Is this how you idiots honestly think?


Other urls found in this thread:


Are you mad?

Stop shilling your shit here Whitney I'm not giving you clicks.

He mad

I swear to fucking God. Sup Forums has become almost unreadable with all the Left leaning FUCKING TROLLS here.

b-but he's on my side, so therefore I win, and he should win too. Take that libtards


Kill yourself, slut

lmao they think that's a news site? its gossip girls shit

Desperate shill shit

Welcome to the world of grownups. Don';t bite the hand that feeds you.

Hahaha fucking follower...his document was backed up by facts.

> "James Damore–a man–based his manifesto on key “scientific” points such as:"

interesting, this jezebel faggot thinks that putting something in quotes is an argument against the points he made, with sources to his claims provided.

OP why are you linking to such a smut piece of blog-level writing? Jezebel is a joke.

NLRB rulings aren't binding. This wasn't even an NLRB ruling, it was an internal memo, the board may very well have ruled for Damore anyway. He didn't lose his challenge, he voluntarily withdrew it. He had to pursue it in order to get permission to sue (requirement to exhaust administrative remedies). This reporter is literally a fucking moron reporting fake news from feminazi cunt land.

Eat shit faggot OP. Post archive link next time by typing the link into archive.is or whatever archive you would to use.


How is jezebel still here and why haven't its writers been ostracized into oblivion?

>anime 1.png
Post the rest desu.

>please click my link

nice self advertisement bitch

>2 paragraph article
absolute state of modern left journalism

Maybe you should build a wall around Sup Forums

The entire main premise of his little diatribe wasn't even correct. Women are actually better programmers when you hide their sex from judges.

he's not a conservative. he simply pointed out things he saw that were wrong at google. You're a fucking idiot OP.

>he's not a conservative.
Yes he is and a jew too.

>he simply pointed out things he saw that were wrong at google
No he wasn't because his ENTIRE main fucking point was factually wrong.

You're a fucking idiot, illiterate.

>Is this how you idiots honestly think?
You mean being moral and honest?

>Women are actually better programmers when you hide their sex from judges.
No, they're not. They're actually horrible and completely useless.



It only works when men don't know they're women though, because yeah men really are that fucking sexist. Now you know why you're called what you are.

Well, put that thread to bed pretty quick, didn't we? I won't let it die just yet though.

Ahahahhahahaha. It's time for whites to flee /Pol because they can't take the truth.

Yep, they can't stand the actual red pill. The truth is like holy water to rightists.

Damore was just pointing out that Google favors minorities over whites and creates a culture where employees are unable to even talk about their issues with it. It's basicalyl enforcing your particular ideology on employees, and then removing their right to collective bargaining in saying "hey, we don't agree with this".

If these cocksuckers and HR bolsheviks didn't start with the aggression against whites this wouldn't be happening.

Then don't work there. Problem solved.

He exposed your hypocrisy. We are at war.

Why do leftists look at conservatives as subhuman? I thought they were all about tolerance, but they treat conservatives like they are just flesh and bone, nothing else.

>mad that trump is president
Then don't live here. Problem solved.

Cool so now I know it's perfectly valid for us to slap them with anti-trust, they're above the law and it's gone too far.

But i can change that with votes. You don't have that option with private companies.

No. So long as others are forced to play by the rules of equal opportunity, they must be held responsible. Google doesn't get special license to discriminate against people.

I am in favor of freedom of association, but until then, this is an issue.

White men should start building competing companies with the intent of ruling the Fortune 1000 instead of being pussies and playing it safe in shitty trade jobs.

This is the future you chose. You've ignored or run--like coward--from the upper echelons of American business rather than fight.

Future you chose.

Google isn't discriminating though. Most of the company is white and male. You're argument makes no sense.


He said nothing discriminatory, and you're a massive turbo-faggot.
Die in a fire, nigger.

>Implying GitHub isn't a sjw site and that what they say is trustworthy and factual
Get the fuck out of here, you roastie cunt.

>I can change that with votes
You can't do shit with your vote. Your argument would make more sense if you were worth 20 million votes, not a single trash vote.

NLRB "judgments" can be appealed directly to the area's Federal Circuit Court or to the DC circuit. NLRB decisions are not enforceable, as they aren't even really a real court.

>repeating parts
Your image disgusts me.

Let's take a look at hack writer, er, "journalist", Whitney Kimball shall we?


Real quality content for designed for critical thinkers.

>white cis straight male
>thinking he has rights

The reason Sup Forums isn't angry or sympathetic isn't because we're all leftist trolls.

It's because this is serious fucking business and it's about time idiots like this treated it as such.

If you live in a liberal city or work at a liberal company:

Do not attempt to 'redpill' anyone.

Do not visit right-wing sites at work.

Do not talk about politics at work.

Do not disagree with or criticize liberal opinions/politics.

Do not talk about sex.

Do not touch anyone.

Do not engage in conversation if you can avoid it.

Do not make jokes.

When you are anonymous, then you can speak your mind freely. When you are online, when you are in the voting booth, when you have a lawyer present.

Otherwise, do not rock the boat. Do not stick your neck out. Learn how to appear as one of them.

