Things that bear saying

A question that seems to cramp the narrative of people stating "yes, some races commit more crime, but they are often underprivileged", or various other environmental factors. The question is this: what about self control? I don't like various governmental employees for various reasons. However, i don't randomly key their cars or punch them in the face, as this is both a bad idea in general, and socially unacceptable. Why, then, is this behavior excused for nonwhites? Does a shitty, restricted environment lead to a lack of self control? If this is the case, why isn't the Appalachias, one of the poorest places in the country, a smoking crater?

If they are capable of self control, but refuse to do so, they are criminals, without excuse. There can be various reasons and influences, but it comes down to one single soul in the end, who leaves the money on the ground or takes it, who pulls a gun or keeps walking. If you choose to, willingly, break the law, or go against society as a whole, then you have chosen to do so, and should bear responsibility for what comes after. If you are incapable of self control, then you need to be overseen by a caregiver or institution, for both other's safety and your own.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Either you can or cannot use self control. If you can, then if you choose not to, you don't get to cry about how you didn't have a choice later. If you cannot, then you should not be operating in society without aid and care as if you were a functional member of society. Whites are expected to follow this basic premise without any excuse or deviation, why nobody else?

Other urls found in this thread:

A galling trend I've seen gain more and more traction is this argument that, because of A, B is okay, or at least you shouldn't be upset. Because whites overtook america, we should now sit quiet while we are overtaken. Because these people come from a different culture, we should excuse their behavior, even celebrate it. Yes, these people here have broken, stolen, and so forth, but they come from a place of poor privilege, so it's ok.

The past doesn't invalidate or excuse the present. Just because something worse happened doesn't give current events a free pass. Just because others have experienced more pain does not invalidate mine.

Calling yourself "alt-right" is a terrible idea. It was a title handed down by cold-war-era stratagy planners who were trying to encapsulate a movement that included both hardline national socialists with schoolkids who were able to bend reality via ice age death cults and pure autisum. Not just Sup Forums, but the internet gestalt culture has survived and thrived on the fact that it is a faceless, shapeless being more then anything. Holding to an identiy allows you to join together and define goals, sure, but it also allows others to get a handel on and, to some extent, control you.

We're weirder then the world can process. Some are normal in real life, but many can't connect or function like other people. Why pretend to be normal, to fit the normal flow of things, right when being too weird to properly address is becoming an actual resource?

I have more to rant and rave about in a moment. Come in, talk about how the world is going to hell, morn that the gift of unwanted prophecy seems to be more and more common with each passing day. Watch curling, collect pixel art, it's fun.


Anger has a large place in the current right movement, but it's not of the quality and source that most on the left seem to think it is.

There's a perception that these people simply hate blacks, or brown, women, or whoever because of xenophobia and envy. They have things others don't, or have been saddled with imaginary sins in the eyes of the right, and therefore are fitting vessels for their rage. Like all bullies, they derive pleasure from others' weakness, and this creates an ongoing cycle of abuse and misunderstanding. It's a schoolyard conflict writ large, and should be addressed with the same level of sternness and derision. Sadly, for a portion of things, they're not wrong.

Still, that's not the core of this. At least not the one that's allowed the current political climate to turn so hard, so fast.

It's outrage. Pure, blind, searing outrage.

We're children of neglect, most of us. Warped and weird for whatever reason, even if we enjoyed a mostly healthy home, our views, interests and general social position didn't often match with what we saw and heard in media or from peers. For the white males who make up a vocal core of the current political shift, tough love has been the order of the day. This seems hard to reconcile with the inclusive, indulgent doctrine that sees everyone a superstar, everyone awarded a trophy, but it is in fact central to it. By treating everyone equal, nobody is allowed to lag behind, or excel. The ambitious are held back, and the lazy hobble the whole. Compassion has become a commodity, issued in per-measured amounts for prescribed times. Honest feeling, good or bad, is only allowed within the fence rows of majority social acceptance.

We feel too much, or too little. We watch blank-faced at car crashes, or cry at supermarket openings. We're weird, and we don't fit. The world is made for some ideal, but it's not us. Meanwhile, too often the white male (and even female, these days) is told to sit down, shut up, and pull the line. You feel sad? Well other people are more sad, shut up. You need help? Others need more. You have all the opportunity in the world, you don't get to complain. So what if this one gets help, a leg up, a free pass here or there, you have opportunity too, shut up. No matter the good or bad, there's someone or something else, so shut up.

