What’s with this new “space travel is pretentious nonsense” I keep hearing from conservatives?

some of humanities most important innovations were the direct result of our efforts in space travel. people say colonizing mars is a waste of time only because they lack the foresight to realize what it could possibly mean for humanity. why are conservatives anti-innovation?

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Because the earth is a flat plane and you've been nasa'd your whole life

fuck you and your made-up bullshit

Name one... ?


-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal satan worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Christianity above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

seeing some of the responses to this from conservatives has made me realize just how dumb some people on the right are

5 seconds one touyube...

I know. I don’t get it. it’s why I used to hate conservatives when I was in high school. I don’t understand their love of fossil fuels either, and miss me with that jesus shit desu

I don’t think planes fly in direct trajectories like that. Every time I’ve lept the pond we flew over the arctic

Personally I love Musk, he is proving how much NASA has been ripping us off for decades when he accomplishes so much with a fraction of the resources.

Musk wouldn’t have spacex without NASA

and jesus christ dude, gps is not radar


Seek mental help.

We crossed the oceans and built this great country. Imagine what we will create crossing the solar system. Entire new worlds. Just imagine.


5 more seconds

And why? Layover?... or was that the straightest route?

Do the people making these videos even put any effort whatsoever to understand what the fuck they are talking about?

1. GPS and RADAR are two different things.
2. The routes are to do with altitude. Altimeters work depending on air pressure, which changes all the time. Rather than having planes all over the place on different settings they just stick to one.

it has to do with the shape and spin of the planet


It's in the fucking word, retard.

Literally the entire idea of conservatism is "everything should always be the way it is now, progress is bad".

It's an ideology by and for narrow-minded retards, as it has always been.

Maybe think about that the next time you shit on progressives and liberals.

You know how they have those spinning wheels in space that give them gravity in the movies? In real life if you do that, if you turn your head side to side, it will give you nausea


Say uncle?

the conservative boomersphere really hates Elon Musk for some reason
I've even seen them gloating about the Chevy Bolt doing well compared to the Tesla M, which is really strange considering that not to long ago all the big automakers were derided for taking federal bailout funds


a lot of this is factual or close to the truth

>I keep hearing from conservatives?
Don't you mean liberals?

GPS all ya got? Damn that shits expensive.

no, I mean conservatives


Radar is a microwave with the door removed.

I encourage you to test this out at home.

Because flat earthers are uncreative faggots who stole the layout from the UN to make their stupid fake map.

If you want to know if space exists, buy a telescope and stare at the sun.

I’ve tried.. it won’t turn on with the door open..


>space travel is a waste of resources
Literally only niggers and jews argue this. Get gassed kike.

It has safety shit to prevent retards like you from attempting to use it as a radar. To remove the safe guard
>unscrew the back and remove it
>find the capacitor
>pull it out with your bare hands
>Stick your bare fingers in between the two nodes it to discharge it
> put it back

the safety shit should be removed.

pic related is the capacitor


You've heard nothing of the sort from conservatives, quit being a faggot.


You're a special kind of retard. Liberals have been whining about space exploration since the 60s.

Damn Mr. wizard!.. You should have your own show!.. got any other neet scienceie stuff?


Space is fake and gay; it is a money laundering op.
Your entire ego is too wrapped up in the above statement being false for you to even consider it long enough to seek justification
You are a slave.

that doesn’t disprove anything I’ve said. Liberals being retards doesn’t prevent conservatives from also being retards, you fucking child

>turn on your WiFi to increase gas accuracy, goy.
Are people really this stupid?

And as always, it doesn't look like any of those niggers have missed many meals.

It is pretentious. I will prove it simply:

Terraform our millions of acres of desert before you have the stupidity to try it on a planet with water found only lightyears away.

The height of stupidity.

>t. Fifth post in the thread where no one identifies their political leanings

Watch a doin Rabbi?

t.anarcho communist

This thread fucking glows in the dark.

I’m pretty libertarian on most things but I don’t fit easily into a box

The best way to clean cum stains is with ammonia.

Oh fug, they have glowing bots with Reddit-tier intelligence and responsiveness now.
Or this guy is illiterate. I can’t tell.

How long did it take till you found that that worked?

>"to try it on a planet with water found only lightyears away."
>Being allowed to use the word "stupid"

So? How many ever years of NASA, and GPS? That’s it?

trust me, I'm an engineer, I just know these things.

The chlorine in the seman bonds with the ammonia.

No one said anything about terraforming, and with just one sentence you proved only that you have absolutely no clue about Mars, or space in general.

You’re a cum engineer?

> why are conservatives
Obama cut huge chunks of NASA funding and it's never been the same since. So you can shut the fuck up on that point now.


Deserts are a natural & important ecosystem dude, lots of shit thrives there that wouldn't anywhere else.