This is not a fucking game. This is not a LARPing session. You are a second-class citizen. You are an undesirable. You do not have rights. Learn to adapt to the world around you. Worry about your own survival, and know how dangerous the world has become for people like you.

This man publicly stuck his neck out. He was an idiot. He should have leaked the memo and other hard evidence of what Google was like while preserving his anonymity. He knew just how bad things were, but he didn't take the threat seriously.

If you want to keep your job, your house, everything you hold dear, then grow the fuck up and start acting responsibly. This is not a fucking game. There are disastrous real-world consequences to the things we discuss behind this veil of anonymity. Do not fuck around.

this reeks of shill

This, what biggoted shit did he even say?

>If you want to keep your job, your house, everything you hold dear, then grow the fuck up and start acting responsibly.

>Saying men and women are different and like different things is grounds for termination


Hes not wromg, its pretty much what evola advised too.

>Saying men and women are different and like different things is grounds for termination

This statement is true, if you live in a liberal city.

This. Always remember: leftists are evil, soulless and ruthless. They are the worst beings imaginable. They are not human. They are despicable, violent beasts. Do NOT provoke them at work.

I hear its worse in Canada than America.

Shit has gone crazy very quickly. Pay close enough attention and you see the conservative voices getting shut down instead of rebutted.

>Implying one person can't influence other people.

>github pull requests

>Yes goy, don't bother fighting back or attempting to change the status quo or shift the Overton window because the deck is stacked against you.
>Just remain a mindless drone, goy. Do your job and also pick up the slack of the women and minorities. But don't complain! Save that for your quarantine zones on the internet!

womansplain why the metrics in those "studies" proves what you're postulating, pls

An internal memo regarding a portion of the complaint that was withdrawn months earlier...

if liberals are allowed to actively discriminate against conservatives can right wing companies reject liberals?

>gawker sites still exist
>they have to literally shill their shit on Sup Forums now for page views

I work as a programmer and you are wrong (typically).

Everyone already dunked on you, but this github "study" is total bullshit.

No, he tried to claim that it had been proven that women sucked at tech jobs, not knowing how much of a blithering idiot he was. He got fired for shit conduct. He just also happened to be stupid and wrong, which was a bonus.

Didn't work for the voters.

Women used to actually be the majority of programmers.

>But muh feels
Your anecdotes aren't a measure of reality, dipshit.

>Everyone already dunked on you
You mean acted a fool? Yes, typical hour on Sup Forums.

Concern shilling doesn't work in hell.


You'll break before the truth does.

>No, he tried to claim that it had been proven that women sucked at tech jobs

The best part about this entire story is how easy it is to tell someone never actually read what he wrote.

This is pretty disgusting. I pity you, leafy bro. The gaslighting won't work, by the way. The more you force your worldview, the more people will hate it.

>Is this how you idiots honestly think?

You can stick around awhile and find out, or you can continue to lazily construct strawmen.



OP should kill himself for posting links to Jezebel, Jesus we have fallen and the night is long

He was a white man


Since when was politics or political stance a protected class?

kek nice

he what?!

since when was getting fired for your opinions ok?

did you actually just post an article from jezebel.

>bigoted document
But it explicitly wasn't. You can't just make shit up because that's what hack yellow press are saying. You couldn't point to a single sentence that was bigoted.

>Sharing thoughts in an internal memo about your companies diversity policies is now bigoted

Then perhaps they shouldnt have been leaked, now people know the truth that these companies have diversity quotas and hire based on sex/ethnicity instead of skill and competence. Also nice jezebel article you faggot.


What law does it break or who does it hurt, besides your feelings?

Nigger, that memo had facts and logic in it.

Trips of truth. If you want to fight back, turn /leftypol/ into the new Sup Forums. Trust me, the fucking mouth-breathers on that board are so poorly organized and hostile towards everything (especially each other) that it's almost impossible to tell who's just pretending to be retarded and who actually is.


>damores memo was bigoted and discriminatory

No it wasnt. Anyone who actually read it can tell.


>5 posts by this ID
I didn't expect that from an article dropping shill.


and 4

So they're admitting that the memo is anti-feelings.
That's kind of what it was, pro-facts anti-feelings.

>What law does it break or who does it hurt, besides your feelings?
If he got fired exclusively for his opinions im pretty sure it violates a number of workplace laws you fucking moron

I thought it was just a meme to LARP as a leftist whenever you make a Sup Forums thread or link a news article. pretty sure they aren't actual shills


>the guardian
hahahhahahah cmon you're not even trying

What law did it break to fire homosexuals in the fifties?



Jezebel is cancer.

Right to work sucka. You can be let go for any or no reason.
Don’t blame Dems we didn’t want that shit

Wasn't that tried in 2016?

"Butthurt"? Are you a homophobic bigot? That term is very offensive to men who choose to masturbate in other men's anuses, and implies that the sensations resulting from rectal tearing are somehow inherently unpleasant.

sorry, it was a huge picture I got from another board and cut up for a cycling background for my laptop

They wouldn't be here if you redditfags didn't talk about Sup Forums elsewhere