How does Sup Forums feel about Rep. Tulsi Gabbard? Is she /ourgirl/?
So cute.
Well, we did arm terrorists and pretty much created ISIS.
she may be the democratic parties only conceivable candidate in 2020. There's no way they can run a white guy, not after their constant anti-white drivel tirade for the last decade. it would fracture their base even more than it already is. They may try to run elizabeth warren, but she's retarded, Kamala Harris is an insufferable cunt, cory booker is literally who, so they may try to tap Tulsi, she's a vet, she's non-white and can't forget muh glass ceiling
She's anti white. But she has the best chance of winning in 2020
key word here showing that the media is attempting to force a narrative
I would fugg her hard
After the dems get ass blasted in the midterms the dems will run a white guy and try to reclaim the union vote. She won’t be the nominee in 2020. Screen cap this.
>try to reclaim the union vote
Are unions even that big of a deal still? I'm an electrician and everyone I meet doesn't want anything to do with the union these days.
In the rust belt yes. Let me rephrase that, white worker vote.
Sounds like colluding with a foreign enemy
Trump sent the two democrats with the biggest axes to grind with the party (Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich) over to syria to 'fact find' and establish dialogue with assad regime. All so he can make sure that the NWO loses the syrian war and he can put israel and KSA's balls in a vice.
Pineapple face isn't winning shit, my man.
And how and why exactly is Assad your enemy? What has he, his army or his state ever done to you that you are classifying him as an enemy? All he did was refusing to step down and bend to isr*el. Is that really enough to call him an enemy? I guess it is, if you are a filthy landgrabbing jew. But you are proud american and not a filthy landgrabbing jew, right user?
Wrong quote, meant to quote this obvious jew here
I like her, rather red pilled and courageous for a female democrat.
She is a traitor and a cunt.Gun grabbers are traitors. Molon labe.
2016 Hawaii Rifle Association - Performance Rating 0%
2016 National Rifle Association - Candidate Positions on Gun Rights 7%
2015-2016 Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Brady Rating on Expanding Background Checks 100%
>How does Sup Forums feel about Rep. Tulsi Gabbard? Is she /ourgirl/?
She's less shit than the rest of the Democrats but that's not really an endorsement. I would probably vote for her over a RINO though.
>she may be the democratic parties only conceivable candidate
I know I'd conceive with her.
Its not some secret, its well known.
The Democrats will run whoever can afford to purchase the DNC.
If there is none, the Jews will sponsor one.
>Is she /ourgirl/?
She's a communist.
She's too independent to win the nomination of her party.
>far-left candidate
>supports open borders
>supports deregulated immigration
>supports corporate globalism
>supports Keynesian economics
>supports NSA and enhanced cyber surveillance
>supports federal authority over individual liberties and freedoms
Ms. Gabbard is a far-left authoritarian. When you ask if she is /ourgirl/, are you speaking for your fellow Marxist-Leninist, komrade?
Booker is gay and so deep in the closet it's certain to affect his psychological state. Warren is largely unknown to most of the country and it remains to be seen if the country wants or will accept her brand of liberalism. Harris picking fights unnecessarily with military and political appointees and losing those same confrontations hasn't gone unnoticed by many Democrats. Her trying too hard and not following through is leading even Democrats to wonder if she's a bit of a lightweight or even a bit off.
Shareblue is out in force.
I find her to be one of the few tolerable democrats and her views on Syria, Russia and Iran are decent, doesn't mean i support her on many other things though though, especially guns and immigration
US and Russia have been supporting rebels in multiple countries for decades, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
>shills for open borders, refugees
Just remember, traitors hang first
ITT /sg/ faps over /theirmutt/
That shit was on the news.
Literally all she agrees on is Syria, otherwise she's a leftist dyke. Pic Related is a much better housefu
That would be pretty bad. That Jew is thinking super long term and is trying to subvert the Asian countries.
No she isn't
The fuck no he's right
She's 100% right. They are terrorists.
Are you an AI bot just regurgitating what you pick up?
She's from Hawaii right? They aren't real Americans so she can't run.
If she's pro Russia/Assad and anti-Turkey I'll vote for her in 2020
>women in govt.
This. This guy gets it.
I would vote in her, but DNC is bought by the Clinton mafia.
America and Israel have supported terrorist groups when its convenient for them.
Syria is a terrorist state, always has been, while we've fucked up and pinned their behavior on Iran and Libya they've gotten free reign to terrorize up until now and shills like you are now bitching? Lol
>Bernie Sanders in female form
no thanks
>Syria is a terrorist state
>not our creations, mixed with saudi wahhabism/mossad agents, isis/al qaeda doing all the terrorism
Is this an alt-right official thread? Dugin is so based!
>Tulsi Gabbard consumed way too much dairy and still fell short of achieving anything worthwhile while she was in Juden's army
No. Look at Dem scars.
What kind of panties do you think she wears?
PINK by Victoria's Secret
Hey guys. True Sup Forumsster here. Been shilling for the based Axis of Resistance (Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia) since the days of /ug/ so you know I'm the real deal. Genuine article. It's all about that dark enlightenment bro. I'm not like those other conservatives. Those guys are jew lovers. Fuck Donald Trump, he's not my president. Do you want me to post the Jewish wall pic? Thought so. You know what we need, we need a real president that will stand up for our interests. Someone like Tulsi Gabbard. She wants to be friends with based Assad so you know she'll make a great leader. What about gun control and open borders? Dude, none of that shit is important, we want the US to collapse, that's the whole point. Who cares about the 2nd Amendment and free speech, those are nothing compared to being best buddies with Iran. Democracy was a mistake, I want the government to decide what's good and what's not. Just not this Jew government of course. Actually just not Americans in general. Russia should be in charge, they're the last hope of white people. Actually we should just make sure we never ever upset Russia. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a t_d jew shill straight outta reddit. Believe me dude, I'm the real Sup Forums. I've been posting in /sg/ since I first got here from stormfront. Those kiddie civic nationalists in /ptg/ ain't got nothing on me. Crimea river.
>Fuck Donald Trump, he's not my president.
Fake and gay
Booker's trying so hard to posture himself as a viable candidate in 2020, but he's developed a reputation among the progressive wing for being a blatant big pharma puppet.
she has a textured, grippy face for better traction on the floor when you're doing her dog-wise.
Her grippy face keeps her from scooting away. But you have to make sure when she's in the doggy position her face keeps contact with the ground.
She was in the Army so I'm sure she can handle about 20 guys at a time.
she reminds me of the kind that are completely hot when they're on crack or meth. That bad complexion says it all.
dat kobayashi face
she's a terrorist and this thread was clearly created by a russian bot.
your russian puppet will literally lose by 20 points if not more. shut up russian bot.
Everyone here suggesting the DNC put her up for 2020 fail to realize one thing. She's now officially blacklisted from the Democratic Party.
It's not allowed for Americans to talk to outside world without approval from their overlords.
Let that sink in.
>She was in the Army so I'm sure she can handle about 20 guys at a time
in a bukkake line
Would be hilarious if she attacks DJT for still messing with Syria, wins and then goes full warmonger on Syria again.