Lots.... in a desert?... lots?.... really?

>some of humanities most important innovations were the direct result of our efforts in space travel

the military has done waaaaaay more in that way that space travel

what have we gotten out of all the insanely expensive space stuff?
>cool another plantet we might live on a zillion lightyears away, so we will never go there.
well spent money.

how about this tesla, huh? wow, that will save humanity.

all the space stuff is completely useless, until they can do anything usefull.

they talk about stuff on mars, but until they actually put it into action, its useless.

atleast elon finally gave nasa some competition, forcing them to actually do some work without spending zillions on doing nothing.

that things exist, doesnt make it usefull
>pssst. niggers

Considering space research is a military field, if you do consider ALL the first launch vectors for anything to go to space (Soyuz, American launchers, European launchers) were developed from IBCMs,
it's just a cover up to develope more missile technology to use for war, when they are not putting directly military satellites in orbit,
of which they have put plenty, including satellites for the missile defence arrays, observation satellites for the army and satellite killers to destroy said satellites.
I would not be ok with someone as kike-progressive as Elon to have access to top-notch military tech

the military and space development are tightly linked

Blue Origin > SpaceX > Russia's space program > NASA > Poland


The more responsible aliens "our future selves checking in on our smooth progress" have recently embargoed any travel into or out of earth. A purge of rogue elements is under way. Normal service resumed shortly once swamp cleared and criminal organisms contained.

Hello kike.

ye, because both wars and space programs have been around for centuries.

>people say colonizing mars is a waste of time only because they lack the foresight to realize what it could possibly mean for humanity. why are conservatives anti-innovation?

because there's no oil on Mars.

Got your towel?

>What’s with this new “space travel is pretentious nonsense” I keep hearing from conservatives?

"Oh god, please don't let the Aliens come down before we have complete control!"

something like that?

Only rural retards voted for Pluto to be a planet!

> Man can only innovate through space travel
Nice try brainlet. Can't even LARP good.

Mars is an airless, frozen desert blasted with cancer-causing radiation. Any settlers would have to live underground forever.

I'm dead serious. The elites know they are fucked, just a matter of time. I'd advise you behave well and honestly for the next couple of years. Small, human mistakes and foibles are no problem, but if you start something international that is "wicked" and could have negative effects on humanity in general, well this is a very bad time for that kind of thing, but follow your heart !


what is terraforming

whoa I have spacex in my id

really makes you faggots think I bet

If it wasn't woman and the kikes America would be spending 50% GDP on Space Colonisation and would already have conquered the Milky Way by now.

Because they aren't advocating for space infrastructure to mine asteroids or build habitats. They are pushing for moon or mars bases.

Lol, humans got told to GTFO the moon and not come back. You think we went all the way there and didn't even build a fucking tin shack ? Why is that you think ?

With what resources?

sources on this? Genuinely interested

The moon or mars doesn't have anything on them that we can't get on earth for cheaper. The only benefit is that there is less of a gravity well to move stuff off of them. though we don't require planets or moons to build ships or habitats anyway.
More expensive than just building habitats. Habitats can even simulate earth gravity.

It is obiously the only reason we aren't going to the moon. Not the fact that its uneconomical or that america has to subsidies ethnics instead of progress as a nation.

In today's social climate, we'd probably end up sending a bunch of niggers to the Mars.

So yes, it is a complete waste of time. We have to try and get the social order back in check before we worry about space.

the social order has never been in check and never will be


accounting for the inevitability of entropy, the expense to haul raw materials to the red planet would be astronomical. Pun intended.

This is next level clunker brains, conserving something doesn't mean nothing can change. Like if a business had a mission statement of " being the best at our work and innovators in our field." Then progressives can change the mission of a business to bring the most equitable and diverse in the field. Wanting to conserve the first mission will bring more positive change, and the progressive one will stifle change and innovation to fulfill it's mission.

>Doesn't understand what a desert is.

Making a desert green is a completely different ballgame from terraforming, because there are completely different requirements. Deserts have exactly one problem; lack of water. There are several major reasons that problem occurs; rain shadow from terrain, unfavorable air currents, distance from a sufficient body of water, and cold water in that body of water.

They all have the commonality of being completely fucking irrelevant to terraforming, in which the problem is not the lack of water in any one spot, it's the lack of the correct atmosphere for water (and oxygen) for the entire fucking planet. You're basically proposing that we figure out how to fix a step that's not on the list, and would be step R if absolutely necessary because we suddenly fail at canals or super need to live at one water poor point on a newly habitable planet, and ignoring steps A-Q.

Go watch Aria, because even it understands the utility of canals on a Mars 90% covered in water, and because it is super comfy.

most conservatives are traitors

unlike liberals, who are all traitors


Nogz are afraid of space so now it's racis.