Does secularism have a role in the alt-right? I'm not so sure, since Christianity is very important.
You know they have medicine you can take for IBS
Help me
>Menahem Aarovich Mendel
Who can stop him??
I'm indifferent, but on Twitter this issue is turning people against each other to the point where the Christians don't even want to be in the same movement as the non-religious and Pagan people.
All I can say is what has Christianity (Catholic and Protestant) done to prevent our cultural/social/political decline?
I like JF but for all his talking he and his little group of alt right miscreants have changed nothing.
At the end of the day it's just talking in front of a camera.
the "alt right" is ((their)) meme
there is no space for secularism in the neotraditionalist ethno aristocratical theocracy of the future, no
>All I can say is what has Christianity (Catholic and Protestant) done to prevent our cultural/social/political decline?
A ton. All the leftist subversion was only possible in the first place by weakening the role of religion and adoption of secularism. Just try to reverse your thinking -- what has secularism done to prevent societal decline? Nothing, it has done the opposite.
what is it?
Lads, can we just colonise French Guiana already.
I mean, come on, look at the size of this thing. It's an ABSOLUTE UNIT.
Even look at this population density, just 250,000 people occupy 83,534 km2 of land.
is there going to be a debate here or is this just going to be a circlejerk?
>All I can say is what has Christianity (Catholic and Protestant) done to prevent our cultural/social/political decline?
99% of podcasts are circle-jerks. IBS are the exception, and very few people do them.
Fair point. But that doesn't change the fact most churches chose to conform and not resist.
>not wanting to bring back native European philosophy and traditions to obtain the most ancient and therefore most true thoughts of our people
Absolute cuckold
bruh look at this dude..
oh no wait till you see theā¦ OH NO NO NO OU OU OU OU
You need to ask.
What you prefer?
1.000.000 whites with a mix of pagans, atheist, gnostics, christians, atheist.
Or 1.000.000 based christian niggers and sand monkeys?
If you choose the first then we are ok.
My problem with christians like Nick is that i have the feeling that the second there is not "enough christians" for them they will start going for "the based minority" christians.
Using non whites for profit is as bad as using non white for promoting your religious dogma.
>Using non whites for profit is as bad as using non white for promoting your religious dogma.
And this include atheist that use non religious minorities to fuck with the official religion of a country.
>Doesn't realize that authoritarian-brand right-wing christianity is what created the modern left.
Its not an island, if by some miracle we started to get a good thing going shitskins will flood it. What's wrong with mikes Nazi town?
Egalitarianism has its roots in Christian thought, right?
>p-please take my Zionist Israel First movement seriously, Sup Forums!
no. no!. no.
*protestant autism
>All I can say is what has Christianity (Catholic and Protestant) done to prevent our cultural/social/political decline?
Go on twitter and ask them just that, they will tell you the church couldn't do anything because it's either divine punishment, or secularist/atheist europe just doesn't believe in god as much.
I'm not afraid to say it but christians of all stripes are absolute cancer. the faster whites around the world get rid of this semitic belief system the better.
At least pagans can claim they are trying to revive and follow a belief system of their forefathers, ancestors and or cultural heritage.
And now inb4 a butthurt christcuck posts a picture of a faggy larper while his twitter avi is a deus vulting crusader knight taking jerusalem for the jews..
Christianity promoted the idea of man as a moral agent. Atheistic materialist man can never be more than a product of his times, his upbringing, and indeed the very matter that composes him. Christian Europe was ascendant, Marxist Europe abdicated.
> native European
> originating in southern Iraq
Does non-religious necessarily equal materialist?
I'm thinking of doing a JF-style livestream of autistically analyzing the Liberalist vs Alt Hype debate. Would anyone be interested in watching it?
Nah secularism is fedora shit. People need rules to live by, an example to follow, and ideals to aspire to. Secularism isn't doing any of that shit. It also doesn't leave anyone with the moral framework to resist degenerate and subversive elements of foreign cultures and the base desires of man.
