Sup Forums utterly BTFO
Holy shit
*tips fedora*
>he doesn't pray while shooting
He's right.
This guy is fucking retarded. He gets millions and likes just for saying shit that everyone knows
Only retards think Christians are praying to magically stop bullets.
Than why is that when schools had prayer, there wasn't these kind of shootings?
I would like to see this evidence that he claims isn't complete bs he made up out of his butt, and compare it to empirical data of prayer in school to school gun violence ratios
what a stupid nigger
>Sup Forums utterly BTFO
Sup Forums is a secular board. the small minority of screeching christfags dont change that, nor does the small minority of fedora tippers who give atheism a bad name.
I miss Carl Sagan. His show was great, and he didn't waste so much time interviewing dumb celebs and slowly absorbing their dumbness trough osmose.
Thoughts and prayers are meant for the victims families and survivors. Le black chicken wings science man isn't very smart. They're not meant to stop shootings but rather show support for those who lost someone close to them.
stop posting this druggie negro
>american education
show your flag mutt
hes not even a real scientist
>doesnt understand what Prayer is for
And yet he doesn't post the link...
you mean the enlightened, all knowing, up-to-date on the newest scientific papers about extrasolar planets atheists
You didn't provide an argument.
More prayers in school would have stopped more bullets, because it would have changed hearts keeping those bullets from flying in the first place.
I would bet that when schools had prayers, the numbers will show that there were less school shootings.
So I'm curious what this data is that shows otherwise.
Black science man is tainting Carl Sagan's legacy.
How Islamophobic
How? Does anyone really believe in prayer doing anything? I think you are just trying to lump everyone you don't like/doesn't agree with you into a group you can easily discredit, deplatform, and demonize.
Ummm sweetie...
Scientists do research, scientific articles and shieeet. Media-whores appear on TV, give interviews and post on Twiter.
Has nothing to do with pol heathen.
>Implying Christians don't commit mass Shootings
This shit doesn't happen in secular countries. Fuck off until you have a peer reviewed study on the relationship between religion and violence.
How about locking up some psycho that wrote on YOUTUBE that he is gonna be school shooter? That might have stopped this incident.
>This shit doesn't happen in secular countries
>what is the United States of America
A theocracy
Prayer isn't to stop the bullets, it's to save their Soylent filled souls
>that pic
Now compare it with the numbers of the population who actually profess those said religions, and show the diference on the pecentages. The only thing that pic shows, is that the members of some religions are less violent than others. By showing the raw data like that either you are dumb or you think other people are.
>fuck off until you agree with me
Yep, you're dumb.
wish this nigger get steam rolled
and... its fake. theres way more catholics. what is this from the 1890`s or some shit?
Is this at a black panther showing?
It's a meme, lurk more
And how many of those have committed mass shootings?
So whats up with all the slide threads?
A raid by leftypol?
Gotta wonder why it's always 1 post by op.
Every post should use every capital in this post.