Well white people? what now?
Black Panther basically just proved how superior we are to the world.
Well white people? what now?
Black Panther basically just proved how superior we are to the world.
Its imaginary. I feel like some people think that fact is irrelevant though.
Black people jealously hoard a precious resource and deny it to anyone that isn't part of their tribe
White people use their limited quantities of that precious resource to benefit the greatest number of people for a benevolent purpose
Lol but according to canon, the niggers got theirs from space, but whitey had to search all around the globe to muster up enough to make a disc. What a surprise, niggers claiming gibs even in movies.
Anybody tell that lil nigger it’s fake?
Me, on fat roastie whores:
>I'm a useless, lazy piece of shit that hates on her own kind because I want to virtue signal
>I'm a retard that can't think past the next meal time
>I think imaginary scenarios are real and reference pop culture in politics
>I'm a fucking cow, please send me out to the pasture and then slaughter me
more fictional conversations liberals have with their cats
Not to mention there was so little of the stuff available to the "White" people that the idea of them being able to research and figure out how to use it in any meaningful way is insanity.
I'll play this nigs game
Super fucking soldier. I swear this is their first Marvel movie.
shitlibs use their children to spout off their own opinions. They do it as a matter of course on social media
>"My son/daughter said"
really means,
>"I said this, but no one will listen to me because I'm a fat retard"
I bet she is a
>single mother
and her son is
> a cucked liberal left-wing pussy
White people: turn limited vibranium into a tool for fighting hitler
Black people: use their vast vibranium wealth to sit and smell their own vibranium farts not giving a shit about jews
This is the same generation that tries to understand reality through Harry Potter books.
fucking 8 year olds, man
Proof that white people are retarded and need to die off
I’ll take things that never happened for elevedy billion Alex!
Heh now do black people in real life vs white people in real life
Do you think with the obvious rampant dumbing down of society that in 100 years people will view shit like Marvel Movies as historical documentaries and the actual history will be lost to revision? Like niggers will be re-written as having been so technologically advanced and were always advanced and that Africa was always a thriving empire while Europe was a dump?.
I didn't watch Black Panther but isn't Cap an international superhero? Like hasn't he saved millions of lives with the help of his shield?
What exactly did Black Atlantis do for the world?
underrated posst
these people are so sad, treating a sci-fi movie like it's part of a lost history or an alternative universe that could have been.
>equating fantasy with reality
her kid is already a faggot and a retard, brainwashed by his whore mother from birth. hes fucked
>black people need space magic to form a somewhat functioning society that still manages to be tribal shit
>white people form better societies without any bullshit macguffins
Yeah, I really hate Esoteric Nazism too.
This is so true. It's fucking sad
It's a feminine thing. Women use "props" to say something they're afraid to say themselves.
>Black Panther basically just proved how superior we are to the world
its a work of fiction tho
Idiots can’t even follow a fictional story correctly? Whites didn’t have access to vibranium when the shield was made in the Marvel movies. It was a “rare metal”
God these people are morons.
>black people with literally mountains of vibranium
hoard it away and use 5% of it
>white people with no access to vibranium
find acess to vibranium and use it to defeat the nazis
I saw the movie today. My daughter really wanted to go. I held my breath, warned her about anti white bias, and took her.
Pleasantly surprised. They didn't make a I hate whitey movie. It wasn't very good but not because of too much SJW stuff. They had some plot holes, stuff like that.
Proof that bitches will tweet anything to be liked
>imaginary world
>equitable yet only black people
These are isolated ethno-states depicted as utopias. Even Wonder Woman has one. Every ideology has its bullshit utopia. Yet they can’t see the hypocrisy of it all
Wakanda is fiction. This bitch thinking that Wakanda is "most equitable and advanced society in the world" is real
This is the movie in a nutshell
Captain America owned slaves on Wakanda and had them make the shield confirmed.
My 8 year old asked me "daddy, trump isn't going to be like napoleon, is he?''
I told him the truth: "no son, he's going to be like hitler and kill you."
then he cried. Trump made my boy cry.
The plot is literally that Wakanda wouldn't share their vibranium, because they are xenophobic ethnosupremacists. Captain America's shield was the one exception. Wakanda reluctantly parted with barely enough vibranium to make a shield, because they didn't want to get nuked as the African equivalent of Hitler's Germany.
These are the """people""" who never invented the wheel or tamed fire when left to their own devices.
Teach them about the wheel and fire and what do they do? Create cars, railroads, industry?
>we give 7 fragments of the most powerful thing we have to the greatest American hero there ever was
>let's compare that to a fucking meteor deposit of the stuff
capeshit + liberal virtue signalling white women + social media = a terminal tumor
Africa is actually extremely resource rich.
White people are treating black people like babies.
Still racists
>white people have tiny amount
>give it to Captain Chad
>becomes global hero
This is so good. I'm in tears.
>be african nigger before whites come to continent
>live in hut, hunt game and sith with spear, try to not get eaten by lions
>what is the wheel?
>what is metal?
We wuz khangz!!
The fucking state of lunacy these niggers have.
What the fuck is vibranium?
The concept of niggers in Britain is still weird to me.
who the fuck took this photo
Remember, not only is Black Panther a work of fiction....
But it's fiction created by a white man.
