What happened Sup Forums?
What happened Sup Forums?
limp wristed faggots happened
these school shooter pussies always fold when met with resistance. cant make every gun or weapon in the usa disappear but you can be prepared to defend youself.
stop being sheep
Masculinity became toxic, guns became evil, school became "safe"
The only way to reverse things and go back to how they were is to remove the people who turned society into this dumpster fire we have today.
lol @ those faggots thinking they're men's men for having a gun
the deep state has been trying to secure their usurped authority. Only can do it by massive fear campaigns and get people to tolerate slavery
Reagan got shot.
the way he kept fumbling around with the stock was embarrassing.
if you did that today the police would stand over you and try to start shit because you were doing their job and then if you moved to quickly they'd shoot you.
People refuse to take responsibility.
Did he ever get the bolt open?
Columbine coupled with the existence of sensational media. The fourth estate is a rogue institution of government that needs to be reeled in, but the faggots of today believe guns are the problem even though gun restrictions have only increased in recent decades with no correlation to shit like school shootings.
The commies McCarthy was looking for got in , in the form of marxism . McCarthy was a hero and our guy .
>thinking they're men's men for having a gun
This is a very revealing statement, son. It frames your mode of thinking - your epistemology. It tells us that you perceive the driving factor of these mens' actions to be "to exhibit" a virtue. Let me explain something that might assist you in life, if you can absorb it - men of worth are driven by the result of their actions, not aesthetic displays of faggotry.
Females voting
I like the cut of your jive, leaflad.
25 to 75% of the school classrooms are people of a different race, religion, and culture, and the townspeople feel no solidarity or community with strangers.
today the leaf shall not be raked
>lol @ those faggots for protecting their own
Once you're too well domesticated you assume your master will protect you, so your instincts for self preservation atrophy.
I went to the same highschool as my Father and I was told that when he attended school and parked in the senior parking lot everyone had their guns in their vehicles for after school hunting.
Oh how times have changed.
Near-boomer here. I have no idea what happened. I started carrying a pocketknife to school on a daily basis beginning in the third grade; pretty much every boy I knew did the same. In the 7th or 8th grade, I can't remember which, one student brought a .22 revolver with him to use in a school play, nothing was said by students or teachers. Shotguns and rifles in the car trunks and behind the seats in pickups were not uncommon (students started driving to school at 16, so that would be tenth grade). No one thought anything about it one way or the other. Half the school bus drivers were seniors, not even 18 years old.
People just don't expect young folks to take responsibility any more. It's honestly sad to watch.
Holy quads of truth
We started being "diverse"
>A leaf that makes an intelligent post that holds legitimate merit
Now I've seen it all. Excellent post user, keep up the good work.
>casually watching hickok45 video
>says with his typical melancholy things have changed, when he was a lil boy he used to carry his rifle to the school, as did many other kids
Be user
>walks home from school with his crush
>about to tell her that he's in love with her
>user is skinny, has no facial hair and tiny balls
>suddenly, a man shows up from behind.
>He has big muscles, a huge beard and a gigantic bulge in his pants.
>He smacks the girl user is interested in, on the butt.
>user cries
>the man pulls out a gun
>the girl happily fucks the guy right there on the street, while user stands there with the gun in his mouth, crying, being forced to watch the whole thing.
>The beared man finishes a couple of his many loads into the girl and lets the weakest semen drip into anons mouth.
>user runs home, crying
>turns on the computer
and here we are now.
there's a lot of kids out there with no father figures in their lives. being raised by single mothers. also I bet you saw that in a smaller town. in urban and suburbans areas you're expected to count on the police for everything nowadays
I'll do you better. My grandpa cut and fit a new stock to a rifle in his shop class, and my dad did the same with the grips on his Berretta 92. Now that same high school was full of spics and faggots who vandalized the truck of a kid because he had the audacity to fly the American flag from his truck one day.
Have a screencap.
some men are "men's men" if you want to call it that
some men fake it
the idea of "men of worth" is faggotry, too, it isn't hard to pay your bills, go to work, and be honest with people, you shouldn't get a prize for that
The feminization of men has made them seek the opposite extreme of that out of resentment for who's pushing it
so.. now everyone is prepped, ready and waiting for a never comming shooter, what happend on the otherside of town?
Because on the off chance a teacher accidentally discharges his or her firearm during social studies they'll have to apologize to the students.
What the hell happened to American ideals? Why are black men and Hispanic men allowed to be so masculine yet white men are frowned upon for being masculine? How did the transition start? It had to be post 60's, surely.
It was probably about the end of that era. The city at the time was about 200,000 people, it's now about 1.2 million, and no way would any of that sort of behavior pass without arrests and whatnot.
My old alma mater has been turned into some sort of magnet school now, with emphasis being on drama and singing or some shit. Everything I see on their website seems to make it the top in the nation at being everything Red Forman would have hated. Back in 1980, they were consistently top ten in the state in football and track, and top ten nationally in academics. I can't even look at their damn website without wanting to puke.
Now I live seven miles from a town of 2,000 and wish I would win the lottery so I could move out in the country.
* Now my old high school website looks like an episode of "Glee". And thinking of this makes me feel like puking even more.
Another thing I've noticed is that there are a lot less men in schools in general. tons of female teachers, tons of females on the school district boards calling the big decisions. not a lot of good male rolemodels in most kids life nowadays.
It used to be that about 70 percent of the teachers were women, men taught mostly math, history, science, gym, and shop class. Vice principals, principals, and school board, to my knowledge, were all men. School secretaries, assistants, and nurses were all women.
Also, I might mention that science class used to be a lot more fun, as in they explained about nitrates and exothermic reactions. I looked at a friend's daughter's 10th grade science book a couple years back and I swear to God it said "The Sun orbits the Earth once every 24 hours". I couldn't convince the daughter otherwise. It was right there in the book, so it must be correct, right?
This. Most of our attempts to subvert nature only harms us.
We became a bunch of kike controlled liberal pussies.