Very Sad! Indeed Mr. President

Very Sad! Indeed Mr. President.

Other urls found in this thread:

>there is no collusion

If you say so Mr. President

>angry students and iPhone holding mom BTFO

>back to basics
What did he mean by that?


I got an idea. Let's claim there's Russian 'meddling' and get warrants to listen in on the Trump campaign for proof of collusion.

Oh we already did that?

And didn't find anything you say?

I think he meant stop trying to undermine our nation, and get back to stopping actual crime.



Leave it to our President to make a mass shooting of schoolkids somehow all about me me me.

>desire to kill people
>erratic behaviour
>disturbing social media posts

lmao this is literally 80% of millenials, of course the FBI ignored it.

Someone tweet this to The God Emperor

Maybe we should audit the FBI and if any bullshit is found we dismantle it?


This is probably the funniest instance of someone using a tragedy for political gain. Gave me a chuckle.

USA shouldn't have messed with the Ukraine elections "cookies of freedom " , pot calling kettle .
Take it like a bitch liberals ..
Democrats are going to nuke Russia when they get into power again

He literally said he was going to become a school shooter, and when that comment was given to the FBI (with his full name as the username) they ignired it and then lied to us that they couldn't find out who he was.

This was intentional.

day of the rope when?!

You're fucking retarded. The FBI let 17 Americans get killed, because they were too worried about 13 guys making non violent fagbook post. It's fucking ridiculous.



Where have all the russians gone?

stopping obviously deranged psychopaths from murdering kids = back to basics

He's still right.

FBI had a clear warning of an impending attack. They neglected it. So did the local police.

Same thing happened with 9/11 too.

Gibs one without the BMW logo

Does anyone know if it really is possible to look into every threat? "big brother is watching" memes aside, do they have the capability? The shear amount of troll posts, edgelords, and other fakers has to be ridiculously high

Well, at least this erases all doubt that this one was a false flag

Holy fuck, what a legend.

The FBI were also warned about the Boston Bombers also. Don't forget that.

Omg drumpf
>posts about gun control
stop politicizing this tragedy
>makes comment about white shooters
and leave our intel agencies alone
>openly lies about gun violence stats
they deserve our trust and res--
>gets shot by terrorist who was just denied a bulletproof vest because he was on the no-fly list


pretty good, user

Says the retard who loves his retarded faggot "President". I hope you and your whole family dies (except the ones who repent from Trump and redeem themselves by killing the others). There's no love for you, only hate. Hateful hatey hate. Die.
That'll surely teach you to call me "retarded" on the internet, Big Guy.



fake shooting confirmed

More political cartoons about our "sacred intelligence communities" who all media and politicians said we needed to have complete trust in just a few weeks ago

>FBI is so small that they can focus on only 1 case at a time.

ITT: total mental retardation

Based on the number of replies... Shareblue / Correct the Record / Media Matters eternally BTFO.

>itt fbi intentionally ignored warnings to push deep state narrative.

Can someoen remove the bmw logo?

>Some more FBI handiwork to reminisce on

FBI missed Omar Mateen nightclub shooter warning signs

Did FBI miss warning signs in Boston bombing?

San Bernardino terror attack warning signs overlooked

Navy Yard shooter arrested twice before

FBI missed warning signs on Fort Hood shooter

Man incorrectly sought by FBI in NYC attack speaks out

It's fucking crazy that people think effective gun-grabbing can occur smoothly in America. The same bloated, inefficient and woefully corrupt bureaucracy that let a threat of mass shooting slip through the cracks TWICE in the same state within two years of each other in the same fucking state (Omar Mateen) will somehow effectively disarm it's populace and prevent anyone from acquiring firearms afterwards. Better yet, people think they can vet people who *might* commit a mass-shooting when they missed out on people who PLANNED and THREATENED mass-shootings.

Then why did they refuse to investigate a man who was reported to them TWICE for being a potential school shooter? Why did they also lie about not knowing his identity despite his username on a post they were sent being his full name?

Either they were focusing solely on this deep state coup, or they intentionally ignored this guy. Pick carefully...

Excellent. Thank you President Trump for reminding me why I donated to your campaign and voted for you.


intentionally? proof?

It's called intelligence failure. Happens in our shithole countries all the time. It almost always comes down to laziness and incompetence, which Trump is not ready to say. All he does is talk about himself.

the president is trash talking glow in the dark niggers. 100% adoration.

There called algorithms faggot. They use them to screen comments to see if they are legit. The dude had multiple run ins with the police.
Wouldnt expect a poo to understand since 90% of the software your retarded people code has massive security holes or crashes


>shitposting on youtube is dangerous - by that logic Sup Forums is a nuclear threat to world peace

send my check to
c/o Sup Forums

>alright the FBI should act on all (((credible))) threats
>I think X should kill themselves
>Fuck you die you piece of shit

>all sound like potential death threats to idiots
>all (((credible)))
>eventually alluding to someone should kys becomes a crime

>thought crime is now a thing
>the first amendment permanently destroyed because muh feelings

How about no you fucking slippery slope piece of shit. Here to the FBI: given the chance I'd kill everyone one of you fucks trying to destroy our constitution.

They regularly screen these comments as well and have arrested several would be school shooters from Sup Forums AN ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD!.
Its called deep learning faggot.
Again wouldnt expect a poo to understand since 90% of the software your country produces has massive security holes and/or crashes.

Trump seems to be under the impression that the FBI is only like three guys operating out of a trailer.

You seem to be under the impression that they're NOT!

5 shekels

>have arrested several would be school shooters from Sup Forums

>do you have a single fact to back that up?

you can see eric in his face here.
i bet don sr wrote "choade!" in his response to nik's mail


We are watching you fuckers.

>retard detected and confirmed Forums-white-supremacists-bringing-gun-to-mi-1744412287

See this tard

Maybe I'm a little late to the party in thinking here but has the United States been having this many shootings because our intelligence agencies purposefully let them happen?

Can Garrison stop sucking Trump's cock for even a minute?

Youre not the only one thinking it tonight user

Fucking topkek

Unironically yes

Look into how the FBI has a history of infiltrating certain groups or mentally deranged individuals with undercover agents. They usually encourage the person(s) to commit certain terrorist acts and will even supply them the materials needed or will at least point them in the right direction. Then usually they will stop the person right before he commits the act and then they will count that as a thwarted attack for their stats. There are countless examples of the FBI being exposed for trying this, one time I believe one of their agents was reported to the FBI themselves by a mosque where he was trying to encourage people to plan a suicide attack. It's Soviet Era tier subversion.
Now consider that there are examples of the intelligence agencies carrying out false flags or wanting to(Operation Northwoods) and does it really take much of a stretch to conclude they might have let a few attacks purposefully slip through to push certain agendas(gun control, distractions from certain news stories etc). Remember, the people running these agencies are so entrenched in the system and have so much power that they have become corrupt to the core. You seriously think they wouldn't let some shitskin kill a few kids or fags in a nightclub if it benefited them in any way.