I'm starting to think the Commies are onto something /pol

What do you think /pol?

Communists are basically just monarchists if you really think about it, so in a way they're right i guess. If they're anarcho communists then they're too far gone.

I'm sure they'd disagree but I definitely see your point.

They're on the way out.


Commies are the biggest retards on the planet.

If they understood what they were advocating for, they'd kill themselves immediately to stop it from coming true.

oh ya? whats that?

>I'm starting to think the Commies are onto something /pol
Is it because you're Jewish and/or anti-White?

>What do you think /pol?
I think you're Jewish and/or anti-White.

>I'm sure they'd disagree but I definitely see your point.
So your opinion can be swayed by a two sentence response?

No wonder you're swayed by Communism.

>inb4 you never post again.

I think Putin's troll army is on full damage control.

There's like 15 threads all praising communism and Russia at this moment.

>There's like 15 threads all praising communism and Russia at this moment.
That's the anti-White shills flooding Sup Forums with their bullshit after a happening that they want to take advantage of.

sounds like you need to kill yourself

Who's bringing the food to the party?


>It's a party!
Haha, it's A party, because we kill everyone in any other one.

fuck communists

Communism is a ponzi scheme/selling a fantasy to seize power. Nothing more.

And for some reason brainlets are in denial about this and parrot the real gommunism has never been tried meme. No shit. That's because nobody actually wants to try it. Utopia is bait to get sheep on board with an indefinite transition period. It's a carrot to dangle.

Nevermind that the mechanics of the notion itself are ludicrous. The basic idea is that, given anarchy, people will never get greedy and will be okay with carrying other peoples' weight.

The same fantasy as democracy
>you will rule over yourself.

Except that communism is impossible nonsense, while democracy is a real form of government with flaws.
Comparing the two just proves that you don't understand how stupid the idea of communism is.

Im saying democracy is just as bad. China is still Chinese, Russia is still Russian. Only our western democracies have the joy of demographic replacement.

>Only our western democracies have the joy of demographic replacement.

The demographic replacement is happening because of corporate/economic/geopolitical pressure; not because of people voting on their leaders.

Absurd. Nobody wants to be demographically replaced. Nobody voted for that.

communism is international socialism. it fails in the belief that the ideology of communism is so perfect that it can be used interchangeably on every nation regardless of their particular culture, traditions and genetic makeup.

Fascism is superior.