Cobweb Society

Hello Sup Forums. I am an agent from an organization referred to as Cobweb Society. We are a splinter group of something greater, and we grow in the dark.
Spiders weave webs, and you've all weaved your own. Unfortunately for you, this web has caught you.
I do have clearance to inform.
Hopefully we can create a marvelous time together with one another!

Other urls found in this thread:

ur not a spider ur just a fag

larp general?

fuck off, newfag.

You've caught a bunch of underwater Mongolian basket weaving autist, congratulations fagnoon

Q predicted this.

oh uh herpa derpa derpa i say good sir oh my yes indeed

Praise KEK!

I'll be back in 20 minutes to answer serious questions, if this thread is alive, that is.
You have a grand opportunity here Sup Forums!
You'll be dogs chasing cars without us.
We can't do it without you, and you can't do it without us!

If we don't meet again, have a great Saturday night.


Does da benis gous in da baggina :DD?

Ok well, begin informing... if you want serious replies here you have to get to the point as quickly as possible.

This isnt Reddit, we dont do AMA's here.

What is it you want to inform us about?

Fuck off, larping junior high nerd.


Hmm... unless you deliver, I’m going to assume you’re a larp, but you have my interest...

What a shit band.

Big, if Q.


Weaving spiders come not here

fake and gay

The fucking pool is closed you fucking silk nigger.

What's your purpose? Eating flies?

Legs I have got, yet seldom do I walk;
I backbite many, yet I never talk;
In secret places most I seek to hide me,
For he who feeds me never can abide me.

sage, nigger.

Weaving spiders come not here

We do well on our own. This board is ours. And we keep it.

and we never saw him again

Why are interested in us? Do you want benis? :DDDD

I'm the leader of the illuminati. 9/11 and all the school shootings were my idea, AMA.

Are you jewish?



pretending for a moment that OP's shitty larp thread has any truth to it, imagine you belong to the sooper top sekrit cobweb society, and then those dumbfucks name their shitty band after your organization

unless you're prepared to put out hits on every member of that fucking band you might as well just burn your op to the ground and start from scratch desu

What exactly does "weaving spiders" mean? The sign above Bohemian Grove says they're not welcome

bump for intrest

MKUltra, unsurprisingly, was a great success.

You people never even realized it. Even if the shadow companies left breadcrumbs, you still wouldn't be able to follow along.
It was never revealed to my group that we were working on MKUltra. We deduced it once our projects were completed and our organization was decommissioned. There's no threat to me for telling you what I'm going to tell you because the probability of reversing the effects of the program are negligible. It would be akin to reverting 325 million drug addicts into normal human beings.

My group was responsible for research on cognitive evolution of human beings.
Our goal was to weaponize our understanding of human cognition for information warfare with the Soviets.
We participated in blackmail against people who got too close.

Over multiple funded projects, we were able to formulate methods that successfully indoctrinated subjects. Our techniques required subjects to be exposed to particular media to form "memories." These memories would then be translated by their brains into behaviors, decision rules, and learning. Most of our results were rejected by the CIA, but at a recent meeting with my ex-colleagues, we realized that our results were correct, and the CIA lied to us.

I can continue if you really want to.
You know what they say about curiosity...

fuck off spiderniggers

Okay, let's try this, what is the Cobweb Society? How does one join? What is it a Splinter of?

It's ironic, it means that the bohemian grove is not a place for businessmen weaving their webs. A place to relax fucking children and drink a mug of newborn blood. But it happens that they always do that kind of thing.

go on

So... tabula rasa is real?

I like this larp. Please go on

please do continue

how about instead you fuck off back to plebbit

Yes, very interesting.

Please continue. What was the end goal of programming peoples memories? What sort of behavior or thought processes were you trying to make people implement? What kind of future are those in charge trying to achieve through the MK Ultra program?

Also what was the process? How did you go about it?

Cobweb Society is a splinter of the CIA that was formed by dissident ex-intel who all wanted to form our own path into what we thought was right for the American people. We are not necessarily great friends. We are completely different.

fucking stop

go on, enjoying the read at least even if it is a larp.

looks like the spider caught himself a couple of flies

why would you fucking do that

We hunger.

Do you eat them all at once, or one at a time? That looks like a great comfort candy snack combo either way.


Wonder who is behind this post

Q if big

Our research showed that humans evolved to directly consumer information - without any filters. Humans who processed information before internalizing it were more or less wiped out due to their low emotional responses - autism.

We realized that emotions are an evolutionary mechanism by which humans make quick decisions - angry, punch someone. However, by making a quick decision, the brain trades information. Thus, emotional responses consider only the smallest feasible picture - a guy punches me, I should punch him back - whereas, logically, emotional responses may not be the best decision - the guy may be the president and I'm now screwed.

We discovered that humans never evolved with video movies. Music and art has been around for a while, but movies were a game changer. Humans often confuse movies with reality.

You may act in a certain way because a superhero you emulate did so. Even though you can consciously know that it is fictional, in the moment you may try to emulate him.

Emulation and emotions were evolutionary instruments developed by humans to survive. Emulate the most famous person so that your chances of getting wealth and power increase, and act emotionally on average because long term planning doesn't work out for majority of the population.