These institutions are thousands of years old and they give very specific warnings about what happens when people fall away from religion because it's been observed in the past. If you're the guy who thinks you can change the course of history with your big brain empiricism I don't mind you trying but just know that your venture into folly is going to fuck a lot of people you pretend to care about. You're also going to burn to a crisp in hell for eternity.
sure, when
How does 10 minutes sound?
Yes, although people don't want to admit it. If you leave the realm of science you enter the realm of belief. If you leave the world of atoms you enter the world of metaphysics. It seems logically inescapable to me.
do you have a channel?
You do realize that French Guiana is officially apart of France, right?
Not to mention that the entire 3rd Regiment of the French Foreign Legion is posted there too
lol nigger
i never understood how the belief in supernatural forces and entities has anything to do with subscribing to christian morals and values. why can't you be secular and also subscribe to christian values, morals, and ideas? why can't it be tied to culture, empathy, and social contract theory? why the supernatural gaydom and church-going and funding your local church which goes into your pastors mercedes fund? why not based on the fact that we are physically and mentally here and it is of mutual benefit to subscribe to these values?
because if you talk to any christian, they even fight amongst themselves with their own personal ideas of what being christian is, what constitutes christianity, what god wants, what god thinks and what god thinks of them, if they are going to get into heaven. why the supernatural element that stupid people literally believe in?
*gives u free 2 hour education*
Find me someone more chad than Ryan
I'm talking about a pan European paganism you silly cunt
Because without something larger to strive for you're just going to devolve into using your big brain solely to figure out how to achieve the best orgasm.
Yes. Here's the stream link, I'll start it soon:
the supernatural element is precisely to distract dummies.
Otherwise they would turn into socialjustice agitators, who go around suggesting you're a bad person for not wanting to chemically sterilize your children.
I'd rather they keep to wishy washy things that don't affect the real world too much.
Your shilling is sad.
Free will is supernatural. And a prerequisite to all other beliefs.
>oh boy a Christcuck is going to criticize the alt-right!
>he sounds like a cartoon character
fuck off
Even though I love him for most of what he does, he's an atheistic faggot who's hard to respect sometimes
you can argue very very strongly that free will does not exist. genetic factors, studies concluding that free choice is actually pre-determined and such.
don't christians automatically think people who aren't christian are bad people, are going to hell, and don't have any actual basis for morals or empathy? the supernatural element is bait for retardism and throws a smoke screen in front of somebody's ability to critically think. i know people with around ~90iq who can be reasoned with on most topics, but not about muh supernatural god authority with his eternal rules and powers who literally speaks to them when they pray. i would argue this has an effect on the real world in that it changes how people perceive reality itself because they literally believe in this shit and it changes how they think of themselves and other people.
why does "something larger" have to be supernatural specifically? why can't you strive to be a better person, a better family, community, society? a better society founded on christian beliefs, ethics, and morals that benefit those in it? where does tying it all to supernatural forces benefit anybody but retards who cannot logic? or is that the sole function? to get retards to conform, but not truly understand with critical thinking and logical analysis?
cuckstianity is why we're in this mess.
That piano at the start reminds me a lot of metal
Did JF destroy Christianity? Because I have just ordered the Orthodox Study Bible and I suppose I should cancel it if Christianity is dead now
No, you don't understand the argument. A collection of atoms in motion produced by another collection of atoms in motion can't argue anything, it can only embody or represent a state.
streaming now, get in here :
It has to be supernatural because it's necessary that the "something larger" be unattainable. If you ever manage to attain the "something larger" your whole society will simply lose purpose and direction.
shut up sublet
t. retarded tin foil hat
> or is that the sole function?
kind of, but I wouldn't call them retards who can't logic I would call them normies who do not care.
>why can't it be tied to culture, empathy, and social contract theory?
