Why do leftist faggots come on this board? They have the entire internet revolved around them yet they continue to visit a fringe site and shit it up with bullshit.
>inb4 muh safe space
Fuck off, I've seen enough leftists on Twitter and in my own blue ass state. I've also heard their arguments about a 1000 times seeing as I used to be one of those faggots. Leave.
Why do leftist faggots come on this board...
Other urls found in this thread:
isn't free speech nice?
>inb4 muh safe space
But that's just it. This isn't a safe space. If it were, we would ban them like they ban us when we go to the 99.999% of the internet that caters to their kike-addled little feewings.
They become one of us, no one leaves. Until that happens its fun to trigger their pathetic arses.
Leftists are faggots and usually good at showing themselves. They don't realize it when they do. They should fuck off. But faggots gonna fag
I wasn't aware that you were owner of Sup Forums.
Here I thought anybody could post here, not that it's a good idea to do so.
Face it, you're a minority voice of hate, misogyny and bigotry, and you rage at the world for shunning you.
We saw what you do when you're given guns.. well guess what, we'll take away your guns soon, not that you can even afford them
The jew always cries out in pain as it strikes you.
Funny how commies only care about free speech when they're the minority, then clamp the fuck down on any sort of wrong think.
they want to silence any chance of opposition
more than that, they want to smear with shit any place where an opposition could form, so when something do show up they can dismiss it as, dont listen to that guy, it comes form that place with nigger dick topics and pedophilia
now ask yourself who has been spamming Sup Forums nonstop with andy logs of shit, bbc whiteboi cuck threads and the most retarded conspiracy theories ever, so if something worthwhile does eventually show up they can claim, oh, those guys have been wrong about everything else, dont listen to this one...
Don't forget the certain types that seem to have a vast collection of child porn to spam places to get them shut down.
Unexcused absences are not paid by govt.
Dig your hole. A really massive hole.
Do it faggot.
Bring in /mlp/ and they will never come back
I just got b& for posting b00bs because it upset a 20 year old virgin here. M0d$ flagged it as pornography. I don’t get it there’s circumcision threads here constantly. What gives?
Is it weird that I really enjoyed /mlpol/
> average to good bait
> niggerfucker
pick one and kys
they can post, you cant
pornography is fine when it suits their agenda
it gets you banned when you arent part of the group pushing it
Go play with your boyfriend's shut then brag about it to your side boi and bull
theres no such thing as a lefty, and the people who post as one here are larping fags
>we'll take away your guns soon
Have fun taking away over 300 million guns. And trying to talk peace with niggers to hand over their own hand guns that were most likely illegally obtained. They'll shoot you dead
I've been here for years man. Sooner or later I know you faggots will look to a technocratic solution, a solution of a resource based economy. Of course ethno socialism could exist under this, it's just that if everyone was provided for then crime would practically disappear. This guy explains it best
Ridiculous. In the same thread another female user posted hers too. Wtf? How are b00bs p0rn? Sorry for the zeroes, don’t need an evasi0n.
I come to see how sick in the head you guys are. You are correct about somethings though such as black crime statistics.
Shitposting of that caliber makes Sup Forums what it is
/mlpol/ was a magical place
To learn the truth and rage against it.
god fucking damn it, the shill threads to actual decent threads made by real users ratio is fucking awful nowadays. what the hell is going on?
>we'll take away your guns
>you don't have any guns b/c poorfag
It's literally in the same sentence.
Leftypol anti-gun raid.
It was great. I just ignored the pony threads until they started photo shopping ponies into historical photos and I was losing my shit.
Ha, enjoy your actual pipe dream. There's no motivation or fueling power for any form of communist planned economy. You're gonna expect people to provide these resources from some extrapolated notion of welfare for equal pay as the mindless eaters that your ideas cater to? And what would prevent the providers from exploiting the system for their own gain? Justice from the same inclusive organization? Makes no sense; makes no dollars.
Free enterprise is the only rational ideology. If you have an apple tree, it's only logical to sell your product in trade with others to fulfill mutual need. All of you socialists are endorsing a cannibalistic philosophy that devours labor and entrepreneurship to feed the greed of invalids.
Nobody cares about you. You're a disappointment to your family.
>implying it’s bad
That’s how these people are turned
I’d want everyone to come here
1st amendment is protected by the 2nd
Ie the chosen few
Oh boy they're gonna all kill themseves aren't they?
>it's just that if everyone was provided for then crime would practically disappear.
Then why do niggers with free phones, free houses, free internet, free water, free electricity, free healthcare and free food still rob and rape people?
You have to go to The_Donald on Reddit if you want a safe space. Sup Forums isn't a pep rally, it's an arena.
>I’d want everyone to come here
There used to be rules here.
I'm old enough to remember the Berlin Wall coming down. Seeing the joy of those people as they celebrated told me everything I need to know about communism: Communists really should be thrown from helicopters.
Fucking this
because as long as they are running the Russian government, they will continue to get away with it.
No. Last April Fool's made me laugh so hard my sides really did hurt the next day.
The reason they will never win is that they take this shit way too seriously. 80% of the active users are just here for lulz and boredom. They can "bring the feets" and it will be like nothing happened. No one will notice or care.
They get redpilled on this board. It happens to every one of them.
