How many women have you fornicated and how has it affected your politics?
How many women have you fornicated and how has it affected your politics?
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First one was a roastie who went after Jamal after we broke up
Second one was a roastie who went after Paco after we broke up
Third one is the super traditional girl I've been with for a year now
if women have an effect on your politics, youre a shit for brains
Shit experiences with women tend to turn men from leftist losers into far right frogposters
Speaking from experience here
25+. No kids. MGTOW degenerate chiming in.
I saw a Korean girl with a Israel and American flag at a rally and I vomited
Eight. It did not, back when I was a virgin I considered myself natsoc, now I consider myself natsoc.
i think about 50ish. nothing i'm proud of. If i could take it back, i'd never ever have fucked white woman. it disgust me that i did. but i didn't know you all was the devil until it was too late.
Nigger detected
Been with her for 4 years.
13 I think. Has no affect on politics. Most were when I was young & blue pilled. Married now and don't care about roasties.
12. Now married with three kids.
Only a weakling allows women to sway their political views. Stand up for what you believe, be firm in those beliefs, and women (and weaker men) will follow your ideology without question. Confidence in yourself goes a very long way.
15. The time I was most enthralled by Sup Forums noise was during a year long dry spell. After fucking a few Latinas a black and a Filipino I realized diversity means more varied kinds of blowjobs for me
Is there a single, infitisemal unit of self-confidence in the black self-image?
6 gorillion women
Zero benis in bagina
Multiple whores lusting after me for some ungodly reason
I don't think it colours my politics at all
Over 20.
If anything, my increase in the number of women I've fucked is proportional to my increase in right wing views.
5 in the pussy 10 if you include bjs, it hasn't
Hundreds. Women are pets. What ideology is that?
20, and it hasn't in the slightest. Most women I know are honestly too stupid for politics.
Do prostitutes count?
about to marry to trad virgin next year
Only thing that my sex life affected is realization, that most women are fucking retarded and its unnecessary to argue with them because even the smartest of them are still really deeply influenced by their feelings and don't care for reaching the truth, unless they are invested in you and you are the one teaching them that its important.
25. I think the more women I know, the more right wing I've become.
what about no experiences with women?
>the more women I know, the more right wing I've become.
I have fucked 38 women, and it has taught me that women are retarded, and should never have been allowed to vote.
Are you my doppelgänger?
3 if prostitutes don`t count and over 100 if they do.
im hungaryan and sport a pretty big dickus.
but now that im 28 and not 20 anymore the libido has gone way down and i´ve barely any interest into a relationship or females whatsoever , still occasionaly jerk it but thats about it.
9 and it made me realize that women don't really have political opinions.
The first was a Jew who was really annoying (she actually took my virginity oy vey)
The second was a junkie I was seeing for a while
And the third was because we had sexual tension
None have affected my political views, if you let women affect your political views you’re a cuck and not true to yourself.
I don't think it has. National Socialist reporting in.
That just makes you a virgin incel.
>watching porn is fornication
It hasn't affected my politics so much as my mind and soul.
It makes it nearly impossible to see women as anything other than sexual objects - though with the help of Christ that is getting better.
>Sexual immorality causes cancerous leftism
>It is the secret to illuminism and why they push porn so hard.
It's very important to learn not to view anyone but your wife sexually, and then only for the purpose of making a family.
1, and I don't think it's affected my views. If I had kids, I'd feel like I actually had skin in the game, but as it is my branch of the family is ending. Nuclear annihilation would be frightening, but probably the ideal way to go from my POV.
Reminder that this is a Christian board and pre-marital sex is wrong.
>watching porn is fornication
Woman detected
2 bjs and 3 right in the pussy, maybe 4 but I blacked out that night.
Two were pretty liberal and it just made me even more conservative.
16. The more sluts I put my dick in, the more I realized how worthless they are as a whole. I started as a bluepilled normie and am now a full on national socialist.
I have given up on finding a nice girl to start a family with for now.
The state of women is super sad desu. I don't hate them for it, they are incapable of thinking for themselves.
The real redpill is that all women are thots.
Lots and I'm married now
all women are whores
Posting a Dubai Dunny as your eg.
She will bear some mutts
for me.
angry manchild who wants to remove women's rights to vote.
Alternative question: How many women have you turned down
30+ dozen or so trannies + handful of dudes
You have heard it said, 'you shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
>You are literally destroying your mind, body and soul by watching porn.
I have hermes trice blessed my dick with a mestiza a whore and a cougar kikess
Cuck em
>checks 33
>ignores 9900
this is so fringe bait I don't know if it qualifies
these threads are the worst
Of course it's bait. But that doesn't mean you can't use it to turn others away from degeneracy and toward the light.
>A family is the second most important thing you can have in this life.
> 3 relationships
> 20-30 lays
> 1000 of kissies
Im 22 and conservative, not a chad just a average skinlet. Wierdly judmental sober but degenerate when drunk
Do my daughters count? I've foniclared all up in them but I don't really counts because yknow they're my daughters. If I don't fuck them who will?
Fucked over 100 roasties and they haven't changed anything on me.
