If you've never done psychoactive substances, don't bother watching this anime.
If you've never done psychoactive substances, don't bother watching this anime
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Man, i can't imagine watching Lain of all things while tripping on LSD. Mostly because it would likely result in a very bad trip, ending with me shaking on the floor and drooling while going on about striped shirt aliens in fedoras, peeking into my room.
>spoken from someone who only watched this after becoming a druggie
I can't imagine posting on Sup Forums without vaping cannabis.
Who are you quoting?
I smoke weed dude
If you've never become a Japanese, don't bother watching anime PERIOD.
That's not a reason to not love Lain
why not
i feel bad for all these moralfags that'll never smoke weed or drink or try shrooms because they're afraid
lmao dude have you ever like watched this anime? Heh, heheheh, well have you like ever watched it... HIGH???
>started doing drugs and getting drunk when i was 14
>huge junkie till my 26
>still couldn't understand lain
If you've ever done psychoactive substances, don't bother posting on Sup Forums.
If you're on psychadelics, you should be watching Shaft shows. Bake or madoka especially. Or Hidamari, specifically the flu episode.
There's a difference between someone who experiments with drugs and someone who's just fucking stupid. No wonder you didn't get Lain.
I want to shove a bunch of Accela down Lain's throat and watch her trip the fuck out as her brain operates at a ridiculously fast pace until information overload consumes her and she becomes a spasming mess on the floor.
The bon festival was pretty trippy as well
Someone needs to make a full-on psychedelic SoL already
It has absolutely nothing to do with that.
Of course filth like you would dismiss the wonders of the dawning internet age as mere drug-filled idiocy.
whatever you say bitch.
>dude weed lmaoo
fucking stoners are so useless and have no self awareness
This post reminds me somehow of the comments on every Pink Floyd song.
>This is good but it's even better when you're high.
I watched the ayyy lmao episode when drunk.
Does it count?
Anyway it wasn't a pleasant experience.
>tfw love psychedelic media like Lain and The Wall
>tfw weed makes me paranoid and alcohol upsets my stomach acids to the point of literally dissolving my esophagus
I doubt this is sour grapes as much as it is losers using drugs to make themselves approach the effects of just not giving a shit.
>did shrooms once in HS, in a cabin me and gf rented in the woods
>God awful experience, 8+ hour high
I love stims though, ADHD meds and nicotine.
Do coffee and psych meds count?
Drugs are for degenerates.
How do you think your waifu would react?
t. someone who has never done LSD
What potency are you taking that you would ever end up convulsing on the floor? Are you mentally weak?
>hurrr, i do drugs, look how cool i am
Woah... they must have smoked so much LSD when they were making Lain haha... they must have been high on SO much weed.
Dude weed lmao
lain is basic bitch tier
tfw I hate people that do any kind of recreational drug including alcohol
tfw I still love Lain and Psychedelic music
RIP user. Have a condolence song.
I didn't convulse but I've been driven to pacing and mumbling at one point. I took it after a heavy night of clubbing, forgot about it, went to sleep and woke up convinced I wasn't 'me' because I could not remember anything well. Without to memories to dictate preference and inclination you are no longer 'you' in any meaningful way which begs the question: if you're not 'you' without memories what are you? Also I was all alone in a house with no internet and no car, in a city I didn't live in so things were unfamiliar in general.
It was a really intense experience and I don't think I'll ever do psychoactive again because of it. All my other experiences were really positive but this one was really, really fucked up.