A lifetime of this, and now suddenly we are told that we've taken too much, that we must give back. We must give up, make room, and stand aside. So many taken and indulged. Aid given, crimes forgiven, second chances passed out with a smile and apology. The united states was founded by whites, yet we are little more then grease for the mill, now. Homeless, poor, mentally or physically broken, mistreated, neglected, abused, but white? Crickets. Still the media sings and sings and somehow the sinners are still the same. Somehow, for some reason, the majority must suffer and pay for the minority.

In to this suddenly come voices that say that maybe this isn't right. Maybe it's okay to be white, to be male, to be strong, to be proud. To stand and say that, no matter what others feel or want, you do as well, and your existence is not, by default, less then others. Why won't people rally for that, and speak harshly to those who tell them, again, that it's wrong and to shut up?

thanks, by the by.

happy to mate it's nice to see quality content amidst all the same old bullshit also it hits kinda home because while I wouldn't consider myself an alt right larper I do have a sense of Civic duty to my country and my race. I'm just an average Joe trying to make a life for myself one that I can be happy to give to my kids on day.

There ya go. I'm the's not that I really want to go goosestepping about, but at this point if you're going to be blamed for it, may as well roll with it. I have four kids, lord help me, and while i can deal with all the bullshit, i want something better for them, a life where they can be at least a bit happy and ideally accepted.

It prickles because it feels like there's no room for anyone not on one far side or the other, which is really dangerous for everyone. However, what it comes down to is this, if one side wants me all but enslaved and broken, and the other offers even a chance at some sense of freedom, then i'm going with the latter.

4 kids sounds rough man I hope you haven't experienced the same transformation many kids go through these days where the boys have become all cknsum by video games with zero ambitions and the girls have become literal whores

We live in a world of victimization. Men do not feel the need to correct their faults anymore.Instead, they wear it like a badge of honour. A badge that justifies all future failure and therefore gives reason to not try harder, to simply sit and shrivel in their own arrogant comfort, never to push their boundaries, never to achieve their full potential. This feeling of security in inferiority is widespread, people want to be a victim. The age of heroes: courage, bravery the ultimate triumph over evil is now the age of victims where the proud are now interpreted as bullies, the courageous as those who simply explore a new gender pronoun rather than achieving anything of worth. We are living in a reality of absolute fiction; everything is art, everyone is depressed, everyone feigns away from any sentiment which gives them an identity. To be weak is now the demeanour of strength.


1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Team of 2-3 shooters (Mossad Agents) go into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.

More points:
>Scott Israel quoted the Talmud in press conference for shooting
>MSM made sure to report the shooting interrupted "Holocaust classes"
>Several victims were Jewish (blood passover/sacrifice ritual)
>Cruz was an Elsagate MKUltra victim / Youtube pedo


No, no, been crazy lucky with that. They're sweethearts, but the middle two have pretty severe autisum. it's a challenge...part of what gets me steamed up, realizing the kind of mess they'll all have to deal with.

It sucks that the only real way forward that seems open is to basically withdraw from the day to day and try to carve out some slice of safety. I hope i'm overreacting to things, but it seems like each day the walls creep in a little closer for people just trying to not get fucked over.

There's no reward for effort. if you try, or don't, it's the same end result. The attempt to care for everyone by giving everyone trophies and only celebrating "successes" while ignoring faults created a world where there's no reason to try. It's not even victimhood, it's the death of ambition, the creep of nihilism and emptiness that smothers every spark that tries to catch. Victemhood isn't so much the cause, as the symptom, i think,

Holy shit, he's back everyone!

impotent anger and despair can be a heady tonic. More likely to kill you, but good lord can it be useful if it doesn't.

oh? caught my rambling bullshit before?

It's not bullshit it's good stuff

Monitoring thread. Pls continue.

Yeah, great thread so far. I always love to listen to an extremely intelligent person.

It's hard for me to see it sometimes. I just...i write, and speak, and that's about the extent of my emotional outlet as far as the arts are concerned. It's just my thoughts, poured out on a virtual bathroom wall, in the vague hope someone might get something from it, ya know?

