So why can't Asia do CGI? It's 2017 and they still haven't put out anything noteworthy. Does it just not appeal to them?
So why can't Asia do CGI? It's 2017 and they still haven't put out anything noteworthy. Does it just not appeal to them?
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>Wanting cheap soulless cash grab
Good looking CGI requires a lot of time and money. The Precure EDs are a good example of nicer looking CGI but it's all done in post processing. Disney has entire rooms with computers dedicated to just rendering frames and even then it takes butt loads of time that wouldn't be worth it since most of the time anime is just used to advertise source material.
>implying most anime isn't that already
Pixar movies take like 5 years to make.
unironically this
Literally most anime out right now are just moving jpgs with mass amounts of fan service. Thats garbage.
Pixar movies are shit though. They're basically tech demos but worthless because you need massive server farms to make any of it.
All that technology and not a single good movie to show for it.
why make cgi shit when you can make anime?
That Toy Story bit in the new KH3 looked good.
Gantz was pretty good looking
But even DreamWorks shit looks better than anything put out by Asia. And that's a low bar.
What gives?
Stop comparing films to TV shows. Western CG TV shows look like crap.
Better than anything anyone else has to offer
Fine. How come Asia can't do CGI movies?
Gantz:0 looked pretty cool, i'm not a Gantz fan though
Asia has many CGI studios that do work on Hollywood films.
Those awful 3D cartoons they air on Discovery Kids for 3 year olds seem to have better production value than anime CGI. And they're even more generic and soul-less than any anime, really.
They think 8/12 FPS is enough to make CGI not look like complete garbage.
But that's usually under a company like ILM though.
CG is fucking garbage that has ruined live action movies, and is ruining anime. That shit needs to go away.
All the good 3D animators works in games.
>anything noteworthy
That's an oxymoron. Anything CG would be infinitely better hand-drawn.
Careful, you're about to trigger the "but drawing is hard and requires talent so they shouldn't try" retards.
They're in an economical recession for starters
the gantz 0 movie was pretty good
Why make good cg when shit cg sells like hotcakes
Cat Shit One
Can't argue with facts.
I am surprised anybody other than myself remembers that. In which case you would also remember how it flopped so hard that they cancelled the thing after a single episode.
Etotama and Nyanbo had fantastic CGI.
>Looks like a GameCube game
>People pretend it looks great
You had a pretty badass Gamecube, huh
youre wrong again Ahmed, my american friend.
>He doesn't remember what game cinematics from that era looked like
It's good that they can't do it. The day they start making acceptable looking CGI anime we will never see hand drawn again.
Have you not seen Berserk 2016?
Etotama was legit good CGI. Not even joking.
People need to go back and watch a gamecube cutscene to remember just how much we've come since then. It was pretty good but it' hardly at anime level.
>Captain Harlock CGI movie
>great CGI, retarded plot
Fucking nips
I agree, go watch Gamecube graphics if you think Etotama was good.
It takes much higher budget to put out really great looking 3d compared to great looking 2d. Western studios can do it since America has much higher box office in general than Japan and they make movies expecting worldwide runs.
Good 2D (not great or the best, but good) looks better than any CG. CG is inherently shitty.
Lurk more, retard.
I have been and yet still nothing to show for it.