>Isn't free speech nice?
Yes, yes it is.
Pic related
Stop bitching
That night was one of the most epic nights ever in all of Sup Forums. /mlpol/ was the perfect mashup!
Just redpill tem on the Jews, WW2, and immigrants. Sooner or later, real life will reflect on that and if they are not mentally retarded already, they will understand and join us. By posting nigger dick and posting their retarded opinions, they are just pissing in an ocean of piss.
Things will just continue as they always been. Just report, hide, and move on. Make sure to post a good thread, or bump a good thread to negate the shitposts subversion.
plebbit is a physically sickening place.
It has become far worse than we could imagine since Trump became President.
There used to be an infographic about how political moderators were shown to subvert as many culturally relevant forums as they could, possibly being financed, and banning all conservatives from online conversations.
The upboat system is anti internet, anything off script gets downboated(this is easy as fuck to do with bot accounts there) into oblivion and the post gets 'hidden' from people if it gets even a slightly low score.
How the fuck can plebbit fags not see through this shit?
>I'm old enough to remember the Berlin Wall coming down. Seeing the joy of those people as they celebrated told me everything I need to know about communism: Communists really should be thrown from helicopters.
And I'm cuban, lol.
Leftist here. I enjoy watching trumptards spewing thier retardedness.
because the media paints us as terrorists
they think theyre trolling isis or something
Nothing you say is going to stop us from dragging traitorous trust fund brats through the streets, launching mortars at the homes of flabby, over-socialized leftists, and spreading ricin through the urban water supply, as your degenerate cities burn, and your negroes rise up against you to loot and pillage.
You have no fucking clue how weak you are: mentally, emotionally, physiologically, and spiritually. Close this window and go back to your gay porn, you son of a bitch.
>caught Sup Forums's cancer
this is the kind of shit that makes us look absolutely retarded
>le Sup Forums is a satire board :)
Go back
Oh look, its baby man. dont cry baby man, go back to suck your mammies teets
He knows that..
It's time to get in the oven.
no one makes the rules here, if these r*ddit fags don't like the culture tough fucking luck.
Sup Forums IS satire
But the dick he was responding to did kinda deserve it..
this. horsepussy is the ultimate redpill.
I hope you suffer from a terrorist attack
Because the notion of tribalism still exists with their mentality. Which is why ethnostates are cool.
Under a technology based society there wouldn't be need for enterprise other than recreation and the betterment of human living. Money wouldn't exist, only education. Literally all humans would need to do is have an on hand annual rotation of security in case a murder is committed. I'm thinking a month per year to be allowed to live in a self maintaining city, even then no murders would take place so you would mostly be on call just in case.
Satan is right.
Reddit is the largest PSYOP. The way that faggot shit is set up. It reeks of alphabet influence.
Gold? Fucking gay
Gore threads are on /gif/ this is just a shill posting from a script
> a leaf
> free speech
wrong side of the border there xur
>sick in the head
>thinks other people are sick in the head
>fringe site
are you stupid? This place is full blown mainstream. Everyone's heard of it. I'm honestly surprised this site is still operating.
this is discribing hollywood desu
Well when “Sup Forums the hacker” made it on cnn news is when this place launched into the big league.
I was on Sup Forums before the stormfags came and I get banned from everywhere else anyway.
>what is a troll
user, please.
>on /n/
>mfw I have no face
Oh do I have the image for you~
>Because the notion of tribalism still exists with their mentality. Which is why ethnostates are cool.
Tribalism is best. You're talking to a spic that came to america because he wanted to become american.
Now the modern left is trying to turn america into home country.
Fuck it, I want to throw commies out of helicopters and shoot the gays before I allow america to become Cuba V 2.0. I already lived through your bullshit revolution once, now I'm old and out of fucks to give fot your bullshit.
why do you come to Sup Forums?
this is a faggot website
He is on point faggot.
If there is one thing they can not tolerate it is the existence of dissent. As such they will proselytize, censor, and claim a moral high ground while doing so.
hah, kind of like what this place does? Both sides are sides of the same God damn coin.
Because our mods are fucking faggots who don't Shoah obvious b8 threads.
>current year
Shiggy diggy
I don't know why they won't leave us alone; they never will.
I remember when I was on /r9k/ and the normies wouldn't stop coming. Normies have the entire world to play, why did they have to ruin the sanctuary of the robots? Don't they have enough?!
It seems to me that they will never be satisfied. We will always been persecuted, to the ends of the earth. They will not stop until everyone has been assimilated back into the System's iron grip. Why won't the nightmare end?
Kill yourself you meme retarded fuck
Because we used this board to organize Trump's victory and they will do anything to ensure we can't do that again.
This board is like a fucking toxic wasteland and they're little persistent micro-oganisms that linger around like parasites and suck the life out of this board.
yea didn't the creator suicide because he enjoyed free speech too much
>leaf reading comprehension
Soygoy detected
Kill yourself you meme retarded fuck
>fringe site
Bro this is like in the top 100 sites in the world
Also I welcome leftists to come here, they all inevitably get red pilled and leave with the truth
you get banned and down voted into oblivion on le reddit though.. here youre free to comment for all of eternity. youll just get called a faggot
Yeah, but the rules exist to be pushed on new people