Who is the worst TM MC and why it's Emiya Shirou?
Who is the worst TM MC and why it's Emiya Shirou?
It's a tossup between Sieg and Ritsuka imho.
name a single good thing tm has ever shit out
>worse than sieg
Fuck off retard shirou is great
>Who is the worst TM MC
sieg and the self insert of fgo
Don't insult my king-fucking, hero-beating high school boy self-insert ever again.
Shirou isn't a literal rapist though
It's Sieg.
Emi yashirou is a pretty cool guy though eh makes swords and isn't afraid of anything.
In all seriousness it's seig.
I mean he ain't perfect but he's not bad either. Dude just wants to be a hero.
He's competing against
For one so I would say "unlikely"
lurk more faggot
Shirou > Tohno > Ryougi > Kiritsugu > Bazett > Gun God > shit > the rest
> implying T.Shiki isn't the most based one
Illya > Ryougi > Aoko >> Kiri >> Shirou > shit > Shiki >>> Sieg
> nu-Illya being the first
Was Extella THAT bad?
She's best. No contest.
Sleeper OP MC
Nasu can't write male leads. He says so himself.
Arihiko is probably the person who understands Shiki better than everyone
I see. How about their proportions, then? I've heard some startling rumors about Ciel...
Nasu: You can fit three curry buns in there
Because if you looked up the word autism in the Oxford English dictionary there would be a picture of Shirou.as the definition.
The concept of Heroic Spirits fighting over the holy grail is nice. It could have been used better than it is now but it's still nice.
Natsu is a shit writer. Most of what he writes are either pretentious shit (KnK) or a chore to read through (Mahou). He just has really good ideas but shit executions.
Sieg is way worse
Shiki > Soujuurou/Aoko > Shirou > Others > human excrement > Sieg
>He just has really good ideas but shit executions.
Is Nasu the George Lucas of Japan?
Man I love Shiki. He's just so fucking weird, they try to portray him like a good guy but he also does some really bad shit.
>Shit writing
>Has a long running franchise to milk
>Every thing must have a tweeest
Yep, he is.
Kiritsugu and Sieg exist, so no.
There is still Sieg and Aoko.
Does this mean that Disney will rape Fate?
It would be a mercy kill.
But Type-Moon is already ignoring all but the most profitable sections of their universe, and declaring anything that contradicts whatever new shit they've thought up this week non-canon.
Shirou is probably my favorite TM character.
>loli not being the best
This guy knows what he's talking about
Given UBW and HA's Caren scene, it's a pretty clsoe thing.
Finish reading HA
At least he can easily kill Aoko and shiki with his reality marble.
>ignoring all but the most profitable sections
But they focus on Fate which has been bringing in all the big money for years
Read the post again mate.
Shirou's Reality Marble is filled with Noble Phantasms, Shiki's head would explode before he could even think of looking for where he needed to stab.
> George Lucas of...
stop this meme
Nasu already said that Shiki can kill shirou projected np though
There is a difference between killing 1 projected NP and killing a hundred.
Arc could beat Gil if he only used one NP, even if that NP was Ea. But she loses when he starts spamming them. The same things happens with Shiki and Shirou. If Shirou projects 1 NP, Shiki wins no matter what it is, but if he spams them so much that Shiki's mind can't take it, something he could probably only do in UBW, then he would win.
>but if he spams them so much that Shiki's mind can't take it, something he could probably only do in UBW, then he would win.
This is exact situation Nasu was talking about and his answer is Shiki wins but then gets hit by overflow. It's double KO but in Shiki favor
Nasu's statement was vague af though
> ye, they totes can fight each other, it'd be a draw though
which Shirou is it, though?
Fate, UBW, HF ?
which Shiki is it?
the one from Far Side, who goes blind just from "killing" a bit of poison or the monster from Near Side?
> This is exact situation Nasu was talking about and his answer is Shiki wins but then gets hit by overflow.
does that mean, HF Shirou stomps?
Are you seriously suggesting Seig is a better main character than Shirou? A main character having a drive, flaws, and a history that informs the circumstances around those things is essential. Shirou has all of those things, whether you like what they are or not. Seig has none. He's a fucking no personality no drive character that's literally artificial just so that he can have no fucking backstory. He literally exists to be a bland self insert.
HF Shirou can't sword spam while Vampire Shiki won't overload. It's UBW Shirou vs Arc route Shiki most likely
Aoko can kill shiki though
I don't remember Nasi mentioning UBW, I'm.pretty sure he was only talking about regular Swordspam.
Sure she's Servant tier. Would beat both Shiki and Shirou. But Sensei wants to fuck Shiki anyway
>Sure she's Servant tier.
Is she? I was always under the impression that True Magic users were above servants.
Ciel route Shiki stomps
Servants now rank from "kind of superhuman" to elder god tier. She fits somewhere
Doesn't that make the Third Magic super broken, since it can resurrect people, including servants?
He said their powers work at maximum output. For Shirou it would be with UBW activated. I mean regular sword spam would burn him out in few seconds
Without Rin or Alaya I think UBW would wear him out even faster than Swordspam would.