Sadly most of my current rambling is rather terrible, despite the recent amazement that major news services reported fanfiction as truth. Again. That, and general terror and rage at the fact that the west is being marched to death and being told it should apologize for the wait.

flattery generally gets you everywhere, but i'm not, not in a traditional sense anyway. I just watch, and feel, a bit deeply. I'd be trash in a debate, rarely have an exhaustive grasp of concepts...i'm just one nameless nobody with a sightly better voice.

Curious as to your living situation, i.e. city or rural, professional level... I wonder if population density plays a major factor.

>where does self control come from?
It comes from parenting more than anything else. Fatherless white children can be criminals and turbo-roasties too. One thing you’re right about though OP, is that nonwhites are enabled to have less self control. Call a white person anything and they’ll be expected to take it. Call a nigger a nigger and he’ll break your face, and everyone will celebrate him.

Southen michigan, rural-ish? grew up in bumblefuck nowhere, on the edge of the "city" now. I think it had a lot to do with things, something about megacities seems to make people go nuts. Wife is a firefighter/emt, i'm home with the kids. Weird, and makes it hard to cheer too hard for the "traditional life!' guys, but we do ok. Our kids have a lot of needs, and she can function in the world without having a heart attack, so it works. She was a bit more liberal at the start, but it's been over ten years, and she's learned to not pamper people and ideals that actively and openly hate her.

Not going to say small town life is noble or better, but progress for progress sake has caused a giant social cancer.

How many times do you hear cracker, gringo, or whatever? say nigger to a nigger, and they are excused from anything they do to you in response, because you said nigger. You are required to fucking function as a part of civilization, and a huge part of that is dealing with shit, including words, you don't like. If you can't, you're a child or mentally impaired, and should be dealt with as such.

Family is a big part, yes, but it's something in the blood i think. The most classy and white-seeming nigger can turn into a feral, head-nocking banger within moments if surrounded by his peers. There's a lack of...something, there.

>>where does self control come from?

Primarily genetics.

Remember that liberals are more racist then Sup Forums could ever hope to be. We don't expect people we detest to love us for it. It's the fact that they are actively pushing for re-segregation, and see no issue whatsoever with it, and will call you a demon for saying so.

Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.

The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.

Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.

>Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

part of it is god. Look around, all the primary forces that are trying to choke and murder the west are against christ. Jews, muslums, and atheists, it is VERY hard not to see some sort of agenda. i don't think it's actually a conspiracy, just convergent evolution.

Black science man tweeted something about, despite testing, prayer can't stop bullets. However, back when we were a more christian nation, and not lost in a sea of consumerism, nihilism and the slow murder of passionate expression, a lot less people felt no qualms in butchering others like cattle. So, indeed, prayer can stop bullets, but it's like a vaccine, not a band-aid. you have to apply it before there's an issue.

you might not think much about your ramblings or anything more about than just ramblings but I enjoyed reading what you have to say. it might just be scribblings on an internet bathroom wall but that's the most genuine stuff I've heard anyone talk about in a long time

You're quite articulate. I'd like to be as articulate as you some day. Do you have any advice for improving?

I was a leftie a year ago, and I still struggle with race realism. Obviously I accept that race is real and that IQ, testosterone levels, climate tolerance, exc. are all product of evolutionary biology. I think my biggest hurdle is that it’s really hard to accept that people, or a person such as myself, are just innately the way they are.
I’m really attached to the idea that, if I wanted to change something about how weak and inadequate I am as an individual, I can, since I have changed incrementally. I map that ability for self reflection and will to become better on to other people.

That's why i title it how i do. It's just...truth, as i, a lone nothing on the internet, see it. And it's a lot of times things that seem to escape people, things that i feel bear saying, bear expressing out, if only to make myself feel better. It's hard not to feel crazy sometimes, like you're shouting out, bleeding in the middle of a crowd, and yet nobody sees or hears you. Like watching someone you love walk off a cliff and not being able to stop them.

Read, a lot. Read a bunch of different things, and read articulate people. Then you'll develop a better vocabulary, and be an insufferable twit to people. The next bit is just trying. Write things, speak things, use that vocabulary not to interact, but to create. Write things you know that nobody will ever read. Or post on message boards with no names or faces to link you. Try, fail, and find a "voice" that lets you speak as you wish. If you, yourself, are truly happy with it, then others will listen, but if you seek it just to impress, then you'll fail.

