So is there ANY possibility that the Persona 5 anime will be good?
So is there ANY possibility that the Persona 5 anime will be good?
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Yep. 0% is a possibility.
If it's anything like the p4 anime then the episodes should be fine. Just skip all the dungeon and plot stuff.
P3 movies were alright, kind of boring after the second one though. P4 anime gave the MC a top tier characterization and went through the social links well . I expect good things from P5A
I want to lick that foot.
Same desu senpai
Should i watch the p3 and p4 movies if I've only played 5?
>P5 criticizes Japan's overworking culture and other aspects of its modern politics
>studio animating the adaptation has had a worker kill themselves due to overwork
Yeah, totally
No. You should kill yourself for being a casual
As long as the writers let FukuJun chew as much scenery as possible, we're good.
Irrelevant. Nothing is ever good enough for video game fans, and they will always find reason to bitch and whine.
Will probably be better than the Persona 4 animation, at least during the Palaces.
>P4 Golden anime
>MC is clearly in NG+
>Episode where everyone forgets Marie
>Plays the OP from an entirely different series by a different studio
As long as they have fun with the P5 anime, it'll be fine.
This. We should have lower standards in general. Elitism is cancer
Really depends on the mc personality, and how they adapt the story. P4 had a pretty good anime despite having some bad quality scenes
MC is pretty much Lelouch
Is sensei best girl?
Can you fuck her in the game?
I just want the cakes to get plenty of screen time.
Do I have some good new for you.
It can't be worse than Devil Survivor 2's
no since purseowner 5 is pretty bad/subpar in general
few good things after waiting all these years
also lavenza best girl
this is why p5 was shit.
>first thing you see in the game was DIRECTED BY nip nong ching chong. knew it was going to be normie shit
shame too. Art design and soundtrack were top notch.
If MC fucks Kawakami
Nah, when the dweebs see it in film form they'll see that most of everything in the game is barebones, specially the whole TWEEST section and after.
Because every other turned out so well, didn't they?
You know how the Harvest Moon games have a running gag of never letting your romance the clearly superior older women?
Persona 5 is the exact opposite of that.
Any lolis?
I don't think so. But if they nail Joker personality and do a good job with the confidants, it will be enjoyable.
Three of them
I hope they get more focus in the anime. They were criminally underused in the game.
So much delicious cake
Cake VN when?
so whys everyone mad that A1 is making it? i thought they were a good studio
so how many episodes do yall think there ll be? 12 or 24?
I disagree, having to face elitism and pressure is what drives some artists to create at the best of their ability.
ok yusuke
They're acceptable not great. Compare the animation in the Mob Psycho Trailer to the Persona 5 one. Persona's way stiff and relies on presentation to compensate for the lack of animated scenes which usually means the show itself is behind on production and will use a lot of stills.
Only if Kawakami ends up prostituting herself and Makoto gets it in the butt in the Yakuza drug brothel
Faithful to the game? Probably considering how most of the events in the game dont last that long or are forgettable. I hope to god they fucking change the mona run away scene
Story wise? No, the game is terribly written so I hope the anime will be style over substance.
but we didnt even see any anymation just a promotional trailer and your comparing bones to A1
They're a mixed bag. They either make something good or complete rubbish.
what made p5 fun was the battling
I found the characters were less quirky than in p4 and the story isnt very strong
You are mixing the definition of "possibility" with "probability".
"Possibility" implies a chance higher than 0.
Half the cast died by the time it came out so no.
Kaneshiro and chihaya's voice actors died shortly after release
who are you quoting?
No you should play the games
Only if it adapts the Kawakami route
Takemi is better.
It's the same person who hated P5 to death. He's been jumping to every P5 thread, just ignore him. He can't even answer basic question about the game.
what?! How?!
A1 is the Acclaim of anime. Releases mediocre adaptation of popular property for maximum profit.
nope, now the MTSP Series, that has potential.
that's fucking sad
wtf 2makoto
It's gonna suck, but I'll still watch it for smug Joka antics.
The first half of Winter of Rebirth is really, really good.
Delete Yumiko
I know Rune Factory isn't Harvest Moon, but the fact that you couldn't fuck the woman who was both a) not all that much older than you, and b) clearly thinks you're cute, is goddamn heresy.
>finally able to emulate it
>5 fps in overworld
>dialog and and music is stuttering
>graphic bugs everywhere
>gets mad at your for choosing that option
Fucking shit girl right there.
Well, the P4 anime was pretty damn good outside of QUALITY moments.
However, the QUALITY was often unintentionally hilarious and endearing.
>pick that line
>no affection points at all
Makoto really couldnt handle any banter at all.
Probably why I love Futaba the most. Her banter game was strong as fuck.
The first two bosses were the best in the game.
Every other villain was a cartoonish letdown
Kenshiro was a bit boring but not too bad.
It's just his palace that sucked.
P3 is my favorite and p4 close second, but I know what you're saying is bullshit.
>Cartoonish mafia boss
I'm not sure if Madarame was a Japanese thing but Kamoshida at least felt like a person who could very much exist considering scandals like Penn State/Baylor
Criminal organizations focused on drug trafficking coupled with blackmail are super common in Japan. Kenshiro is a caricature, yes. But he's still a hyperbole of real criminals in Japan's trendy areas.
Sae and the Casino palace were the main point of the game and the point they really really wanted to drive home and Sae pulled that off really well. The Japanese legal system is completely fucked up, you get accused, you're guilty, it's just a farce.
Shido was also great, he was always right on that line, but what made him work is that he appeared to genuinely believe that he was doing the right thing all along. The fact that it went completely off the rails with the STANDING HERE bossfight helped too.
The only thing I recall as really bad was the spaceport, because it was so damn long.
Then they realize it's not worth the stress appeasing shitty fans and put out a half-baked product.
>The Japanese legal system is completely fucked up, you get accused, you're guilty,
Aye. I looked it up after playing the game since I thought that they must be exaggerating but they really have a 99.9% sucess rate at court. Its so fucking corrupt.
I dont know why they have defence attorneys there in the first place
Hence why Phoenix Wright is practicing law in LA instead of Japan
Why do you think Ace Attorney is such a popular series? Wright has to deal with a system that's stacked against him in every possible way, he's the ultimate underdog.
Buy a PS4
To add, Apollo Justice made an enormous deal over the fact that they tried to implement a jury for once, which promptly disappeared from later titles due to Japan failing to implement theirs around the same time.
>first two bosses
The best two were the female ones, nice that it was something more complicated than "we gotta change the heart of the evil bad guy!" but the heart changes were more complex and less black and white.
Back to your witcher thread faggot.
>Ace Attorney
But they eat burgers. It's America for sure dude
What?! Hey now, we're not degenerates here.
>I still haven't found the music that plays here
This is a sad, sad world
Buy a PS3
the story and characters were pretty bad so no.
the highlights of P5 was the flow of the battle system and artstyle
Still better than the rest of the persona series though, I mean I like P3 and P4 they have great stories and characters but P5 kicked it up a notch.
I really hope they let P5 MC speak more since he barely spoke in the whole of P5
P5 was better than 4 at least
Persona 4 was garbage.
Yeah stfu
Don't forget the soundtrack
I'm gonna hope for the best at least
>Lovers Arcana
>Not picking the most innocently romantic option
But then again Rise's shadow is a slut, so maybe they'd need a whole new Harlot arcana to file her under.
>Stinky neet likes the stinky NEET
No possibility is any possibility
I was dissapointed they used that fight for both Shido and the chalice.
They should have chosen one of the other.
>not cartoonish