Did Annie switch sides?
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Did you kill yourself yet?
No idea. Annie a cute though.
Her Titan did.
Endgame right here, brothers.
Isayama really reshapped the volumes, didn't him?
Everything change after the basement. The manga will be from the Warriors POV until the end.
Ravus Tyber, elder brother of Lunafreya Reiss.
>Grim reminder
Chapter 100.
>The manga will be from the Warriors POV until the end.
God I hope not
Grim reminder never ever.
Don't worry, it'll only last until the end of this arc. Warrior POV is the most boring, uneventful shit.
>pic was made after 93
>four months later still nothing
You reminderfags are gonna be waiting until the end of time.
Better than MUH OCEAN over and over again.
Well, that will be a wild ride. Especially in the first chapter of the third volume when leddit livestreams their mass suicide.
Or when this happens
This arc is probably the very last one.
This, it was truly boring.
It's amazing that absolutely nothing has happened since then. Is this the slowest arc ever?
I expected things to speed up from here on out since we're nearing the end, but we've got nothing but warrior flashbacks to information we don't really need.
I hope when shit does hit the fan it isn't over in like 2 chapters or something.
Doubt it. There's still plenty more to go through. It depends on how this arc goes, but it's hard to make any guesses because virtually zero has happened yet.
Nah, cause I actually cared about the ocean. Can't say I care as much about Reiner's daddy issues, even though I like Reiner as a character.
Really seems like you weren't here on the political arc and WOAH.
Thank the warriorcucks for that much.
>I actually cared about the ocean
Ew. And speak for yourself.
Political arc wasn't nearly as slow as this. And it was set in the present on top of that. Shit actually happened. And it was best girl's arc as well. The arc at present is nothing but shite flashbacks.
>Shit actually happened.
>On political arc.
200% WOAH.
>cared about the ocean
>I actually cared about the ocean.
Not him but misery is the most trite emotion, especially in writing, it's best left up to the reader to determine the suffering of a character because it gets cheaper and cheaper the more you force it in their faces, even if I love Reiner these chapters just make him feel more and more pathetic, but not in the kino way 94 did
Guys, I really need to tell you all what the Ocean is.
Armin stop posting
But it's really important to the plot.
I wonder if the next chapter or couple of chapters will just be a TLDR of the manga from the warriors PoV.
The warriors talking about that weird Eren guy while in the cadets.
Discussing attacking Trost.
Discussing sending Annie after Eren during the scouting mission.
Please no
What or who?
I feel like the next chapter is going to be the last of Reiner's primo suffering flashback. We've gone through his relationship with Marcel, Annie, just Bert left and then back to the present, and hopefully a Grim Reminder.
Gas yourself.
Isn't it obvious? Chapter 100 will be about them as well, I think.
She'll wake up only to get eaten immediatly because Isayama has no heart.
Next two chapters at the very least are BRA chapters. Hopefully the next volume too.
It looks like Isayama is committed to the warrior flashback storyline. Chances are we will get at least one more mostly flashback chapter.
>Isayama keeps the flashback going
>It crosses over into information Reiner wouldn't have, specifically what Annie did after being wrecked by Levi in the forest
>Flashback to present
>We're now Annie's PoV
I need Bert shitting himself when Eren attacks him at Trost.
I'm hoping 100 is the two sides meeting again.
97 and 98 are flashbacks. 99 sets up grim reminder. 100 is happens.
She's dead, user.
Good answer right here.
I would like that but at the same time given that the one thing I was looking forward to from these chapters was missing so I don't think we're going to get any special thoughts from Bert.
What were you looking forward to user?
>was missing
What was it? Also we got some PoV from Bertolt this chapter as well, even if little.
97 will be more flashbacks. 98 will end on the cripple being revealed as Eren. 99 will be a confrontation between Eren and Reiner (Possible Zeke and the other Warriors). 100 will be Armin crashing the festival.
There was a complete and utter lack of remorse from these chapters. No "oh shit look at what we've done", no "someone has to stain their hands with blood", no nothing. It would have made these flashbacks bearable but there's zilch. It's kinda sad when I think about it, the only thing I appreciated from this chapter was the GoT Titans and maybe Reiner getting beaten up.
>Warriors watching the festivale from the crowd
>The warriors in training are with them
>Cripple walks up besides Reiner and just starts making casual conversation
>Reiner sees who it is and is visibly freaked out
>Gabi is wondering what's going on
>Suddenly festival explodes
>There was a complete and utter lack of remorse from these chapters.
Well, of course they wouldn't feel it right away, theyve done this stuff before. It's even more realistic this way.
>There was a complete and utter lack of remorse from these chapters.
That will probably come after they talk with Eren and the other cadets.
I guess. I'm hoping there will be a focus on the interaction with the victims next chapter and with Eren particularly being the catalyst for Reiner's mental decline.
I mean when Bert later has his breakdown about "no one wants to be a murderer" he talks about how they were just kids and didn't know any better.
I didn't really expect them to have any guilt when they did it. That developed after when they'd lived among the walls for a while.
Though I am surprised they didn't seem to have any guilt at all before joining the military. You'd have thought after living their for 2 years and seeing the guy hang himself they would be feeling a bit shit.
>Cripple walks up besides Reiner and just starts making casual conversation
I bet he refers to himself as a "Suicidal Blockhead" to get Reiner's attention.
Hopefully. As long as they show some remorse it'll be all right, otherwise there really isn't anything redeemable about the warriors. Either way I don't feel like going into these chapters expecting anything anymore, just feels like one long month, waiting for spoilers in the present day.
"So this is your hometown, huh? I guess I really am a suicidal blockhead for coming here. Then again, isn't that what you wanted?"
Chapter 77, user.
>Reiner isn't even crying
What a pyschopath
But that's for a comrade close to them. I'm talking feeling like scum of the earth for killing their own people en masse. If they only ever cared about the people close to them I'd be beyond pissed. Then again these warrior chapters are doing a great job of that already. I don't know, I think they're great characters but not good people.
"Don't get mad now, nothing personal buddy."
Don't shitpost with Eren, Reiner's tearing up here
That is fake Soldier Reiner, the real Warrior one doesn't care.
"That's a nice mother you have. Be a shame if something happened to her."
You got Reiner that went completly bonkers and Isayama going about how Bertolt wants to die.
I don't know so much about that, the soldier was made as a coping mechanism of sorts, no?
Avvording to Ymiyama.
"Soldier Reiner" is literally just a coping mechanism for Reiner's immense guilt.
What's the Q&A and nickname for this month?
I guess. I don't really care for interviews, I just want to see them come to terms with it however they do in the story itself. The process of their guilt.
Who was Reiner's father figure?
No one but the idea of his father inside his own head, that's why he was such a shit
He didn't have one. Probably why he's gay.
How much of a faggot is Reiner?
Yeah, but it's just a reminder how much Isayama bases BRA on Vinland Saga. Thorfinn main theme is even to become a true Warrior.
Like 2 Ymirs worth
Ymir isn't gay though
Magath and Sieg.
Sieg is his big bro.
Ymir is turbo gay, which is 2 gays.
So Reiner is 2 turbo gays, or 4 normal gays.
Sieg wasn't old enough to be his dad. Sieg was just like the camp coach who's older than you but not by much.
"It's okay Reiner, you'll get over it. Since I got over my mother and step-mother death now"
So Reiner will become Viking Jesus?
Please never become a scriptwriter
Zeke will.
>anything Jesus
Stop reading just shounenshits
Rude :(
Your headcanon is shitty.