This man is savage. Best timeline is best.
Dems just got raped by trump on guncontrol
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Trump continues to shit on obama and his (((legacy))).
they only had control of the house and senate for what, a year? does he expect them to think of a comprehensive gun control bill in that short a time frame, when we had other shit going on? like the recession that Bush gave us
fucking moron
lmao? Is this a real post? You understand that gun control bills have been being introduced to the house since the 80's, right?
how long should it take them, nigger?
This is one of their favorite push-botton items, but it just proves they're fakes.
Trump calls them out, and they're chimping out.
the end goal is "ban all guns", that can't be overly difficult.
>why didn't obama accomplish EVERY single thing libs wanted in just one year
could ask the same about trump and republicans. they control senate and house and yet failed to repeal & replace obamacare. it's been a year too.
are you aware that these niggers have a dozen "anti-gun" laws sitting in their desks ready to go whenever a "crisis" happens?
Trump is now calling these fuckers out as useless and their demo-tards are going nuts. They're already spun up over this shit and he's rubbing salt in the wound highlighting their impotence.
GEOTUS is a student of Sun Tzu.
mandate is dead, nigger.
But yes, republicans are full of shit. Trump is whipping them into shape slowly. He's right they dont know how to win, but he'll teach them.
He did just get his tax reform done. Next: niggers on welfare are going to be put back to work.
>b-but what about her acid bleached emails?
old retard
dont you have some turk cock to suck?
can someone post salt? don't have twitter
Its apparently on democratic-underground.
I get nauseous every time I go there.
Trump is Putin's sock puppet.
Its on democratic-underground.
I get nauseous every time I go there.
this, "gun control" is commie code for GUN BAN. there is already control, criminal background checks, if you were ever in a nuthouse you are barred and the waiting period and registration
the dems call for "gun control" is just jew holohoax level virtue signalling
So much proof, that even Meuller just blew that assertion out of the water. Democrats are double-butt hurt today. And to top it off the DNC is broke.
Their Blue-Wave just got turned into a tidal wave of feces. They're boned.
They are dishonorable, but yes that is their final intent: government with full monopoly on force.
That will allow them to conduct their political purges without consequence.
I wonder if trump fucked obama's mother?
Schools already have a dedicated security guard.
Just do backround checks and hire one that has firearm training.
Retired cops possibly??
Make insentives for teachers and facalty to get a concealed carry permit.
Our taxes pay for the education system anyways so we might as well get protection for our children.
Metal detectors do work if you lock the doors after 8am till school lets out.
This means no one can sneak one in and during school hours people would need to be buzzed in by the main office while being patted down.
This is exactly what already happens in Chicago and it works.
They even have random dog searches for drugs or explsives.
Shooters go to places without guns.
Theaters, churches, courthouses, malls, parks, schools.
Put law abiding citizens there and they won't show up.
They are cowards.
He makes a strong case
gun-free zones are hunting grounds for niggers and crazies.
Democrats get yet another black eye.
Dems only had Obama/House/Senate for a few months. Senate Republicans filibustered everything except during those months.
more excuses for lack of accomplishment.
typical democrat in pic.
I suppose we should give them a little credit. They did get their gay marriage shit passed which is super critical given the core of their constituency like to suck cock and rim assholes. Obama even lit up the whitehouse faggot colors to signal his availability.
Is that more butt-hurt I detect?
>comprehensive gun control bill in that short a time frame
Yeah it’s not like you faggits haven’t been bitching about it for 75 years or anything.
well they did pass obamacare, I"m sure they could have made time for gun laws
they push the same bullshit every fucking year, but somehow failed the year they had control.
Trump calls them out for being a paper tiger, not much butt hurt commences. Anal menstruation for democrats.
>muh grill when Dems squandered an opportunity to resolve the gun crisis because it’s one of the only divisive wedge issues they have left to get votes
the unmitigated bantz
Remember kiddies, last February, Drumpf signed the nullification of the rule to add names of the mentally incapable to the National Instant Criminal History Background Check System.
good if true
Obama had a super majority and used it to pass only Obamacare. Obama and dems did nothing for illegals or gun control.
Trump does not have a super majority.
You realize the 111th Congress in which you speak did manage to pass the Obama care during that period of so called penny pinching. Yeah it helped but to what extent of burden did they lay on the people they were trying to help.
To ban firearms in general would not be in the financial best interests of the government. Over one hundred billion in federal tax revenue would cease to exist.Now changing laws or reductions of products available is the better idea. Specify exact types of guns produced and how many of them that can be produced. I own a rifle nothing fancy very simple. It is for protection and it stays secure. There is no need to produce over one million rifles a one is accurate there is no need for a second.
