I was a bit of an SJW when I was younger, then I became a "classical liberal", then a libertarian, and now I'm probably a neo-Reactionary
How about you?
I was a bit of an SJW when I was younger, then I became a "classical liberal", then a libertarian, and now I'm probably a neo-Reactionary
How about you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no jessu gf
I was left before I joined the military, right wing after, but now I'm all about radical center and maintaining the eternal tug of war on all axis.
too far left lose
too far right lose
too authoritarian lose
too libertarian lose
too capitalist lose
too socialist lose
gotta keep the dot in the middle in order to progress as a society
woah user, you're IQ must be at least 200
I've always been a moderate conservative.
I used to be a neocon, now I'm an American Nationalist
I used to be center right libertarian but now I'm a full blown fascist.
Centrist, but after pol became more traditionalist and ethnocentric.
You're goddamned right
I'm for whatever crashes this plane the fastest with no survivors. Althought gassing the jews first would be a big plus. Natsoc would be hilarious so lets go with that.
You're still a brainlet compared to me though user
Pic related, my mum took it for me earlier on my Windows Phone, gonna post it to /r/atheism later when I've meditated on a quote to post it with.
What the fuck does anyone see in this cunt? She's fat, degrades her body with piercings, dresses slutty, obviously an attention seeker. Go walk around outside, you're liable to run into a run of the mill slut like this anywhere.
The farther left the world goes, the farther right I go.
>She's fat
That's where you're wrong bucko
each year I believe more things that are illegal to say out loud
>13: "fiscally conservative socially liberal :^)"
>16: don't step on the snek
>20: Ancap
>23: Hoppean, willing to turn a blind eye to brownshirts
Basically this and pic related.
used to be a hardcore voluntarist but then I became libertarian with nationalist social leanings
I don't even have to read books anymore because I know everything that the contain simply by looking at the title
>I know everything that the contain simply by looking at the title
You'd fit in well on /lit/ user. I'm truly in awe of the size of your big brain.
>research why practical neoliberalism and globalism, in the form of a corporate and monetary power structure, are the real reasons behind ethnic replacement and the death of white countries
>look more into seemingly counterintuitive and unprofitable tactics
>see the common ancestry of the players making such moves
>it’s th fucking Jews
Horshoe Theory, my goy. The honest seeker of truth, the learned scholar, is precisely as right as the illiterate, drunken skinhead.
used to hate niggers
now i believe everyone is equal
>that flabby belly
>that piecring
this is what passes for "Traditional" these days?
I was right, then went left. Now i come to pol to troll trumptards.
where are you on race, jews, sex, etc?
Never been an sjw myself, I was an anarchist when I was younger.
Then I was a stormfag for a while, then a lolbertarian, then a hoppean lolbertarian, now I just want to watch the world burn.
Lest-leaning liberalism -> Classic Liberalism -> Neo-Nazism -> Traditionalist Realistism
Fuck Stormfags
He thinks race is nothing more than skin colour, he stands with israel, and thinks women can do everything a man can do.
omg look at her chubby belly im so fucking hard
I was a liberal. Now I'm a le ebil raycist nahzee (libertarian).
what fucking belly? blind yanks
Basically everyone's journey on here but almost in reverse.
Edgy natsoc>less edgy nationalist> Libertarian race realist
How was it being a retarded stormfag for a while?
how hard
I was never a nazi bro
My life has changed since Jordan Peterson.
Clean your room anyone??
I voted for obama but now I want to join the SS-Totenkopfverbande
In theory I’d love a society that was actually traditional and socially conservative by choice (frowned upon to do drugs, race mix, dress like a whore, faggotry, etc) but feel enforcing laws against any of it just goes against my morals so I’d say extremely libertarian but like with roads lmao
I used to be left-leaning, then proceeded to become an enlightened centrist before becoming a right-libertarian.
i was an impeach bush feminist shill in 6th grade
by 10th i was a 1488 gas the kies race war now kinda guy
im nearly done with my masters and im pretty much a 'you have to go back, also open borders for israel' kinda guy now
This was years ago, I joined the wcotc and hung around with some 35 year old skinhead loser who was the leader of the local chapter.
He stabbed someone at a party and kept writing to me from prison, I ignored him and moved on with my life.
I quickly discovered most stormfags are pathetic losers for the most part, in my experience.
someone post more lewds
My core views really haven't change, i'm still a libertarian. But how I apply those values to the current political landscape has. I've come to the conclusion that to maintaining a free market capitalist libertarian society requires the majority of your population to be independent high IQ individuals. Which I why America did so well until recently, it was 90% white. I don't think a full ethnostate is necessary, Just one that is majority high IQ whites. 75% is an achievable goal if we are able to shift immigration policy in the right way.
And with the state Europe is in, there will soon be a number of high IQ whites looking to get away from all the cultural enrichment. It think if Trump is able to get his merit based immigration reform in place, and deport as many illegals as possible, we may see the demographics shift back in the right direction. Trump is basically our last hope at saving what the was was.
So you were a faggot loser and still are today. Nice to know.
from a liberal to close to becoming a nazi
Those hips
I was on the fence of both sides and now I realize the entire left needs to be gassed. They keep saying Trump is Hitler and I pray everyday he becomes him
>the hips
I went from a center-left libertarian, to a JQ-versed Natcap leaning more towards authoritarianism. I think it's been around seven months.