Quite frankly because most people are idiots and can't comprehend even mildly complex concepts. A Santa in the sky and a list of do's and don'ts are much more digestible for mouthbreathers.
Is the alt right wrong on the Jewish question?
Jews are over represented in the anti-white political parties... in all of the western world
I legit thought he was an old woman
Real talk
No it does not. Secularism is the starting point of the left.
That is a pretty creative vore pic tbf. not even into that gay shit.
>Is the alt right wrong on the Jewish question?
Yes and no, imo. Jewish influence is definitely real and should be adressed.
But those that think that jews are sinister because they have a strong in-group identity are definitely wrong. Also those that sees the Talmud as the root of all evil instead of a consequence of jewish evolution.
Thing is that they've evolved to be rootless vagabonds because they've been ousted from so many societies and their culture and psyches reflects this. It doesn't make them evil or dumb or anything like that, it just means that the situation they found themselves in rewarded a certain "sneaky" persona to get ahead. Over time those sneaky/successful jews and their genetic lineage got tweaked towards a more lets say "spontaneous" individual that was prone to stockpiling assets in case he or she got uprooted.
And you see the same behavior in other non-cattle keeping nomads like gypsies and travellers, so it is nothing uniquely jewish.
You also have people who have evolved in neutral nations with social security, no wars and so on and they're the complete opposite.
>But those that think that jews are sinister because they have a strong in-group identity are definitely wrong.
They are sinister because they are sinister, user.
>They are sinister because they are sinister, user.
"Sinister" implies intent though, user.
Is a cat "sinister" because it kills helpless critters?
Is a snake "sinister" because it injects is prey with venom?
Or lets do this... are white people "naive" because they are compliant and orderly?
It's all about evolution and survival of the fittest. Live like a jew with jews and over time your genetic lineage will be jewey because jewishness in that particular situation is rewarded.
What you get for being intellectually dishonest. Now BEGONE.
if you hate the stream, you can give constructive feedback.
In argument. It's actually pretty beneficial.
Thanks for this btw
I'm enjoying it, but it would be nice if you could expand your geopolitics points
He's too good lads, how are we gonna beat him?
What about west new britian in PNG
I just wanted to type the word sublet no need to get so personal sheesh
Thank you guys for watching the stream. I'll working on getting better and not being a piece of shit.
The alt-right just wants to develop that bond for white europeans.
Jewish people are operating within their own interest.
I enjoyed it for a little while
keep it up
How do we get David Cole involved in the bloodsports, boys? He had a long drawn out dispute with Michael Shermer and was a regular critic of fart huffing skeptics long before everyone became woke to it.
FUCK FUCK FUCK lads, we need to destroy this French Frogfucker. How do we beat him>? He's too smart and we can't refute ANY of his points yet... I think we're going to have to call this a loss my dudes
what have the atheists or pagans?
Christianity was invented by kikes.
Jim video on Internet Blood Sports.
Its pretty mild but has some funny clips. Scroll through the comment section to spot all the raving crying Liberalists.
>I think we're going to have to call this a loss my dudes
Dont be so quick fellow Destined one, after a few more league matches Destiny will surely crush the salt right!!!
how though??? We're getting killed left and right..? How are we gonna beat the Salt-Kikes at this rate?
take the quaker pill
Someone post the Alt-Hype vs. Sargon debate pls
Plus timestamps too, I don't want to sit through 5 fucking hours
Because when get far enough along in a debate on morality and the social contract, you reach a point where things devolve into each side saying their relativist view is better. If you accept the premise of an all mighty god who has commanded you to do certain things, you avoid that problem because no human ethical framework can defeat or out reason the wishes of a supreme being.
neither cuckianity nor gaytheism will survive 2018.
nazbol reeed seej faggots neither.
do you seriously think 9/11 was an inside job?
it's just a prank bro!
We just need to get some r/Destiny posts upvoted to change the tide