>FLCL isn't randumb shi-
FLCL isn't randumb shi-
>shaming different animation styles
No, shaming westernshit styles. That's completely fine.
Love this meme
Justify OP pic
Why are you so desperate for attention?
>implying southpark isn't anime
It's clear no one loves him
Are you really this stupid?
FLCL, and this episode in particular is full of SP refences. Not only that, but the scene you selected is actually quite important to the character and what he represents. The sharp contrast between the two art styles is intentional and meaningful.
more annie may should have little freeze frame surprises
If I have to explain it to you then you wouldn't understand or try to either. The second someone calls FLCL random is the moment they are deemed a brainlet.
With only 6 sub-30 min episodes, FLCL is really tightly paced. Everything in it is either referential humor or plot related. The OP pic is actually both at the same time.
The reference is, obviously, South Park which is frequently referenced throughout the show, and in this episode in particular.
Without going into too much detail/giving too much away, the scene the OP pic is taken from says something important about the character pictured, specifically the contrast between how he wants people to view him versus how he actually appears to others. This is important to the plot because of what the character represents and what it says about the path the he is trying to lead the protagonist down.
Dumb weeb
> dismisses plot and symbolism, because of a comedic scene
>being an unironic weeaboo
pic related is kino
Xavier scared my 14 year old mind.
Are the two new seasons gonna be good?
I cant decide if FlCL needed a new season or not. I don't think it did. Feels like the original did what it was trying to do. Wrapped up its growing up story and shit.
I don't possibly see how they can be. I've been intentionally avoiding the promo material and generally pretending the new stuff doesn't exist.
One of the best things about FLCL was that there was no fat on it anywhere; no filler, everything was either plot or reference jokes, and everything was wrapped up perfectly. I don't see how an unnecessary second season can do anything but fuck that up.
The second season isn't gonna be related to the original at all though. It's not like they're gonna pick up directly where episode 6 left off. So if it's bad, it won't be that much of a shame.
Interesting. Like I said, I've been totally avoiding it since the announcement. It it's "not related to the original" than what the hell is it about?
user, you don't have blackout all news of this for the sake of... whatever it is your doing it for.
All we have to go on is a half minute teaser trailer. All we know is there's a new main character who gets involved with Haruko somehow. So as far as what it's about, your guess is as good as mine.
>than what the hell is it about?
About Naota becoming an adult.
Why'd you post south park? I thought this was a board where you discussed your shit taste in pedophile anime
Even if it wasn't meaningful it's just a small section of the show. Many shows do a lot of padding or add filler episodes to "fix" pacing issues.
It doesn't take away from the rest of the show at all and judging a show based on such a small segment is stupid.