See how fucking stupid that sounds?
See how fucking stupid that sounds?
Social media screenshot threads are cancer
Theres literally nothing wrong with private citizens owning nuclear weapons.
Good thing we also have nukes which gives him a lot to consider before using his
Who the fuck is saying he shouldn’t get nukes? It’s his natural god given right. If we can have nukes why can he?
its my right
this country needs a NNA (National Nukes Association)
Ok let's get rid of our own nukes then
That's the equivalent of me disarming myself
>who cares if X gets shot, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Yeah, but nobody is actually saying this are they, therefore it's a strawman.
"Tools" is K-1 to grade 3 science curriculum. There's nothing wrong with the statement.
I mean it’s true though. Who cares if he gets a nuke? US had em Russia has em China has em and we never use them, Kim has weapons and an army and bombs if he wanted to start shit he could it’s not dependent on him getting a nuke. Furthermore he WILL get a nuke eventually because NK’s technology will continue advancing, so really it’s just as stupid as the gun control argument, it’s like saying we should get rid of all our nukes because we don’t want North Korea to get them but they’re gonna get them regardless so then everyone else is nukeless and North Korea’s got the big swingin’ nuke dick
>nukes are the same as guns
nice argument
>all my philosophical insights on life come from twitter
See how stupid you are?
US has em**
People kill people. What comes between them is irrelevant.
did libs forget that they're supposed to love Kim Jong-un now because drumpf or something?
Kim can't use the nukes because other people have nukes and they would use them against him.
Kim is a psychopath. We don't let the mentally ill buy firearms either.
>See how fucking stupid that sounds?
Yes. Much like this Cruz kid, we it is reasonable to see that he plans to use said nuke for ill. He should be put on an FBI watch list to be sure he does not hurt people.
I don’t care if Kim gets a nuke desu
I'm on to you, fucker.
Common sense gun law in a nut-shell:
1 - guns kill people
2 - therefore ban all guns
3 - if it's the guns, then it's NOT the shooters
4 - after gun ban, release the shooters from prison
5 - no more murder, ever
My campus is open carry. On the first day of class after giving his opening talk the professor reminded any potential troublemakers not to remember not to try anything or else we'd all pull out our guns and you. Nobody ever tried anything because this a potential school shooter's greatest foil
It’s true tho if Kim gets a nuke he has a deterrent against America invading and installing a central bank.
False equivalency thread is false.
ok i don't get it
does facebook filter us so that our IPs look like russian IPs or something? why do the goddam russians get credit for all my trolls?
when the third post is the best post
>Why didn't somebody stop Cruz
>Kim is Cruz
Russophobe trolls at it hard
Doesn't sound stupid at all, really.
If we outlawed the ownership of nuclear weapons, hostile regimes like North Korea would still find ways to manufacture them. The only thing that's stopping Kimmy from launching his payload at the world is our own ownership of nuclear weapons.
That's why the vast majority of mass shootings happen in gun-free zones. People are a lot less likely to fuck with you when they know you're capable of defending yourself.
People do kill People, Kim Jong kills people all the time.
And he would kill more people with a Nuke.
Tila Tequilla met Obama?
Exactly I don't understand how this hard for the left to grasp
>National Nukes Anonymous
Go on user, share your story with the rest of us
So nukes are going to go off on their own?
>nukes build and detonate themselves
One person, one gun can kill dozens of people... One tyrant, with one nuke can kill 10's of thousands with one button. That's the difference.
If you don't think a chubby dude worshiped by people that think he's a god (forced or not) doesn't get a complex, and a desire to wield that power. You're a fucking retard.
Not to mention that he hasn't fully proven himself to be as great as his father, and will never be able to prove his worth of being equal to the legend his grandfather has become.
The citizens of DPRK think their dear leaders were born of unicorns, and don't shit. America is their eternal enemy, we're still technically at war with them.
Regardless of your position on anything else, how can you think it would be a good idea for a country like that to have a nuke. You may also want to consider the fact that if they can hit the US, they can hit your shithole too, and do you think they'd stop after we're annihilated.
It's the same phenomena which causes assault style rifles to use the mentally ill for murder.
More people die in car crashes than in school shootings
That country WILL get a nuke and there ain’t shit we can do to stop it buddy
russian bots is the new racism for useful idiots.
confronted with an opinion they dont like in person your a racist or a sexist.
Have an opinion they dont like online youre a russian bot.
It doesn't bother me that Kim Jong-un has nukes.
At the very least they should reduce the clip size to 5 shots. Civilians should never own an assault-rifle 15.
Don't worry, soon we'll be working on common sense transportation reform.
Checked many now due to texting and driving but do you think the left would allow cell phones to be banned? How would they Snapchat?!
Exactly, which is why we need to be worried about Kim Jong Un, not his weapons.