CIA weaponized this via Hollywood movies. Most Americans now have a twisted view of reality. If hollywood did not exist, then the preferences and ideals of current Americans would reflect their normal lives.

An extreme weaponization of our techniques involves indoctrinating people slowly, over time, with movies and fictional characters. Movie franchises, for example, accomplish our weapons very efficiently.


What do you know about the occultism and elite pedophilia?

Please tell me, why do you wish to aid us? How can we tell you’re not one of (((them))) trying to bait us into a trap?

Why would he bother to tell us? We are flies in the web after all.

What are they indoctrinating people to do though? What are their end goals?

I've read your stuff here before. This is about people learning to respond from false memories implanted by movies, and you're claiming this a form of MKultra, right?

would you care to explain the web symbolism?

wow you watch MDE too

The Q larp finally losing views? Need to start up a new one?

Quads checked.

>4 4s
>4 means death in Japanese
>Omae wa mou shinderu has 4 words
>Omae wa mou shinderu is Japanese for you are already dead
>we are all dead


Did you make Black Panther

Reality replacement.

>believe that terrible larp post
>asks for more
>ill come back 3 days from now to find an entire general dedicated to it
>filled to the brim with gullible boomers
i dont want to go through that

>Most of our results were rejected by the CIA,
Post some graphs

If you are not prepared for honeypots on pol i advise you become
Nice quads

>CIA weaponized this via Hollywood movies. Most Americans now have a twisted view of reality. If hollywood did not exist, then the preferences and ideals of current Americans would reflect their normal lives.
Well said spiderbro, but nothing we don't already know. It seems like Hollywood is losing control of their narrative. What's your opinion of Bernays?

We love you user. Autism is beautiful. :^)


I think it's symbolism is pretty simple to comprehend.

I can judge stuff pretty well. I am a grown up. And I'd rather read through bullshit than miss valuable information.

>We realized that emotions are an evolutionary mechanism by which humans make quick decisions
holy moly you mean you discovered something that had been common knowledge for over 100 years? well golly gosh darn if only you had discovered the library first

big LARP

the only thing i can think of is "life" but that seems way too simple

>weaving spiders come not here

Every ones who claims to be an "Insider" never answers this question...

Connective fractals.

Are there any PHD studies you looked at or anything available to the public we could have a look at?

well you'll never catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.

Plotting, scheming, rubbing hands...
None of this comes to mind

Go away shill. Your wife is cheating on you.

no secret society could act this fucking gay lmao

>we grow in the dark
I'm going to assume that's a typo, CIA nigger

So are you trying to make people act Noble with all these marvel movies? Doesn't make too much sense since the movies now follow the same tropes as always.

>>We discovered humans didn't evolve with video movies

I'll answer.
I believe that the answer already has been found within this community.

It's all about keep humanity primitive and in a fallen state of regressive degeneracy.
Any energy that can be dedicated to this system of Satan (aka. Saturn) worship is done wholesale through the use of human sacrifice, heinous crimes, adrenochrome production and collection, etc.

Probably a rock spider

sure hit me up at [email protected] I was in this thing back when. Skull and bones stuff weaving spider are not welcome. The weaving spider is a idiom about some one that is a subjective consciousness to the point time seems to pass faster in a trans like state. I have read President bush's who who of people and their rateing 0= good x= bad - = no info the three rankings where bussnies/money family loyalty. a xxx rating meant you where marked for death. Keept my mouth shut and got out of some hacking charges. Yea presidential pardon ace up my sleeve get dirt on the top guy they shut it down and cleared any records.

The secret handshake involves sticky hands.
Don't believe him when he tells you it's "webbing" anons.

This predicted Q.

>Look guys! The 90s/early 2000s shit rock is back on!
>Who cares if it's 2009 lol, shiy guitar and drums with retarded lyrics can still make a song right?
>Hell yeah! Chicks playing guitar and lame headbang at a construction is so metal!
>I mean rock! So rock!
This is the cringiest shit I've ever heard holy fuck just put a bullet through these people's head

You’re a fucking furry, aren’t you?

I have a question. Do you know exactly what the CIA is trying to brainwash people into? I get the main idea because of how society is but do you have a sort of checklist with make them fags or make them suck up to this?

So you're acknowledging that it exists, but not specifically how, or acutely why - it does. Let's say someone wanted to directly add to your web, how would one do so (outside of Pol's autism)?

There is always a bigger fish.
Know your place.

yea that weaving spiders come not here.

What do the elites fear?

What do you personally do to prevent this from affecting yourself?
I know that kids have a particular sensitivity to archetypes and symbols that disappears as they enter school and society in general, but what do you do to reverse this process.
I've been trying my hardest to find a way and so far doing things like watching foreign tv and browsing foreign websites has a little bit of impact, as well as spending more time outside.
But what do *you* specifically, cobweb user, do to maintain your archetypal link with the world.


Ishmael... shut it down.

What if its nothing. Like bottom line nothing. However if you repute the programing you are not easily controlled and of a higher intelligence and better for secret operations for or ageist and you just stood out of the crowd.


The truth is always so much more simple then you ever wanted it to be

So, what are we supposed to do, keep fighting degeneracy?