Sup Forums will move on to this like flies to shit
you fags are pathetic racist neckbeards
Sup Forums will move on to this like flies to shit
you fags are pathetic racist neckbeards
Great post dude
so THAT'S the solution to "If two Black guys adopt a baby which father abandons the baby?"
That story was literally proven false he didn't actually do that lol he walked a little bit and took a bus.
why didnt he steal a bike?
So, according to the (((liberal media))), a black guy who doesn't abandon his kid and goes to work is national news? Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Walking is about 2 mph. So you're telling me he walked 5.5 hours to work everyday and back...
What's wrong with walking, I used to walk like 4 miles to work, and 6 miles to school when I was a lot younger. It's healthy, and good for the environment. Every now and then I cycle to work, usually during the summer. 11 miles is hardly a long walk.
He lives in a non white neighbourhood
There were no more bikes to steal
yeah fuckin right
if he stole a bike someone else would just steal it from him
The inherent flaw with a race of thieves.
Only a nigger can be this fucking stupid.
Thats pretty sweet, guy works hard and he reaped the reward.
>works, yet can't even afford his own car
he should find a better paying job
Can't you buy shitty cars in the USA for $500?
How retarded do you have to be to not have one when you have to travel that sort of distance.
god fucking damn
how dumb is this nigger to not take public transportation in this day and age?!
i have no problem with this
this black dude wanted to work, and work hard
not a nigger
nice bait though
said the guy who has no fucking idea what he is talking about lol.
If this nigger was walking 11 miles to work every day then it means he either wanted to walk to work or was so stupid that he lacked the agency to buy a cheap bike or shitbox car. Either way it's not something that do-gooders need to insert themselves in. I've seen a few stories like this and it always involves niggers
It will be a really shitty car, but yes. It will have bald tires and one of the doors will be smashed in and the trunk will randomly come open while you're driving, and it will probably burn oil and need new brakes.
But if you put some elbow grease into it you could get a daily driver out of it.
Ok. We never said all blacks were terrible. We never said all whites or Asians were perfect. All we said were statistical facts, and biological truths. Why do you hate us :(
One good black person exists. Do you think this is surprising to us? Niggers as a whole still are not so good. That isn’t an insult to all Africans personally.
Nice find user. Based black man.
Also checked.
True cool story about me. I would walk 1hr20mins to the bus station, then the station would leave me close to a GED class which I would take for 3hrs. Then from the GED class, I would walk another 40mins to my job, work 6hrs days, then after work, catch the 9pm bus back home, and walk another 1hr20mins. After 4months of this I got my high school diploma and entered community college for a trade. All 100% completely true.
Where's my cool story? Where's my award and recognition?
>did this for months
>never bought or at least stole a bike
That's nice now when can I get a fuckin break? I don't even have kids yet.
average person can walk 3mph at minimum. 4mph is a quick pace. special forces soldiers can ruck 50lbs or so at 5mph for about 50 miles in an emergency.
that was nice of them and there's something to be said for someone that walks 22 miles a day to get to their job.
>insulting blacks for not stealing bikes
What happened to us
>something to be said for someone that walks 22 miles a day to get to their job.
That either he really really likes walking or he's a fucking moron
nah dawg he prolly get a rhyy fum hiz cuhhhh
My dad walked 11 miles to get to school every day.
No-one ever gave him a hand out.
That's pretty sweet, as long as he doesn't nig out ever.
clearly you have had great advantages in life that you really don't have any appreciation or gratitude for.
the only job you can find happens to be 22 miles away, and you don't have a car. you can't imagine being in that position and having to walk, much less deciding to take that walk in order to get to work. every single day. twice. but it happens, especially when your life is fucked up from the start.
i used to have to walk six miles to and from a bus stop to get to work. 22 miles must really suck dick.
No friend at work to give him a ride?
>find out guy has been getting good daily exercise
>socially force him to pay cost of insurance, gasoline
They probably think they were helping him out.
That's how stupid niggers are. You can buy a new bike from walmart for $100, $50 from a bike school/college auction, $20 off of craigslist, $500 for a used car off of craigslist. I have my car and still biking over five miles. All this nog had to do was skip one fried chicken and purple drank viddles and the 11 miles would have been nothing in no time.
but then how would he ooga his booga?
checkmate, racist.
Why not buy a bicycle? I used to bike around town average of 30 miles a day when I was 14 in highschool.
story was kind crap, whiteboi, but those are nice digits!! :D
>buy a used bike for $20
wow much white privilege such hardship
It's America, public transportation is only there in city centres.
Everywhere else you need a car, a gun for protection, and cash for toll roads.