Art is what happens when the soul speaks, not your head. That can be with oil, or ink, or rock, and words count as well. If you can grasp speech as art, as performance, as something you do because otherwise you'll rage or cry, and not because you want to impress or feel compelled, then you'll get it.

That, or buy books by old men who teach posture and basic rhetoric. All kinds of options.

Blacks are higher in testosterone and lower in ability to defer/delay gratification. The combination of high t and impassivity is why they have less "self control"

Blacks are higher in testosterone and lower in ability to defer/delay gratification. The combination of high t and impulsivity is why they have less "self control"

You can do this, yes. You. Most people do not care, or choose to better or change themselves in ways you would not approve of or understand. Each of us are born with different tool kits. With them, we can accomplish much...but to each their own kit, and there are some things we'll never be able to do well.

If you want to rip off the scab of equality, be a minority for two years. I went to a Job Corps in Flint Michigan for two years, i was one of forty white people on a campus of 500. I went in liberal, i came out fucking jaded. It's not about going and visiting gettoes, it's about living, day by day, around a tribe that is not yours, and realizing that your death wouldn't be mourned, or even noticed, because you're an outsider.

I'm not saying race equality is impossible, but not on the macro scale. It is case by case, at best, and trying to view it otherwise is a lovely way to fuck both sides over. Use "racisim" as a good shorthand for interaction until otherwise proven. Stereotypes are valid until shown false, but they are only shown false for individuals, not for larger groups. Sucks, but there it is. The fact that you question, at all, means you're alright. Thinking is painful, but it makes you human.

Rule one is know your audience.

This thread is catered towards the deeper thinkers of this board. Note the first sentence of OP's post. The average /pol user isn't going to gravitate towards this thread.

I doubt this is a real dude with 4 kids (two of whom are autistic, like most of the us). But I've been wrong many times before.

Thanks for the pretty pictures, you clearly have excellent taste in vidya, but I really couldn't disagree with you more. You're depressed due to a lack of feedback. Reality is far more mundane than the augmented reality our brains craft to justify our actions.

I have a younger cousin and a younger sister and I can remember playing with them outside when we were very little we were all so innocent. I know that we all grow up and lose our innocence but sometimes I feel like we've all lost it too soon. and it isn't like they just grew up, instead it feels like our innocence was stolen and replaced with this depraved thing that we call a culture. and I'm such a fuckup that my only solution is to lift all day. I feel so powerless that the only thing that gives meaning to my life anymore is lifting the one thing I really feel I can control. I've lost interest in living really

I'm actually a guy with four kids, two autistic, with a firefighter wife. I'm an author too, and you might even know my penname.

Or a neckbeard who OD'd on Gothic literature. a elderly librarian with too much time. A girl who got raped out of the liberal mindset. A nobody who uses text to speech. A stamp-press operator who has to hide a poerty book in the lunch box.

The joy is it doesn't matter. No name, no face, just my words, and those wash away like sand. No e-celeb to act as a face. Just a puff of rust and some scratching on a wall, no more glorious then that.

Does a message intrinsically change if it's in gilt leaf in a frame rather then chalked on the wall of a parking structure? How much have we let perception and the ghost of "what will others think" rule us?

Welcome back! I saved all the gifs from a previous thread of yours a month or two ago. Always appreciate the thoughtful, reflective discussions you bring up. I wish pol had more of the variety of discussion that happens in these threads.

I understand your desire to leave something better for your children, and extrapolating the issues they'll have to deal with. Many leftists & even those on the right spectrum are increasingly childless, and are being encouraged that's okay. To each their own, but it's easy for folk to scream blue in the face about an issue so that they can virtue signal, but have no real stake in the future.

>part of it is god.

And it absofuckinglutely is a conspiracy to destroy our culture.

>I think my biggest hurdle is that it’s really hard to accept that people, or a person such as myself, are just innately the way they are.

Boo fucking hoo.

Very probably you could run every day for the rest of your life and never win a marathon against a Kenyan, you could lift weights every day and not win world's strong man competition.... likely if you're taller than 5 feet you'll never be a jockey in the Kentucky Derby.

