread going
Pol humour thread
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holy shit this is so bad
the left really cant meme
show your flag leaf
>mutts say this is not white
>mutt nose
>fucked ears
>dying trees in background
>dying trees in background
that pic is taken from states you know
>dying trees
Palm trees shed their leaves like that when their growing
>deflecting the fact that she isn't white to talk about trees
I hope we get nuked soon
>mfw reading this horrible thread
Looks pretty white to me
shut the fuck up leaf you're not even white
>>Looks at the other nigger like it's his fault
Every time
MEMRI TV is the most bluepilled shit ever
Literal IDF propaganda
Fake subs
>t. El Ogro de las Americas
el ogrillo...
>yank btfo so hard by the mutt meme he tries to make his own and fails
he didnt fail. thats how british people are. at least those who are considered attractive in britain.
The surprise of seeing it and the crudeness of it actually made me laugh more than the mutt memes have in months.
>t. butthurt snaggletooth poster
glad I could make you laugh
Reply to this message and my mother dies in her sleep tonight.
what even is white by mutt standards
kikes out in full force
oh no! i've been foound out!
Still did nothing wrong.
YES, I KNOW. My sushi was fucking COMPED, OKAY!?
Not EVERYBODY works at fucking Taco Bell, okay?!
Is it THAT fucking hard to UNDERSTAND?
When Steve wanted something, he GOT it.
Who the FUCK do you think you are??!
Wooooooow. You probably have an adobe creative cloud account and everything.
>Sup Forums humor thread
>single largest collection of unfunny Sup Forums posts
contribute something then you fucking backwater hick
I will trade you one black athlete for one binnish qt. Would you like this trade?
[ ] it’s a deals broskis
[ ] no fankses, niggers spread like diseases!
Fuck off with your memeballs and god awful memes.
Still funny tho
literal ape
I never understood this tiger meme.
Hitla dindu nuffin
All of this is racist and insensitive, I definitely now know you're all 12, go to bed, it's a school night.
Is this ironic?
Is this a shitty backwards meme meant to make me think by buying a gun I’m submitting to capitalist pressure?
This has to be the most disgusting image I’ve ever seen on the internet. I can’t believe it’s real. Never would’ve imagined.
Sorry Mom :( I know I shouldn’t be mean to the new kids...
But hey how come there’s so many of them? How come they hit me for not believing in their religion? How come the teachers tell me not to talk about it when they hit Me?