What is happening to the western men?

What is happening to the western men?

Finnish want the binnish :DD

Nothing is happening. You just pick single issues out of the entire pile.

honestly who cares? as long as the asshole is tight then its alright specially the right side one

why do white men want to get fucked by black cocks?

Would totally pound that boi pussy.

Eh, a hole's a hole.

Nothing really. There is no increase in their numbers. Its just that the mentally ill now have a platform to talk and present their warped exists without being reprimanded by the normal people of society.

Not encourging men to be men.

Gender shit
Mental health

theyre evolving

The middle one at least openly admitted he would date black guys.

Hmm keep the boi pussy for me then, ancient greeks had it right.


Too many minorities are doing menial jobs that white men should do in order to get strong



Nothing bad if they look like this. Post more traps.

All I have are mostly pics that would get me banned.

...for research purposes of course!

Why do they do it? Just seems like white "men" are naturally submissive while black men are naturally alpha.

they are finished with being men

One of these things is not like the other.

Traps are not gay.

Warmfreshpaint is proof of this.


nordbois love virile stong BIG BLACK COCK
its scientificly proven an al yoo wh*tbois do crie like babies.

If they ask nothing, nobody cares..
If they have a question, they're ignored.
When they perform well, they're told they're monsters.
When they perform poorly, they're told good riddance.
Upon applying for a job they have to compete not with quality, but with diversity quotas.
Upon being accepted for the job, they have to accept sub-optimal pay.
When working for the boss, they have to make sure they don't offend a woman in case it gets them fired.
When working independently, they have to make sure they don't offend a woman in case the social media tyranny aims its guns at them.

At the same time women are cheered on.
They get special grants and special scholarships.
They get dedicated instructors and dedicated teams working their ass off to help them.
Women get dibs on jobs because they fit in the diversity quota.
And in the name of good intentions, they get special commercials that are dedicated to motivating women to keep up the good work.
Cherry on the cake? They don't notice what it costs.

TL;DR: Society doesn't reward men enough anymore, so men either check out of society or warp and contort themselves into the female position to get a slice of that cake.

do you think this can collapse the economy?
neetcoins made me a lot of money and I just chill and observe how crazy everything is getting
I think they're going to blame white men when things start going south lol so I'm actually prepping for that

Mods delete this shit