The democrats wanted to make it more difficult for nutjobs to buy guns. Drumpf rescinded that legislation and now he's trying to say that the dems didn't try to pass any gun control legislation. Drumpf is an idiot.
who hasn't?
it hurts you cause its true doesnt it
democrat turds don't give a fuck about your dead school kids anymore than joe sixpack NRA does
Well, he does have a point.
“I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal.” Rob Goldman Vice President of Facebook Ads
>russia sees trump win
>russia happy that US has strong leader
>russia sees shitty socialist infection starting
>russia sees american ideals being trampled
>russia:"i have to help my buddy!"
>russia influences socialists to act retardedly
>russia supports conservatives to act responsibly
>patriotism lifted to unbreakable levels
thanks bro
Fake news. Even the ACLU agreed with this.
>democrat turds don't give a fuck about your dead school kids
Neither does Drumpf.
toppest kek
As if there aren't 1000 page bills to undermine our constitutional rights, written by think tanks, just sitting around waiting for a tragedy to exploit. I don't think you have a clue how any of this works.
Holy fuck the salt.
Getting tired of winning tbqh familia
This is why is voted for him, this and the chance that Ginsberg dies while he's in office and he gives us someone that makes Scalia look like a rabid left wing sjw.
Who gets to decide what a nutjob is?
Fuck their legislation
>Fake news.
Drumpf is saying the dems didn't want to pass gun control legislation. That's a fucking lie.
Soy mouth
>want to
>had super-majority with executive branch
It's not a lie. Donkeys are exploitative and 1000 crying kids isn't enough pathos to burn the bill of rights.
Go tell that to Drumpf. He's the one bitching that gun control wasn't passed.
Trumps hatred of Obama runs deep. He's been trying to destroy him for years. Lucky for us the birther thing didn't work and forced him to run for president to wipe put his legacy forever.
I honestly cannot wait to vote for him again in the mid terms
I thought you were talking about this specific law that is used as clickbait “omg le drimph wants to let these crazy people have guns”
their voters are emotional fags, confused ones too.
One minute: I hate trump! police are racist!
Next minute: Trump! take all civilian guns!! I love cops.
The republicans are the same way with abortion. If the dems would stop it with the gunngrabbing or the reps would stop with the abortion shit, the one who did so first wouldn’t lose for 100 years.
Is she holding onto his penis?
That's how the game is played.
The artist is literally showing us Obama takes hot loads on his face.
It would be extra funny if democrats believed this and started pushing for gun rights to spite trump.
Ask the euros, they are all about being cucked by niggers.
My President. GEOTUS MAGA
The democrats wanted the social security office to have the same authority as the courts when deciding if someone was unfit to own a gun.
Men have sperm in there bodies, more news at 11
Were Cambodians really that well educated?
They have had a comprehensive gun control bill stashed away for years.
God I wish I could vote for Trump 1000x
What the fuck I thought it was Majority this whole time. It didn’t make sense but that’s what I read it as and never thought about it. Did I just jump timelines?
Back then being able to read qualified you for death
It'd be even funnier if Drumpf tried to initiate some kind of gun control instead of just sniveling that others haven't done it yet. The meltdown from the right would be epic.
Trump blames democrats for not passing gun control laws
Have some OC. They don't want to implement gun control because they already know that intentional homicides and gun ownership are not correlated. It would be a problem for them if they implemented gun control and crime rates did not go down.
Are you attempting to justify their mass executions?
Typical democrat.
Normal men do not have sperm on their faces.
Faggot detected. Enjoy your aids and intestinal parasites.
Keep dreaming, retard.
Take money out of programs which only benefit liberal hell holes.
Put that money into 'mental health'
Gun control isn't the problem, but shilling for the NRA is. I'm starting to be convinced both sides like shootings since it makes people run to buy guns and take antidepressants to make themselves feel better.
Mass shootings might be a better analysis. Murder will always happen and that's tied more to socio economic status and race than 'guns'. There is probably a slight correlation, but not enough to ban all guns, but calm thoughts and data is too much for both sides and the NRA since fear = $$$.
Improper correlation.
So you're implying that Drumpf should just shut the fuck up about guns instead of trying to blame the left?
Whoops, a row was off in my sheet. Fixed.
I did mass shootings earlier.
Amazing how they were able to write a gigantic healthcare bill in such a short period of time.
>owns one rifle KEK
Oh that was the flag I forgot to filter.
Thanks buddy.
orange jew
good chum there pal
Those don't list an r value. I just did it the other way around, listed the r value but didn't fit a line to the chart to make it easier for laymen to read.
kek. I like that one.
How do you filter flags??
So what your saying is that Democrats are so stupid that they didn't do any nuclear option for any real legislation and instead just used it to confirm a few judges?
You guys got a good president there. I have a good nose, and Mr Trump, he doesn't smell rotten like the rest, they reek even from here.