In the state I live, open carry of a rifle is legal. Would it be smart to express my rights by carrying my ar15 in public.
In the state I live, open carry of a rifle is legal...
if you have to ask, you're too much of a pussy to even try.
Thanks for the laugh. Yeah do it please.
Yes. But I’m not sure where you can take it. Almost all private properties and public spaces have no gun laws. The only place you could probably take it to would be a lot of land that is currently not owned.
I regularly see people with AR-15s on their back at the supermarket here in Texas.
No AR. Make a statement with a 18th century smoothbore musket. People will see and understand what a flintlock on your back is about without frightening people away or making yourself a target for an opportunity crime.
Depends on your state, but don't be surprised if some normies call the cops on your ass.
Do it pussy you won't because you's a bitch
>In the state I live, open carry of a rifle is legal. Would it be smart to express my rights by carrying my ar15 in public.
feel free, but a lot of people will shoot you in the back over a lot less than the price tag on that AR
there is no such thing anywhere near a city.
public sidewalks you can use.
Be sure to fire on your local Jewish Center and Jews. Otherwise, don't bother.
I was open carrying everywhere when in the army from the age of 18-21. I literally entered clubs, mcdonalds, the beach, hospitals, etc with assault rifles. Now it's illegal for me to even own a gun.
Awesome. You all are a free people.
Oh lordy. Anyone who has to ask is too stupid to be successful.
You'll shoot yourself in your fat diabetic foot, some nigger will snatch it off your back , or a cop is going to blow your dome off when you aren't even looking.
Fucking stupid faggot.
buy like one of those replica LMGs and walk around with it on your back, preferably in a black area if you're white
As a white person, open carry of a 1911 on the thigh was preventative medicine in Hampton Rds Va. They stayed the f off you...
I'm in Michigan. Open carry is legal and every once in a while someone tries to muh freedums. A soccer mom calls the cops and freedums gets arrested for disturbing the peace.
Whether open carry is practical or not is highly dependent on where you live.
Live in a faggot place like New York City, Massachusetts, Chicago, Califaglia, or Hawaii? The cops will be called on you to the point where they will probably ask you to stop as a matter of courtesy, if they don't get angry first.
Live in a based place? You should be good.
Honestly a good rule of thumb is if the locale went for Trump, you're good, and if it didn't, you're not.
Not really much of a point in doing that besides laughing at the scared normies. I only open carry when I'm camping/exploring the wilderness alone. I have nightmares about being eaten alive by bears or mountain lions. Otherwise I conceal carry in public because it's better that nogs don't know you're armed.
What would you hope to gain by doing that?
You have the right to open carry. Review the laws in your state pertaining to "Brandishing a firearm". before you attempt it.
no lol
Whats the point?
Open carrying a rifle is more of a statement than anything else. It's needlessly attracting negative attention to yourself for the sake of making a point. I wouldn't recommend it unless you actually thought you might need it. Even then, it's better to conceal carry because then your potential assailant doesn't know you're packing.
Open carry is okay in areas where it's somewhat common, or where there are very few people. I open carry on the trails when I go camping, for instance. Or when I'm out doing stuff innawoods where it's just more comfortable to wear OWB holsters.
that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
"Carry a gun, but a completely nonfunctional one!".
Can you answer Why to how would ask out of concern? ''Because, I can'' Is the same answer people give for dry humping other peoples dogs and they don't get reinvented into social groups.
>assault rifles
Fucking army idiot alright. Calling an AR an assault rifle. Unless you're trying to tell me you took an army issued weapon out in public while wearing civvies, which is even dumber.
The correct answer is always
>people want to ban these kinds of guns because they're associated with crazy murderers. I want to show that regular folks who do regular things own them too, and that you shouldn't judge all gun owners based on the actions of a few criminals
or something along those lines.
He's a kike, they're instructed to carry their issued rifles even when off-duty.