Used to be an annoying libshit, now just a boring right leaning libertarian.
Britt is sexier than Lauren
I was a Liberal in High School and early college.
When Trump ran for President I agreed with everything that he was saying and started hating how hostile and creepy the Left became. Now I usually tell people I'm some sort of Right leaning because I don't really agree with everything a Conservative would.
Started out as a christian fundamentalist conservative. Then I became an athiest and a basic bitch neo-liberal. Then I read The Myth of the Rational Voter and learned about the Austrian school in college and became an Ancap. Then I read The Myth of Male Power and became an MRA neckbeard. Then I found Morrakiu's Agreeing With Liberals for The Wrong reason series and that became my actual political ideology. So, Give us a $20 dollar minimum wage, so that employers won't want to hire women and minorities!
yeah pretty much
I was a full-blown lefty throughout my teens and twenties. Ever since entering my thirties I started becoming more and more redpilled. I now consider being Identitarian more important to my worldview than left or right politics.
>I don't really agree with everything a Conservative would
Like what?
she looks like the 56% face
Went from a libertarian capitalist at 13 to a social liberal at 14, a social democrat at 15-16, a socialist at 17, a tankie at 18, and a libertarian socialist/classical liberal since 19.
SJW and socialist -> classic liberal -> libertarian -> ancap -> paleoconservative -> racist paleoconservative
Seriously cant understand what those idiots see in that girl, she is not even hot, she is a fuckable girl, but not very hot. A att whore who gets money from virgins from Sup Forums.
Talking politics on an anonymous board is futile
> waiting for someone to notice me
Still not wrong
brittany is an ugly af mutt
I found the original image.
this m8
only thirsty beta orbiters think she is hot
fuggable at best
"i am not a titty streamer" brittany venti 2018
You can see the percentage white decrease with every new photo of Brittany.
voted for bernie in 2016 now i'm a nazi
>Currently 20
>normie Republican through sophomore year of HS
>2016 election
>civic nationalist
>Mises Institute
>American Renaissance/Alternative Hypothesis
>White nationalist
Democratic socialist -> Communitarian ->Fascist
Used to be nazi, but after spending a month at /his/, I became a muslim centrist
Fascism predates communism by 1800 years.
Ignore the 2016, I don't know why that's there.
How many people like you are there? I'm actually curious because if even 20-30% of the Bernie Bros found their way down the rabbit hole after the DNC's shenanigans we could see a Trump landslide in 2020.
Redpill me on Communitarianism user
I can't deny. I've only been here for a little over a year now.
went from a fucking capitalist nobody to an ethnic nationalist corporatist, though tourists and foreigners who come to study are welcome
>foreigners who come to study are welcome
So the state should use resources educating foreigners so they can fuck off back to India to be doctors?
>went from a fucking capitalist nobody to a
Larper. Pitiful.
For fucks sake you’re the political version of a person that has names for 70 genders
They believe that Mark, Lenin and Trotsky are the same person
I thought george w bush was an insane stupid asshole. now I think he was bretty gud desu.
no, it's to encourage other countries to join stop fucking their people
I hear this movie is like the Bizarro World version of Citizen Kane
yes, I had very different views.
it started simple with a sudden push of people complaining over dumb arbitrary things in video games and asking for them to be changed or people telling people how to feel
then hamburger helper happened
then Anita
then it kept escalating to the point when gamer gate happened
and after that it stopped being about video games it was bigger than just a interfering with a hobby, it started to effect and infect everything in every piece of media, and it's inescapable now.
the amount of escalation in just a decade has been absolutely ridiculous and saddening.
Sometimes I wish I was a oblivious to
it and didn't know any better because it's everywhere and I can't escape it and I feel hopeless at times. I increasingly hate humanity more and I find myself agreeing with things I wouldn't have before, even something I would've never thought to have been possible for me to feel, I small built up hatred or Racism towards a certain groups because of this entire decade, it has developed inside me due to all the racism that has blown up against whites, the ignorance, and the blatant disregard of reality over idealized deslunional realities that are drilled down people's heads to manipulate them. Christ I sound like a conspiracy looney, even though it's true.
I'll admit I sometimes I cry thinking of all the progress that was made for years and is now is all lost, and how this decade has taken a huge shit on it and reset everything back to zero. I hate this.
I don't even know what to call myself anymore, my ideals are so mixed and twisted that I don't even bother aligning myself to anyone or anything, not even centrists
Can't even imagine what people who actually live in US and Europe must feel like dealing with that, with a front seat view of society imploding on itself.
sorry for the blog post...
what the fuck why did Marx become Mark
my grandfather was bombed by you goddamn sons of bitches.
Lauren looks almost obese in this picture. How big is her beta orbiter army?
Are you actually Japanese or just a Western expat?
there are no Japanese on Sup Forums
What, was he working in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building?
you goddamn sumbitch.
Always thought myself conservative, then I learned what the core ideas of Libertarians were and realized that was closer to what I thought. Then I realized how degenerate Libertarians are. Now I don't know where I stand, i'm usually disgusted by how a lot of Libertarians act and don't want to associate with it.