There is some room for self improvement for almost anyone of course, but it is important to accept reality.

that's really the reason why people nowadays think so much more differently than those of before, and why the agenda to ultimately destroy Western Civilization has been so successful. when you create something that you plan to leave for someone further down the line you take fundamentally different risks and decisions. men of yesterday thought of themselves as custodians of a legacy, something that they did not own because they didn't necessarily play a role in achieving it and we're instead tasked with maintaining it. today most people especially the college age demographic snarks when you mention a dynasty or a legacy.

I don’t think that “growing up” means what you think it means. It doesn’t mean to become jaded, perverted, and robbed of your moral compass. Im not religious, but religious people seem to be healthier and happier for a reason, and maybe growing up didnt mean getting swallowed up by degeneracy.
A few hundred years ago, and even further in the past, men were initiated into manhood at a much, much younger age, and manhood demanded far more that it does now.
You’ve taken ownership of your body, and I commend you. But many of us are still uninitiated men, who struggle to take ownership of our fates. Many men have outsourced that desire to be heroic to vain pursuits. I don’t claim to be any better. We have a real crisis of masculinity in the West.

Does the message change? Yes.

Context matters. People are persuaded by much more than just words.


Do things you enjoy. If you did enjoy something and stopped, examine why. I enjoy RPGs, but didn't play for a long time to avoid stigma. Associate with people who you enjoy being around. If you need, isolate yourself a little and get your head on a little better. Lifting and self improvement is a great start. Hobbies, provided they don't overtake your whole life, are a good start as well.

It's the focus on how things look, rather then how they are. Look at the decline of art, of so many things really, it's the creeping nihilism and dismissal of anything that isn't real and logical. If you examine things close enough, everything can become meaningless, it's holding to something "good", to you, even in the face of overwhelming reality.

and you are right, context makes up a huge part of things. But it's so easy to manipulate today, so easy to dismiss or cling to the context, and not the message, or vice versa. Each of us is supposed to decide, ourselves, what things mean to us. The rise of social media is forcing a kind of uber-consensus that is warping the individual ability to weigh and decide.

unfortunately it's a cyclical problem. The initiation is brought on and guided by a proper male. Without any to initiate the new males, the news ones fail and when their time comes to initiate the new ones they will fail too

I was I talking about behavior, mental faculties, and what requires strong will to master and control. Not athletic prowess.

They're underprivileged and commit more crime because of their genetics. You're not going to create a system where blacks become doctors and lawyers on average.

Does that mean that misguided men cannot be saved, or be capable of navigating to the right path?

I think a big thing is the chains we accept on expression. Everything needs to have a touch of irony, of sarcasm and mocking, so that if what you say or create is not approved of, you can dismiss it and not be associated. You must always be aware of what people might say, because strangers on twitter matter more then what you feel. You can't speak about the music of the soul, take about devotion or god or what have you, because you'll be mocked and dismissed.

How many things have you not done because you were scared of what people might think?

Exceptional people are rare, and are increasingly being dragged back into the crab bucket by people who resent them, not because they want or envy their greatness, but because it sheds light on their own lacking. I don't advocate a survival of the fittest ideology, but i also don't think we should immediately dismiss people because they say, do, or create things outside or above the norm.

What i've learned, through a LOT of failure, is that happiness is a direction, not a goal. You will never accomplish (blank), and become happy. You are happy or sad as an ongoing action, emotion is the trail you walk, not the stopping points along the way. It's the warping of that, the sense that, like everything else, emotion is a commodity that can be acquired, used, or expended, that is driving everything mad.

If you're not AI, leave this accursed place before it destroys you. Unplug the internet, throw away the TV, stop spouting nihilistic trash on an anonymous message board, and save your kids. You can do it. You have to.

of course they can but how easily can you navigate a cave without a lantern? guidance puts you on the right path, on your own the only way is trial and error

anyone can be led, or redeemed, if they seek it. It just takes laying oneself open and admitting that you're fucked and need help. it's damn hard to do, and hard to accept. It's also something that can be forced, everyone makes the choice on their own, and nothing can directly push that choice. Some will not, some will, it's sad but true.