>assault rifle 15
Hollyyyyy shit this fucking guy, typical gun pleb. It stands for Automatic Recoil 15 you retard.
Yes, I completely understand the blatant stupidity of their entire ideology and I hope they are hanging from lampposts ones day.
Two-thirds of the world's governments couldn't stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons. How will the United States government alone prevent a private citizen from obtaining a gun?
is this fuckwit implying that nukes are sentient?
>B-but... b-b-bbbbut the children user
>Russian bots
They can't accept we're real people because they only feel emboldened if they think they outnumber us. Foolish
A nuke and a firearm are the same thing?
A nuke is specifically designed to be a power play from one nation to another. A firearm, at least in the US when owned by a citizen is designed to prevent the populace from when the government decides to use exhibit A. Stop trying to find equivalencies where they don't exist.
Fucking idiots the lot of you, for those curious it’s actually Attack Rounds 15
>Civilians should never own an assault-rifle 15
doesnt mean civilians wont get their hands on them. A policy isnt gointg to stop criminals
defend* the populace.
Elon Musk can have his own space program, so why not nukes? I don't see a problem with it.
> Delete (((social media))) acct
> Still get subjected to (((social media)))
> Internet ruined
they should be bannable
We wont have to... You think RUS, or China's gonna let DPRK piss in their cheerios by inviting America's military into their hemisphere.
They'll take em out their selves just to lay stake to clay, and a slave ready population.
Kim is insane though.
Checked but no
If he was dead, there were be no problem.
Name one thing the ar 15 does that any rifle like say the m14 or ruger 10/22 does differently. You know these "hunting rifles" you love to talk about. Damn it no wonder nobody likes us leafs. It's you faggot leafs that give good leafs a bad name. Inb4 >good leaf
....but the whole point is that it is Kim Jong-un specifically that shouldnt have a nuke. We dont care that the Queen of England has them.
Is this just a bait thing or are people on twatter really that stupid?
Loads of countries have nukes. Those nukes haven't killed people. The thing with NK isn't that we're afraid of nukes as a concept, it's that we don't want KJU getting them. It's the person we're worried about, not the nukes.
>wants guns out of the hands of crazy people
>makes retarded analogy using crazy person
>Who the fuck is saying he shouldn’t get nukes? It’s his natural god given right. If we can have nukes why can he?
Every fucking country should have nukes. maybe then glow in the dark niggers would stop trying to overthrow governments. The only thing keeping Kim alive is nukes. I bet Saddam wished he really had WMD, but we knew he didnt, thats why we attacked him
Guns don't kill people until someone aims it and pulls the trigger. Nukes don't kill until someone launched it at a target.
Dude is stupid as fuck.
People do kill people.... His point is retarded. Is a nuke going to fire itself?
>only thing stopping a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke
Makes sense to me.
Crisis averted, it's just a .223 now.
Man I hope someone tweeted this back to that fag.
You sound very much like a moron with a keyboard, far more dangerous than anyone with a gun.
North Korea is probably, unironically th best country in the world right now. No reason to be their enemy.
Notice how we only go to war with countries that don't have nuclear weapons...
Really makes you think.
I've never owned a gun before in my entire life, in fact, I've never even actually touched a gun before in my entire life, I know nothing about them or the laws regarding their regulations, but .... don't we already have gun control? Don't you already have to pass a background check and get a license to own a gun or something?
I'm completely ignorant of anything gun-related, but I remember someone showing me their gun license about 8 years ago, so I'm ASSUMING that you need some sort of license or verification to own a gun.
nukes aren't needed to prevent a police state. Guns work just fine for that, hence the 2nd amendment. This faggot is just another virtue signalling cunt trying to hop on the anti-gun circlejerk.
Then say it with me...
kim jung does have a nuke tho
My man, the DPRK already has nukes, abiet primitive ones.
These guys just want a civil war.
He already has Fission Missiles, (nuclear weapons to you plebs) and that is the reason his country is not under the thumb of the Rothschild Central Banking system.
>ITT wannabe edgelords
>hurr gun-laws don't work, except for all those countries they worked.
No skin off my nose, I live in a predominantly white country with proper gun laws. I'm safe af.
This. You don't hear people freaking out over England and France having nukes. He's actually made our point.
Aim-n-shooty Rooty-tooty 15
I'd be cool with that. We should have a vote.
"React to this screenshot" is almost always "1 post by this ID" ops.
I'm for gun regulation and I think your argument is fucking retarded
Literally the difference between UK having nukes and NK having nukes.
>Kekistan flag
>Posts picture of himself on Sup Forums
Checks out
Social Media is cancer*
Checked. I understand your concern, but I don't think Jung Un is suicidal. He has got to realize that an attack on his part would mean certain death...
You ain't gettin muh AR15 faggot