Pretty sure you only pay activation cost. Swordspaming in UBW is free
>Servant tier
Shirou is not only servant tier he actually IS a servant. A rather strong servant in fact and not just a servant but a counter gaurdian as well.
Shirou would booty blast Aoko.
You mean Archer (and even then I think Aoko would win). Nasu said that max power shirou without Alaya contract would be roflstomped by Bazett and she's weaker than regular Ciel
Sieg exists, user.
That depends. Archer could just snipe Bazett from afar
Well yeah. Archer can beat lots of characters as long as he sniping from distance
>Without Alaya contract
He's referring to human Shirou bro.
Bazett can easily roflstomp even experienced mages if she isnt caught offguard. Human Shirou would be no contest
That's not quite how UBW works, it has an upkeep cost.
>she's weaker than regular Ciel
Only because she hasn't mastered her weapon. Though how Fragarach would help against Ciel I'm not sure, but Nasu has said they'd be equals once she does. Which really says something about Ciel, that it takes a human with a mastered Noble Phantasm to have a 50% chance of beating her.
And then Fragarach would activate and Archer would die
You don't mess with motherfucking Ciel
Ah yes Melty Blood, where Nasu openly admits Shiki has been buffed considerably to be able to fight everyone in the game instead of getting nuked in five seconds by everyone.
> Dead Apostle!Shiki gets his shit kicked in by Ciel
> Ciel < Servants
> HF Shirou with K&B could put up a fight against Saber Alter who is a high tier knight class Servant
autism for swords > autism for cutting up 10/10 qts
Archer is a bitch servant but him fighting tactically evens the odds a lot more than it should really. Heroics are overrated I guess
You realize that comment comes from MB manga where Shiki gets literally buffed via limitbreak? MB games story is canon.
Doesnt Fragarach only work as a counter when a Servant's NP is used? Just firing regular arrows seems like it would make Fragarach useless. Also, Bazett has to know the attack is coming to activate it.
>Dead Apostle!Shiki gets his shit kicked in by Ciel
That was days before his fight with Warc though. He matured as DA. Dude actually was exchanging blows with berserk Arc even if for only few seconds
>MB games story is canon.
You might as well call Carnival Phantasm or Unlimited Codes canon
It's all what-if scenarios and none of them are relevant to the main timeline.
Fragarach can be used as a regular attack, but it loses its conceptual counter ability. Was still strong enough to take off one of Herk's lives.
It works against any "Trump Card" which for servants is their noble phantasms, but would also be things like Reality Marbles, Marble Phantasms, Kerry's Origin Bullets, The Eyes of any given Shiki, True Magic, basically anything you can imagine someone going "I'm going to have to use THAT" before using.
>how to spot a gilfag
the thread, the experience
>A fighting game set after Tsukihime, jointly developed by Watanabe Seisakusho (French Bread) and Type-Moon. It was the first time Tsukihime had voices. It is the story of a certain vampire and a night of lies, during a summer different than the one in Kagetsu Tohya. The stage progression is in the style of Darius. It seems that a fighting game that advances in such a manner had been something the scenario writer always wanted. Take the upper paths and you'll be treated to a serious story, while the lower paths quickly spiral into absurdity. The game's subtitle is “Hologram Summer, Night on the Blood Liar.” The original plan was for it to be about an executor who was a sort of rival to Ciel appearing to fight Arcueid, but once production started the sample game ended up being so amazing we felt the need to whip up a worthy story within Tsukihime Canon to match. Of course, with a new heroine, one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, and even Arima Miyako, it was packed full of fan service, too. So, thank you, Watanabe Seisakusho! The amount of freedom as a fighting game is just great, and the mobility of the characters is off the charts. I hope everybody out there enjoys the pixel-art Tsukihime characters as much as we do!
>sample game ended up being so amazing we felt the need to whip up a worthy story within Tsukihime Canon to match.
That was because God Hand counts as a trump card, so it hit with A rank force.
Without that I think it's only D rank.
>Fragarach can be used as a regular attack, but it loses its conceptual counter ability. Was still strong enough to take off one of Herk's lives.
You misread that scene. Fragarach activated as a conceptual counter against Godhand since that's Herc's trump card, so it was at A rank. It can be activated as a normal attack, but it's only D rank if so.
There's still nothing remotely canon about Melty Blood no matter how much you whine that it is, Tsukicuck. The only canon entries in the Tsukihime timeline are Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya and Tsukihime 2 which never released. Next you'll say F/GO and Extella are canon.
>Nasu said it's canon
>N-no it's n-not. Y-you b-baka
Fuck off fag
> "and Tsukihime 2 which never released"
it won't stop hurting...
Why waste time in an "honorable" fight when you can just snipe from a distance.
Given how the remake is shaping up, I'm almost happy. Almost.
Archer doesn't have a Trump Card
iirc Ciel/Ryougi was only said to be able to put up a defensive fight against a Servant.
Yes, regular Ciel and 3rd personality Ryougi can only put up a defensive fight
Shirou and Shinji Ikari from Eve are literally the two worst MCs of all times
It's a tossup between Shirou and Illya imho.
>This post
How to spot a redditor.
Top human Shirou is the same as Archer.