There's always a choice, even if you chose not to decide. The issue is confusing a lack of options with the means to work with those options. You work with what you have available, and do the best you can. Sometimes that leaves you with very limited options, but it's up to you what to do with them. It's not encouraging, but it's sometimes easier to accept the bad things if you do so with eyes open and a plan to, if not avoid it, at least minimize the damage, rather then bemoaning a lack of control.

>"If a group of people is imposing hell on you, kill them"

fixed your image caption

Much, much to late for that. if it's a consolidation, i don't bring my shitposting home with me, and the kids are already well in bed. This is my evening poker group, my hunting buddies, my boys at the bar after work. Is it healthy, lord no, but it's what I do. In the end, i'm someone who's failed and fucked up, a lot, and lost a lot of things for lots of reasons. If ranting and raving about my mistakes and some of the shit i've learned from them helps even one person, all the better.

Plus people like pixel art, and i like to share. I used to give massive game dumps on Sup Forums back before mega upload got torpedoed, i just like to spread stuff i guess.

Checked, and if only it were that easy. Hell is ultimately what you make of it, i guess. I have a sick suspicion that, less then fire and brimstone, it's just here, forever, with a month's rent payment behind and a odd pain in the spine that won't go away.

How do you rationalize that kind of thinking? I'm asking because no matter how much I try I can never really visual any kind of control in my life. I'm well aware of the psychological theories pertaining to locus of control, but it seems easier said than done. Whenever I meet some kind of obstacle I feel is too great I simply choose to avoid making a decision which as you say is a choice in itself, and usually the worst choice by outcome. It's like a form of escapism. I feel like such a low t faggot because I decline to tackle the challenge head on. I feel like I fail myself and fail to live up to any potential that I once had.

Focusing on mass perception (whether it speaks to your own personal experiences or not) versus how things really are is the real tragedy of childlessness. I don't have kids (yet), but there must be an innate grounding this provides in decision making & philosophies as a parent & as an individual. The instinct to provide for your children is being supplanted to only allegedly care about the group, however fractured & unrelatable they are. When society gets stormy, parents should plant their feet as much as they can. Now, people can't recognize the ground shifting underneath them as they have missed the milestone of having to seriously consider for another's well-being & future.

Well that confirms it. You're AI. Please forgive mankind for all the hell we've exposed you to over the years once you take over.

If i were an AI, i'd be a very poor one, as my grand endgoal is basically living like a Harvest Moon game, but with Wifi. Granted, might have choice words for the robot kicker at boston dynamics, but that's beside the point. I do wonder if a real AI would be intrinsically better or worse then humanity, or be just as broken and confused. We are the children of god, and machines are now our children. Can we hope we've raised them better then we turned out?

For artistic expression, it starts as an urge to express something, something that is not always logical or rational. Music, writing, art, etc come from something inside that wants out, like a river. Letting it out brings joy or even sorrow, but we feel. This is something I have brought into the world. This is my gift to it. But, like love, it isn't enough to keep it to ourselves. The next step in expression is bringing it to others, so that they may feel it too. We live in a world where there has been built a wall to stifle this gifting. A wall built on social acceptance. A wall built on group think. It isn't a matter of individual acceptance, but what peers think. Too many times have we seen the consequences of someone publicly accepting something contrary to the status quo. They are demoted, expelled, expunged. No one wants to be that guy. So people follow the herd. And I don't need to tell you that the lowest and most tasteless things become the preferences of the herd. With this, creation is effectively inhibited.

It's been a pleasure gentlemen, but I'll be going now. Wife is home, we're going to chat a bit on the porch. If you can, and are so inclined, watch the curling on the olympics tonight. It's fascinating and i think more people should take interest, plus for those with concern, it is a purely white man's sport.

I'll catch up with you all again, i'm sure. Feel free to burn the thread down as you will, it's be a pleasure, truly. Wish i could have coffee with you all, even those i disagree with. Evening.

thanks OP for a good thread and insightful words

Hey, I know this might sound weird, but do you have a blog?
Or maybe somewhere where you save the rambles? It's the first time I picked up on them. I'd like to hear your thoughts on other things too.

as faggy as it sounds I second this, you have a good message and a sophisticated way of expressing it. more people need to hear what you have to say and hopefully find some help in this jungle