This is not a drill boyos!! They are coming after guns hardcore now!!!
>social media pushing it
>top hashtags anti-gun
> kids crying on news screen 24/7 to push for gun control
Pic related - coached leftist kid going ape shit. Must watch video:
This is going to end badly.
>pic of TV news network
>link to MSNBC's Twitter
It will flop, the sheer fact they have resorted to this reveals their desperation.
If you want something done - where do you think the attacks start from? They use their social media / news media monopolies to pish their agenda.
Never underestimate the caving power of cuckservatives.
>Bald dyke
wtf, i hate a free pass for acts of domestic terrorism now
its about fukken time you racist give up your guns
Don't forget the dead, crazy eyes
I'd like to see them do it.
It would be spark a civil war, pretty much.
Imagine all the happenings.
Where is JaRule?
They can pass anything they want. Then it goes to the Supreme court and gets rekt. All you have to do is start a hashtag #NoMorePublicSchools. Parents might think "hmmm... homeschooling doesn't seem like a bad idea" no more teacher unions and crappy government schools.
>school shooting in a liberal district full of Jews
I can't take all this oy veying. Let's agree not to do this again until DotR.
I wish we had a 2nd amendment
>lib shits advocating it
>its da converstitives
Don't let the false flags and fake news sway your judgement. The moment you give up your weapons, it's game over.
How many people did the communist kikes who seek to destroy America bus in to that (((rally)))?
Look at that smirking buzz cut banshee
they will forget all about it in 3 days
liberals are like that
>social media
>kids crying
I'll take things that don't abolish the constitution for 500, Alex.
Turn off (((social media))), get a fucking job, read the Constitution.
There are 10s of millions of Americans that will kill or be killed to protect their inalienable right to own firearms. I'm one of them.
Why don't more people use shotguns? They're literally the most deadly firearm. Do these retards actually believe the
>it's only effective at five feet"
videogame bullshit?
I'll never support gun control, I don't give a fuck.
Lol yawn, fucking soy boy....
here comes the panic buying
What do you think caving means?
Nope. They should have never used a high school. The whole thing just got blown out by one kid who talks too much:
They tried this shit after Sandy Hoax and didn't accomplish anything. (((They))) know damn good and well hundreds or millions of Americans would revolt and no army in the world could stop a force that big
because jewish shop owners use it to defend their shekels
Sage this shit
Antifa is pro gun, why aren’t they there bashing trash cans in front of these dicklicker protesters?
This is it. We’re losing. The blue wave is coming and nothing will stop it. America is finished. Press F to pay respects.
It's the same shariablue/resist/anitfags/niggerlovers group, who cares.
Where the fuck are the anti-nigger rallies after all the nigger crimes against whites?
>using children as props
>overly emotional screaming
>mind numbing chants
Does anyone ever respond positively to this tactic?
No anti-gun laws would pass in Florida or with the Trump as president
He said in an interview a month ago "I'm a second amendment guy"
We were in a worst situation after Sandy Hook.
Math lesson, lefties.
10,000,000+ dead in a civil war over confiscation?
Or a piddling school shooting here and there because you won't allow guards and/or armed teachers?
Which is worse?
no one watches the news anymore bucko
They used to, but they've pushed the same thing so hard and so often a lot of people have become immune. If a dozen white children under a Democrat president didn't affect major laws in federal gun control I sincerely doubt a bunch of dead spic teenagers under a Republican president (especially one with two pro-gun sons and who himself CCWs) will bring up any tears. Nothing even happened after Vegas, and we had three times as many killed there.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't be fighting their efforts tooth & nail, but I wouldn't panic buy here.
You cant reason with those cunts
A fucking mosquito bite deserves a parade in the evening news, let it blow over. It will. Its just like a child tantrum.
It’s going to happen on a state by state basis, but the slow creep is real. First magazine limits, then ammo restriction, etc...
My state went with Constitutional Carry 3 years ago.
We all died from shooting each other.
I'm shitposting from beyond the grave.
>Tfw when have constitutional carry
>lowest homicide rate in the country
>90% white
Why the FUCK don't you niggers live in New Hampshire?
Stolen and saved
Constitution's pretty much been abolished already. Virtually every Amendment has been so heavily diluted that they're almost meaningless.