>checks flag
Makes sense.
haven't stuck it in anyone but messed around with a some south american black girl once
i thought i was gay for a while but apparently i just am not attracted to most american women for some reason
Feel nothing emotionally and chase dopamine. Sex is fantastic when your testosterone is high and you go full primal. Unfortunately, I'm dead inside. Three thumbs up.
a couple, but i've only ever made love to one. We dated for years, before me she was a virgin, her family has 6 generations of living in St. Charles, she's 100% white, 50/50 Irish catholic and German.
I proposed, she said no :(
now i'm learning to be kinder. I can be a national socialist but I still have to be a loving person.
Life is suffering.
Depends on what's happening chemically in our brains!
that's a nice girl (boy)
what's her (his) name???
only one
>married 7 years now
sometimes I wish I had fooled around more as a teen/in college but I wouldn’t trade my life now for it
put Benis in vageen.
it will make you respect women so much less once you get it over with
I refuse to lose to anyone, especially women.
Fast processing spatial IQ 140s, slow processing verbal IQ (~120, who gives a shit if Lisa carrying 27 apples, is running 13mph towards the train tracks with a train going 732mph. When it hits her, how dead is she? She's super fucking dead, and thankfully she was a sjw feminist cunt). Somebody love me.
At least 20 strippers. I had quite athe coke habit in my 20's and plenty of disposable income. 35 now and settled down and live boring drug free life, but I'm happy with my life these days.
that verse is completely misinterpreted
the correct translation would be correctly interpreted as
>if you look at a woman with the intent in your heart to sleep with her even though shes already married than that's as good as doing so
looking at hot women is not a sin and obviously Jesus wouldn't have said it was
literally nothing wrong with being attracted to unmarried women that are your own age
Slept with 10 white women to take revenge on my Asian ex gf. Now have a white gf
23, slowed down a lot since I've been in an LTR for the last year and a half.
Being redpilled on women is a great entry-level redpill on """equality."""
Probably in the 40s-50s at this point, honestly stopped counting after turning 30. Hasn't changed my politics at all, not sure why it would.
It has given me a different perspective on women, though. Long story short = women get easier to bed and less trustworthy as they age.
If you want a worthwhile lifetime partner, properly court a girl in high school or college, and marry her/have children immediately after.
Not saying there aren't worthwhile women aged 30+, just that they're a hell of a lot harder to find.
I think it only affects your politics if youre a child
0, I'm not attractive enough for a girl to be interested in me. Once I have more money I'll probably try plastic surgery or something.
I think 15 to 16 or something.
Now, fortunately, I'm stuck with my chick and a kid.
3 but none in like 6 years now
I'm going back to grad school soon and want to find a girl there, if not I'll just be that weird old single guy ranting about Jews
4 whites and 1 korean who i've been with for almost 2 years now.
no impact on my political views.
Why would it affect my politics?
I would rather jump off a cliff than vote for a Democrat
i was hardcore altright when i was a virgin but since i lost my virginity #imwithhernow
I mean my whole life was about to better myself and carry the ones next to me along and somehow it worked. Real relashions have sucked, i think i'm an stable person but i just don't want to be fucked with.
52 I think. Don’t usually consider political platforms while I’m slaying the pink dragon.
yup. Home of Louis and Clark. So also you know she was upper-middle class. She even went to an all-girl private catholic school. I let the perfect wife slip through my fingers:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
>Not in the least because women have nothing to do with my interest in politics
I think about 21 different women but I don't know any more lol
Somewhere around 5.
I do not trust women. In their eyes, every man is a Titanic and other women are icebergs.
That's a noble way to live, carrying others with you to greater heights.
Idk why, but most things I do, such as hanging out with friends, was often fueled by my need to meet women. Tinder has made it so easy that I rarely see friends anymore because i no longer need them for it. I don't know how to change my brain's wiring on this.
women were a mistake
5 women.
i don't think my # affects this, but coincidentally my only ltr ended on a pretty sour note (she cheated) around the same time gamergate was happening, which was a solid 1-2 punch of redpills for younger me. honestly my love life has been miserable since then; i've had one ONS with a pretty unattractive older asian woman, and am currently on-and-off fucking a hyper degenerate neet girl who seems like she has severe borderline personality disorder.
laying all of this out plainly for the first time is making me want to die holy shit
>fat disgusting feminist one night stand
>fat disgusting feminist roastie one night stand
>tall hot female nationalist roastie ex-gf
I'd rate 3/10 won't do again any time soon
16, 18? Shit, I'm not going to sit here and count. Would "I don't see how the fuck it has affected my politics" be considered an answer, or a non-answer?
i have had sex with 68 women.
>lost my virginity at 19
>28 now
and i hate women in a way now. at least i dont respect them at all.
>how many have you turned down
2-5 and my split roastie count is over 20
Somewhere around forty, I still like to fuck a random bitch every now and then.
It lead me to doing things like shit posting in real life.
One -- my wife, of course. It's the only honorable way.
>and i hate women in a way now. at least i dont respect them at all.
the more contempt for them you have the more they seem to like you.
0, it hasnt because women dont affect politics in general
4 women (all prostitutes.)