You guys are not pro-white and are worse than jews

>be me
>be blonde national socialist
>hear about Sup Forums and pol from morrakiu songs
>finally decide to check it out, expecting anti-degeneracy and intellectual righteousness
>discover within 10 minutes you all worship chink "women" (LOL!). Hate white women and also are retarded
>i make good arguments bashing mgtows and race traitors, but i get nothing but vitriol and emotional banter
>take a break from it because you made me depressed
>come back a week later and same thing.

tits or gtfo white whore

This place is astro turfed way harder than you might think. This board is made up of 90% shills, bots, leftyfags and people baiting for you's. 8 is where you want to be.

Lurk MOAR, learn to differentiate the shitty shills and the actual discussions. Have patience

I know this is a larp but either way there is nothing wrong with choosing a mate that has good genetics and a high IQ who holds views that are similar to your own, which in the current year comes from Nip Land and the farmlands of Europe

>i make good arguments
That's what every woman thinks regardless of reality, sage.

Dude, just be yourself and find individuals to talk to that you connect with.

This place is not a wholesome place, sadly it will never be one since it is one of this place's defense mechanisms.

Lady, you follow what is right because it is self evidently right, not because of who follows it or how popular you might be

White women vote 56% trump while asian women voted 6% trump.
Youre an idiot. They dont hold your views. They want your western money and because youre white and they want their kids to look less chinky because they hate themselves.
All race traitors HATE themselves, which is why they want to drown themselves out of your own identity.
I see nothing more than two self hating subhuman rejects when i see an interracial couple.
Nothing of value was lost gook lover.

You're just a property.

>Implying disgusting nordics will be in the ethnostate

If you truly just wanted to participate in the intellectual arguments, you wouldn't feel the need to reveal you gender

>you made me depressed

WMAF will be right up against the wall with BMWF

>Blonde is only nordics
Damn common core really is the trepanation of education.



This was a really poor attempt baiting and/or trolling. You guys have really got to start trying harder.


>White women vote 56%

really fires my neurons

Your imaginary ethnostate when your imaginary day of the rope comes?
You have to get off your ass and work toward your goals. They dont magically fall from the sky.
(((They))) want you isolated from your people and community. You have neighbors living a foot away and you probably dont even know their names. All you do is play vidya and shitpost.
Thats why there can be no ethnostate until each of us becomes a beacon of light and makes an effort to shape the world around us.

Btw. I was a virgin until i was 19. Also i have an IQ of 127 and i got a's in all classes and was an honor sutdent. Also made the deans list twice.


Where did i reveal my gender brainlet? I never said my gender. You assumed it, and then projected your own insecurity onto me.

This place is madness, I don’t know why I still come here.
White women are literally the greatest women on the planet and they worship fucking Asians.
I like to think of them as nazis who don’t know what nazism is.

>using Americanized humans and percentages to disregard an entire race

The Amount of Asians who live in America is 5%, And the amount of Japans in Total from the demographic is 841,824 so 0.3% of the U.S. population with a −1.2% decrease each fucking year

and the majority of them are all city dewellers who live in commifornia or Honolulu

Why are you such a fucking brainlet user?


You know the rule, BITCH!

Oh fug

>I came to Sup Forums expecting serious political discussion

Lurk moar

love that voting for trump is the basis of your argument. trump is completely degenerate, has jewish dicks so far up his ass they're coming out of his mouth, and is an embarrassment to anyone who cares about whiteness.

OP is probably a desperate Irish whore. i'll take asian girls any day.

Look, the problem is Sup Forums is like a priceless diamond who is lost in a literal mountain of shit. Welcome to the literal mountain of shit. Now you have to Find Sup Forums. Good luck.


Oh so youre saying that every chink in the west is more liberal and more degenerate than all whote women in the west?
And yet the problem you think is geography when it comes to chink women. But when it comes to white women you say the problem is inherent.
This is how i know youre a kike.
Absolute trash.

A- you know the rules , tits or gtfo
B- most posts on Sup Forums are satire , the real Sup Forums appears on happenings , we're just killing time pretending to be niggers right now, waiting for the next happening

Lol this place isn't the place where white men come to talk about how much they love white women, most of the faggots on Sup Forums are non whites kikes or shills.

>white women are all leftists who need to have their votes taken away!
>votes majority trump
>votes majority hitler
Ah! Well.... hitler and trump are secretly zionist alien space degenerates. Did you know hitler had one testicle and snorted cocaine? I saw it on buzzfeed once.

Dumb shitcunt.
Go back to school

Don't forget to fill the options field boys

>expecting a website created for the purposes of discussing anime to not love nip girls

Did you know this isnt an argument and that youre speaking out of pure emotion?
Sieg heil ya little fuck cunt chink

>One group
Cmon we both know this is the axis of chaos
There are commies to real NATSOC's

MGTOW is a kike trick. Marrying an asian women loses the gene expression only passed down by the woman.(which is most of the race spicific epigenetics.) However most "white women hate" is telling you to marry up and have same damn babies.

