If it wasn't for Comey's "big surprise" the week before election, Hillary would be our president now.
I think he is really /ourguy/
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you think that the swamp wanted Comey to stay put once Trump was in office? He was compromised. Comey and Trump concocted the show by which Mueller was appointed. His appointment tricked the left into thinking that Mueller was going after Trump, it gave Mueller the oxygen to conduct his investigation.
There's also theories that he's actually FBI user. The most important question asked in this AMA is by a man named James and it's quite interesting.
Well its still her fault for picking a weak VP to run with. Say she won and got kicked out we'd be left with some faggot white guy.
>the thoughts of mindless voters a week before elections
Nigger if Hillary Clinton won WW3 would have started last April.
this user gets it
praise kek
>he's actually FBI user
I seriously dont think he's smart enough
No she wouldn't. Everyone had already made up their mind. Comey's reveal did nothing to change that.
>In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ËkeJfeJb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.
Have you been on his twitter account? He's a fucking faggot holy shit
Are you retarded? He tweeted out A LAMENT FOR ISRAEL.
I honestly don't believe that. I've seen met or read from anyone who flipped their vote or abstained from voting over his odd stunt. Never once. Certainly didn't help her image, but he didn't throw it for her.
That's because you're dumb as rocks.
idk if he's ourguy or not
but let's get one thing clear that pol has collectively forgotten
Weiner's laptop was seized by NYPDmid oct. they found child porn and "insurance file". (see recent dox of weiner's address book by nypd agents).
they spoke about this during the happening. fathers on the force were dying they were really disturbed by what they found, specifically as fathers.
so in steps comey and loretta lynch. gag orders handed down to fbi as they promise to clean up this horrific mess. you should also note at this time assange weirdness began, tweeting about armed guards, pam anderson vegan sandwich visit, internet cut, john podesta in london the same day heathrow airport closes due to a "chemical attack", also the same day as the biggest DDOS ever. they stopped, IMHO, assange' dead man switch. now this isn't to say he died or is dead. but the "october surprise" was coming. deepstate pulled out all stops to make this happen.
comey and lynch step in with their gag orders and "reopen the investigation" only to read thru 650k emails in a week and conclude nothin happened. riiiight.
comey's "big surprise" was a desperate cover up for a last min death blow to deepstate and hillary.
it's no coincidence pizzagate and cheesebay broke out as this was happening. look at the dates of you don't believe me. white hats were leaking the crumbs that led to pizzagate/pedogate
No, internal polling showed Trump well over 300 ecvotes. He panicked to try and keep his job. The faggot got canned anyway and is now looking corruptio/sedition charges
When and where was this? Was it in any way verified to be the "real" FBIAnon?
You cant veryify an anonymous user retard. But look at the answers, he actually names the Jew and specifically calls out what the information was that Trump gave to Russia about Mossad.
Meanwhile, there's Q faggots all over the internet fawning at a Mossad psy op that never names israel or the jews.
Lemme rephrase. Was there any valid reason to believe it was the same guy who posted here?
because the author of the article said that the FBI user who stopped on Sup Forums from time to time was willing to do an AMA on that website????
The mysterious Twitter accounts named in Robert Mueller's indictment Friday were long-suspected of being sock puppets of a Russian influence operation, with a Texas contact recommending to focus on purple swing states. Now, a federal grand jury has agreed.
@TEN_GOP & @tpartynews = Alex Jones. Pamela Geller. Breitbart. Russia Today.
LOL! You're all going to prison for conspiracy.
Why don't you read user? Kek
>internal polling
Info Wars' polling?
I don't think this will be resolved anytime soon
Please explain to me what do mean by this user. My nigger brain can't take it.
Well, damn, good job Meuller, some of those Facebook trolls probably /our anons/
Pic not related
>ever standing a chance to win
A Lament for Israel, In theatres May 2018.
The Revolution will be live.
>Libshits see a tyrannical dictator and his group of sycophants - I see a father, a patriot, a humanitarian, and a wizard.
I like that guy. I heard he was the greatest gas utility superintendent.
>le based gomey \ourguy/
fuck off reddit
none of you retards actually think this guy works at the FBI right?
Yeah right. Donald would not of won without the 13 shitposters from russia
You can also look at polling data from both campaigns and independent sources and see how projections were altered with comey's announcement. before you ask, look it up yourself.
Hillary lost by 40 million legal votes, idiot. Sage.