They tried that then went full retard in the 90s. They've been full retard ever since. They're definitely a threat but every gun owner worth a fuck is already aware of their tricks. All those who aren't are old as fuck Fudds who are fortunately dying out and taking shit like Remington with them.
youre a retard op, and likely in your early 20's
democrats going for guns creates the best situation possible for the pro-gun crowd going into the mid-terms
nothing unifies the weak cuckservatives, the libertarians, the hard right, and the one-issue rural guntards more effectively than when democrats start talking gun control
i know gen-xers who were around during the last assault weapons ban and they fought as if their life depended on it to make sure it expired in 2004 without getting renewed. they don't want another
since then gun culture, and especially black rifle culture, has only grown and strengthened
the new generation has taken up the torch like a champ and refuse to back down even more than the previous generations. and the previous generations are still here as well
nothing will come of this
Already sent a check to the NRA. You should do the same.
Watched this then instantly sent money to the NRA, lol fuck do I care about some retarded whining kids, I'm an adult, I don't give a shit
Come and take it
That's cool. They still sell to 18 year old soyboys who are pissed off after being cucked.
That 18 year old Soyboy was a registered Democrat. Your level of stupidity is Over Nine Thousand.
Where did political affiliation come in?
every damn time
I hate the left. Everything argument is based off emotion and the republicans are stupid to counter this.
The fuck are you people worried about. Nothing will ever change. God bless the United States of guns, greed and fascism.
Now go jerk off to your elected dictator.
i'll give you some ammo, faggot
didn't they find NRA paraphernalia in Adam Lanza's room? i don't think he was a member, but just asking if anyone else remembers that
Find me one politican who's called for a complete ban on all guns. Just one.
Can we get a confirmation if this dyke looking bitch is a Jew?
Oy vey!
Serves ya right for heeding a self-important Scot, in the first place.
You try it
You die
>liberals pushing muh guns so they can project on how heartless republicans are becuse of muh children.
>Republicans say fuck off
>Liberals use this as an excuse to justify violence (liberals are already musing the idea of shooting republicans to teach them a lesson)
>Antifa gets funding again
>Richard Spencer follows along because the left needs a boogie man
>conservatives come out to protect their homeland and turf
>street fights break out
>Civil War 2: electric Boogaloo
Buckle up
>Liberals use this as an excuse to justify violence
Nobody is going to use violence other than you right wing nuts. No, were going to simply redact the second amendment and laugh in your fucking faces while you hand over "muh guns" to federal police.
It sounds like you implied you're going to shoot at officers. Do you really think its in everyone's best interest if you're the one with a gun?
Think about it...
There's way more anti-gunners than pro-gun so good luck holding on there.
Bring it on, fuckers.
>No, were going to simply redact the second amendment and laugh in your fucking faces while you hand over "muh guns" to federal police.
Two thirds of the senate and three fourths of the states? Good luck w/that.
I'm going to go buy a gun within the next week.
>100,000,000+ gun owners in the USA
You all like to talk tough but you woldn't feel the same way if the law wasn't on your side.
>10-15 years all boomers will be dead and millennials & gen X will be of voting age
tick tock...
Gun sales will be through the roof within the next week.
>getting all of them to work together
mmmmk. You can't even work with other minorities, nonetheless black people with guns.
>law abiding sheeple who wouldn't fathom of shooting a guardsman or federal officer even if they came for their "muh gunz"
>on the one side, a minority of soyboys and women who want all guns banned because they fear death
>on the other, 100 million gun owners, many of which would die to preserve their birthright
You're talking about starting a civil war that you aren't even man enough to fight in. Why not just move to europe?
Like he said, they will have to use violence to take away guns, which will be resisted, civil war. Can you not read?
>getting all of them to work together
Implying it's somehow better if they do?
>law abiding sheeple who wouldn't fathom of shooting a guardsman or federal officer even if they came for their "muh gunz"
Implying cops/guardsmen would risk life and limb to confiscate guns for liberals who spit on them and call for their deaths.
They will fail. When are we going to address overpopulation. How many species need to go extinct so normies can shit out goblins? Fuck humanity, I hope more people get shot, lots more.
Again with the delusion of "muh 1776". All that needs to happen is the law to change and for a few more prisons to be built for the wackos like yourself who think they're going to start the next crusade. Literally NOTHING will happen as a result because Amerimutts are pussies.
>they will have to use violence
You mean the state? Better not break the law right? ;)
That just means more targets that don't shoot back.
who is this semen demon
Lol who cares. It won’t pass.
no one is changing their minds
>From the right to the left we will fight to the death, to the edge of the Earth
KEK be praised it is a brave new world we enter.. Raise your hands towards into the sky, the fight is done, the war is won, light your hands towards the sun.
KEK wills the end to come our time is done chaos reigns above as below let these digits be the ones that show..
>Implying cops/guardsmen would risk life
They do every day for shit pay.
Otherwise you just hire a paramilitary corp to do it for even less money.
Yeah this just increases sales.
School shootings aren't so bad if these faggots are who gets killed.