>Be me
>Green eyed American
>No QT3.14 Blond NATSOC GF
Why live. There are ton's of guys that want nothing more than a cutie wife to provide for. We need a anti-kike dating network.


8 banned Gex. The Gex.
8 has 2 shitskin mods
8 bans people who say anything even mildly critical of Trump

8 is lost to us

Sadly this

Sure are a lot of "Women" posting today, eh?

White women are childish vain shitheads, that's not to say most people aren't today, but with the laws and state ideals pretty much ensuring that you'd be hard crossed to find a woman who can actually do things herself without bitching.

Fuck off stormfag, off yourself like the braindead degenerate you are.

No. They arent even kikes. I lured some and got their emails a few months ago.
Others i added them on steam.
They are legitimately white. But most are bug eyed limp wristed soyboys. They sound like autists on mic and are autists irl.
Ive had many discussions with chink loving white "men" and i know their minds. The memes are true.
Theyre the lowest of the stock genetically, they are undesirable and geeky. They go for chinks because white women intimidate them.
Many white women are degenerate its true. But we are by far the least degenerate, the best looking, and the most far right women in the world.


>Visiting Sup Forums for 10 minutes
>Already know how to fucking green text
I will bet $20 on things that never happened

do you gotta sound so faggoty when you type it tho?

Do you think you can leave?

How can you argue against MGTOW?

>i make good arguments bashing mgtows and race traitors, but i get nothing but vitriol and emotional banter
I bet, just like in this post, you leveraged your sex as a part of your argument. Tits or GTFO and learn the culture before you post. You're already here forever.

Assuming you're truly a woman, you've got no room to talk if you aren't a virgin. Most white women are whores and latch onto naziism for attention. Part of being traditional involves actually being traditional and saving yourself for marriage.

>jealous roastie

Says the little white boy with his little dick up his littlr ass who faps to tentacle hentai in his moms basement and never works out and has no job.

But im the degenerate?
Ok kid!

>>discover within 10 minutes you all worship chink "women" (LOL!). Hate white women and also are retarded
>>you all worship chink "women"


Literally everyone is worse than the Jews. They are G-d’s Chosen people.

I was a national socialist at 13. I read mein kampf, i was never in my whole life a degenerate. Ever.
I was more intelligent than you as a child, yet youre here passing judgement on me, when you have probably watched porn since you were 10.
Youre a hypocrite and a little retard.

Show where i mentioned my gender.
Fuck youre retarded.

Do you think you can grow a pair?

>wahhh the post
Cry more faggot.

>"Man up, date a white woman!"
>Instead of creating an incentive to do so, act like a total narcissistic cunt causing the opposite reaction

Even though youre literally crying about the mere fact that im here?
You have the mind of an actual aspie little kid,

Yeah, but are you a virgin?

She said she lost it.

this is why white men want asian women because of white women like you
if you are even a women in the first place
no men wants an opinionated bitchy entitled whore, who think she is better than everyone.

>Show where i mentioned my gender.
>Fuck youre retarded.
Oh sweetheart, those with the eyes to see would disagree. Anyways, this unnecessarily angry response means this is for sure a slide thread. I give it a C, C+ and my favorite herb, of course.

Used goods
No thank you

Yeah, are you?
If you say yes youre a nerd, if you say no youre a hypocrite. Either way you lose.
Using your own retarded contradictory ideals, i backed you up into a corner from whence you cant escape.
So pick one kike.

>lurk for only 10 minutes
>Waah, they attacked muh wymenz, now I'm depressed :(
The sad part is that I generally agree with you on this.
But if some incels can get you this emotionally stressed than you should fuck off.

>Oh so youre saying that every chink in the west is more liberal and more degenerate than all white women in the west?

No? I'm not saying that at all Cathy Newman.

My point is that the on a whole there is a higher chance of finding a traditional and wholesome women in Japan then there is of finding one in the Western World.

This is mainly due to the Shinto Religion which is still very active in Japan and it's practices are carried out diligently and is ingrained even in those who move away from the religion. Shinto is used as a whole to establish a connection between present-day Japan and its ancient past, hence given the female population there a more traditional view point in terms of marriage and off-spring.

I don't care at all that you're here, this is a board of peace. Who's the one whining that Asian women can get men easier?

The thing about Sup Forums is that it has no political affiliation. It's a place where everyone can discuss unpopular opinions. The best thing to do is develop a thick skin and realize that not everyone here agrees with your views.

I'm natsoc and I honestly do think the chink obsession is gross but I don't assume everyone else here shares this opinion and I don't expect them too because the great thing about Sup Forums is that it's the last bastion of truly free political speech. It is memetic Darwinism because everything has to stand on its own two feet.

So in short: We should tolerate other ideas here because without that tolerance our own ideas could be suppressed artificially rather than being left to honest discussion and thorough dissection.

>still hasnt shown where i mentioned my gender
Show me where i said that.
P.s. im 19.

Are all of you losers so illiterate?