Black folk can't even create their own fictional role models.
low test
look im all for black people trying to build there own society free from whit influence. EXPECIALLY africa
whites, asians, whatever
Africa needs to be nothing in nothing out
but its a fucking movie
LOTR people, LOTR
It something that makes niggers go from using spears and mud huts to building advanced civilization because they are too dumb to do it their self
These proto-humans descend further and further into jewish-engineered, fantasy cartoon world.
>i can take advantage of imaginary materials thought up by jews
Notice how she capitalizes "Black" but refuses to capitalize "white".
Also, why aren't majority black nations the most equitable societies in the world? The irony is that the Nordic countries (whitest of white) are, in fact, the most equitable.
ferguson resident here
or at least i used to be
im white so i moved a mile west to hazelwood
There is no such thing as Ferguson elementary
Theres wedgewood, combs, mcnair... Brown Juna Russel... And many more
but no Ferguson elementary
I call shenanigans on that photo. Probably a shoop
>It something that makes niggers go from using wooden spears to an advanced civilization that uses metal ones.
Black Panther was created by 2 Jews
Most equitable society in the world is an hereditary monarchical ethnostate?
Why, something we can all agree on!
When you put it that way I've got to side with the niggers on this one
Black "people" with the resources of africa.. Can't even invent the wheel.
White people living in snow.. Develop the greatest civilizations the world has ever known.
How fucking pathetic a race of scum that they need a fantasy movie to delude themselves into a sense of pride.. AND THEY FUCKING FLAUNT THIS TO THE WORLD...
Honestly.. they are useless and deserve nothing.
>thousands of years with an unlimited supply of a magical metal and just manage make some futuristic looking city that in reality looks like new delhi up close
Meanwhile in the outside world
>Americans give wealth/power to their best and brightest, and he saves the world with it
>Africans spread their wealth/power equally among themselves and do absolutely nothing with it
sounds about right
Her son is racist
her son is black
Kids prolly a mongrel too.
Apparently they have some sort of active camouflage that allows them to be white sometimes, and Jews at others. Still not sure how it works, but somehow, it always works when it would benefit them most.
well, damn.
>need a fantasy movie to delude themselves into a sense of pride
which appears to be exactly how it was promoted as well, meaning, it's not overzealous fans reading into things or whatever
your son, on medication:
black panther isn't real
they need to cruz down to the local headshrinker lel
being so fucking pathetic as a culture that niggers can only look to a movie to "feel good" about being a nigger
>according to canon, the niggers got theirs from space, but whitey had to search all around the globe to muster up enough to make a disc
This is the only thing that ever needs to be mentioned. Hell even in the shit show that was Origins: Wolverine they had to shoot up some third world guys military complex to steal a chunk of it and find the rest of the meteorite. It's an insanely precious/rare metal that Wakanda horded for financial gain.
Hey I can play by dem rules. This is my new character Racist Ralf, he's the ghost of a KKK member who died saving puppies from a fire, he came back to fight black crime and save America, he's also a billionaire and an astrophysicist. He has a country of super advanced racists white people that have been hiding in the swamps of Louisiana called Crackera, he's also their king.
Have you not seen a Worldstar video? The guy that took the photo and likely video was part of the angry mob.
Because white people are slaves at heart, they are capitalist cocksucking worshipers.
That was adamantium
Adamantium is an alloy that includes Vibranium and a bunch of other iums
>this is knowledge in my head, taking up space
Fucking shoot me
Fucking laughed
Shit like this might honestly work though, it may show how retarded the whole “fantasy is reality” people are
criminally underrated
but does it have unobtanium?
Me, on real life:
Black people with access to the most resource rich lands in the word: Can't build a functioning society outside of stone-age like tribal groups
White people with access to a moderate amount of natural resources: Become the most technologically advanced group on the planet and conquer the rest of it even to the point they start sending their own into space and to foreign celestial bodies.
I get fucking angry when these same people talk about how "I'm politicizing Star Wars/Zelda/Rocky/DBZ/Berserk/anything 80s" when I say that it talks about how it's up to men to lead with a controlled masculinity, and how anti-egalitarian in concept said series where.
Do they not understand that these fictions are simply restating an obvious fact about life? It's not like how Assassin's Creed says niggers ruled Egypt when that is just factually untrue, and thus political propaganda.
They already do informally. On the academic level? They will try and twist reality rather than completely suggest fabrications, but there will be "Had colonialism not happened they would have experienced a renaissance and become powerful much sooner"
Lol, now to wait
The watermelon robe or '3rd grade' wasn't a dead giveaway?
this is their end goal of course
They just want to see how far they can go without drugging the water outright
>negrodamus of assyria
>build a big frisbee
>one guy
Damn this must trigger Captain American fans.
It's amazing how the left continues to shit on white people and this country.
Honestly I don't think you truly comprehend the ego and inferiority complex of the modern black man, it would be comedy of the highest order if we didn't have to deal with it firsthand. The WE WUZ shit will continue to escalate and be egged on by cucked whites and the media. Shit like Black Panther and the upcoming "Black America" on Amazon are the cultural equivalent of the loser kid with no life prospects writing fanfiction about how he's going to shoot up the school, they're power fantasies that should get intervention not praise and encouragement.
Never thought about it that way, damn.
The creators aren’t white. They’re Jews.