Race mixing is ba-
you just proved it in one picture, good job user
I'd fuck that nigger.
You can tell from the face that she's sub 50 IQ
If not, then time to get the chains!
A pretty white girl trapped in that body!
My gf of a year is latino shes colombian and we each did a dna test cause we both were history majors and she came up 25% ameridian 25% german and 50% iberian so idk is that really that bad
Btw im canadian in mexico on vacay
>says ‘sage’ on her clothing
That fucking hairline.
Sup Forums in a nutshell
That ass is going to look rough in 10 years.
Like 40lbs of cottage cheese jammed into a couple of dollar store trash bags.
That awful hair though.
There's a reason so many black women keep their hair short
>race mixing is ok
>posts picture of a niggress with down syndrome
should just shave it and wear wigs
>come back to the plantation, white massa
Ya know, i shouldnt reply. But for any idiot who clicked onto this thread hear me out
This is a shill
This OP is a bot who wont respond as a t a human will. That's if he does respond at all. Sometimes i get on kikebook and come here to get away from the silliness. But then i look at the catalog and go back to kikebook. Some days, and some hours of said days are different. Right now, i promise you 85% of the (((1 post by this ID))) fags are bots
Take heed
Fight the good fight
Sage in all fields
Recognize waht is real people. We are losing this war
what race is this, Sup Forums?
Looks kinda latina
Saged. Gay as fuck meme
Pretty sure that's a robot.
Fugly. What's your point?
last one lol, may the rage begin, peace (y)
too white looking, radder hab a white beeb. also it can be bad.
It is raising muh dik
That is definitely a Latina
t. AZfag
Doesn't matter cause my dick ain't racist, It's homophobic.
damn dude, get out of this site, you're fucking tripping it's making you mentally ill, in love white women, but some chocolate babes are just as beautiful, get over it.
holy shit klingons
Looks mulatto. Half black half white.
pure american
that is horrendous.
>btw I am canadian
Well I guess par for the course then
You meme rainbows for "Muh Divershitty", when you want to destroy all diversity by race mixing until there is only a mediocre brown unichrome "rainbow" with no diversity at all.
Watcha doin', Rabbi?
>hair like a frizzy brillo pad
>facial features stretched too far down for overall skull and jaw size
>nigger lips
>vacant eyes
>sloped forehead
>omfg srsly wtf is up with those mutant hips?!?!
Im pretty happy with her the only amrridian part of her is the long black hair
Looks shopped. Leg looks swollen.
Also her head will be good for washing dishes.
Okay but if you just wanted a Russian girl with coffee tinted skin you know they make a fantastic product for your needs which will never go out of style, it's called a bimbo with a spray tan and yes it comes in white
She's hot but u can see in her eyes that she is sub-100 IQ
God damn bitch looks like she was made in a computer she’s so perfect.
She looks like a quadroon, and you only find her attractive because of her Caucasian features.
Swollen gorilla thighs and all
Implying this is bad
Your thread is shit and nappy headed nigger hoes will never be sexy
>You can tell from the face that she's sub 50 IQ
which to be fair is pretty good for a woman
The kind that has to go back.
You do Gods Work on the air, Don. Keep up the Good Work.
>"Tell me more about your 1488, user"
I've resolved myself to race mix with a black girl I work. I will correct them by inseminating them. My dick will be Hitler and my semen will bring about their holocaust.
(you) know in 2 years, that ass alone will weigh 400 pounds?
>a literally 10/10 white person had to be ruined and fall out of the white gene pool to make one negroid monkey loom passably human
Nice try, fag. Get that shit out of here.
You idiot, you can't fuck the nigger out of a nigger.
t. Alberto
> Being insecure about race mixing
Half of you rejects would be lucky to pass on your genes at all.
Why anyone would give a fuck if some people are still white 300 years from now is beyond me. Mixing genes is how we progress as a species and limiting yourself to less than 10% of the human gene pool by only having white children is just giving the other 90% a competitive advantage.
>fat mongrel with fat breasts, vaguely human enough to fuck
aryan women btfo/never to recover
>chicken legs
It's wrong because it mixed advanced civilizations with apes
Please stop posting my waifu without permission, thanks.
-it, and shitty bait at that
This one is Brazilian, a direct descendant of Germans, Bruna Linzmeyer
We'll breed them out before they breed us out. I'll use my powerful Germanic sperm to wipe them out in a cumocaust.
or better yet
please stop posting that disgusting goblina
Omelette au fromage
what race is this, Sup Forums?
Not white
the race to impregnate.
Britler seriously got lucky with her genes, especially considering 32% w african.
Okay that means I don’t like you go away
russian obviously
Back off , nerd.
The sow is mine.
Take this one instead.
It's Helga Lovekaty a Russian softcore pornstar, she's probably from the Caucasus mountain region, or she's got a good bit of tatar blood
Could be worse.. could be quarter/third nigger.
I bet you would.
"I'd race to fuck her" race
i need this ass.
Female mutts usually are alright. Its the males that are the problem.
No thanx
I don't know but I want to breed it