>calls him a kike
>also calls him a nerd if he exhibits good Christian values
Nice try, shill.

I'm now convinced these threads are just an elaborate larp by some Sup Forumsack who thinks the roastie memes are funny.

Unless you can't write for shit it implies that you lost your virginity recently

>theres a higher chance of finding a traditional wholesome woman in japan
Ever heard od herbivore men?
Japanese guys have their own mgtow which is wildly more popular there than it is here.
Japan has one of the fewest marriage rates in the entire world, and THE lowest birth rate.
Also theyre all prostitutes, the only remotely humanoid looking ones have thousands of dollars of plastic surgery.
Almost none of them believe in your weeb religion. Theyre all atheists and anime degenerates.

I don't give a fuck what godless degenerates say about me, I am doing what my religion requires I do.
I will be married to a woman of the same faith and same standards, as many of my friends are currently doing.

Do i really need to post chink pictures?
I know a chink girl who ate her family dog because it kept barking, and she was also a prostitute at 11 years old.

Oh look, a shill pushing the chink women meme.

we're coming at this from very different perspectives. i love whiteness because of europeans' legacy of intellectualism, noble behavior, and contributions to the world, not literal fucking white skin 14 words bullshit. the countries with the whitest looking people (ireland, eastern europe/russia) also happen to be the dumbest and have contributed the least to the world.

Trump is a kike shill who has given us nothing except ugly gaudy buildings.

Hitler was an incredibly noble person and his regime will serve as a guiding light for everyone who has the wisdom and the spirit to fight back against jewish lies for the remainder of humankind.

I think it's fine for women to vote.

Honestly, if you observe the history of Europeans that made us great in the first place, you observe how the majority of white women act now, you observe how the majority of Asian women act, and you can't understand why white men with attachment to the history of their people go for Asian women by and large, then I can't help you.

No one respects digits anymore, back in my day..

How does that have anything to do with what I said

Anyone pushing hapa racemixing is rightfully mocked. People spamming threads about burning rice doesn't mean Sup Forums supports it.

>>discover within 10 minutes you all worship chink "women" (LOL!). Hate white women and also are retarded
she's got ya there, you fuckin autists

Oh look, a shill pushing race mixing and mineralization of the west which is what literal jews do.
Ever heard of the kalergi plan? Are you this degenerate and bluepilled?
Btw al goldstein (a jewish convicted pedophile) made pornography legal in the west first.
His admitted purpose was to distract and pervert european minds.

>>take a break from it because you made me depressed
>>come back a week later and same thing.
welcome to pol, now tits

no tits


The irish made subarmines, tanks, jets. The scots invented indoor plumbing, televidion, telephone.
You have such an infantile retarded subhuman understanding of race and history.
Literally kys.

No one's falling for your shit, kike. No one who actually posts here is retarded enough to think that the chink meme is real.
Aside from how absurd it is, there have been countless threads exposing how you shills try to push this shit, going so far that the kike media actually writes articles about it.

It's just like the onion meme from last fall. You could literally trace the shills by going into the archive.

Alright let's address those points

Herbivore men exists due to the state of the Japanese economy which disenfranchises retirement, hence why the older population of Japan sit at the top whilst the younger workers have no prospects moving forward which lowers the stability of a male worker.
>I don't have enough, and I might not be able to stay at this job so why should I get married and not be able to support my family
This is also why suicide is quite high in Japan
It doesn't really have much to do with MGTOW which is a counter movement against unfair divorce rates and female law disparities

>Muh birthrate
Isn't really an argument
It's simply going back to pre-war era of population growth
It's not suitable for the tiny island nation to continue at the rate it was going after the war.

>Also they're all prostitutes, the only remotely humanoid looking ones have thousands of dollars of plastic surgery.
Subjective and biased
Surgery is common in the States as well
And even more common in Europe

>Almost none of them believe in your weeb religion. Theyre all atheists and anime degenerates.
As much as nearly 80% of the population in Japan participates in Shinto practices
And it's mandatory in most schools
In fact you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't have dealings with shinto.

All those kimono festivals that they have every year. That's Shinto

>>discover within 10 minutes you all worship chink "women" (LOL!). Hate white women and also are retarded
lurk moar faggot

>worship chink women
>hate white women
i for one hate them both equally as much and i'm far from being r9k or your average chan virgin.
so there's that.

>supports race mixing, multiculturalism, and mongrelization
>calls me the kike
This is next level autism.

>trying to make people think you visit this board
shareblue cmon, this is sad.

>blonde bitch bitchin about :muh feels you men should be concerned"
Go fuck some nigger already you damn bitch.
Aint no self-respecting white man gona marry your stupid bitch ass.

Yeah, calling out the race mixing shills is the same as supporting race mixing.
I thought you kikes were supposed to be smart.

Try posting tits. You'll def get a positive response.

Lurk moar newfag

Probarly bait but still.
This place fell heavy after the election with downtime, so many newcomers and incels are swarming about, but we all know that already right guys.. or is the repeating roas-